Thursday, May 16, 2013

1) Bernard Finnigan and 2) The Cherryville Fire - Where There's Smoke There's Liars.

I don't generally judge people solely by what they look like, but more than one person has stated to me their intense dis-pleasure about the conduct of the Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography case, including the observation/question; "Have you ever seen anyone who looks more like a child abuser?" 

On Friday it was announced that 5 more Child Pornography charges against Bernard had been "thrown out" by the presiding magistrate. Only a week ago I posted my prediction that this is exactly what would happen.

The Facts: it is now over 2 years since the then Labour Member of the Legislative Council and Acting Police Minister Bernard Finnigan was arrested for possession of and/or accessing Child Pornography.

For nearly 18 months his identity was suppressed within South Australia as the case bounced from the Magistrates Court to the Supreme Court and back again, constantly under defense attack with multiple appeals and cross-appeals.

It was originally reported that he was facing around 20 ("nearly two dozen") charges, which were then changed, dropped, re-instated, etc, whilst going from one Court to another and back again.

Those '20 charges' became officially 14, and then 6, and now down to

In a report on the ABC Local Radio yesterday Adelaide Law Professor Mr Rick Starr (?-spelling, sorry) explained some of the ludicrous and gaping loopholes that Bernard's lawyers had used to get the charges thrown out, eg, if the prosecution cannot prove that the children are 'still under 14 now' and/or their age in the images, then those charges cannot stand; the search terms are not "specifically" indicative of child pornography, etc.

Lawyers, aren't they just fantastic...but the real issue is the ease with which they could manipulate the extraordinarily vast loopholes in the ridiculously convoluted legal system that continues to serve the needs and best interests of paedophiles..and it's not some sort of is quite deliberate...

And immediately following the latest 'charge dropping' comes all the usual vacuous chest-beating and hair-pulling from the Labour Party about how this is unacceptable and 'we'll legislate to close these loopholes', etc....poppycock and balderdash...

South Australia is so wholly controlled by the 'paedophile lobby' that even when the 'decent police' (and yes there are some) catch the Acting Police Minister via a SAPol sting 'Operation Decimate' that is targeting those who use the Internet for child exploitation, over 2 years after the arrest the case has been carefully manipulated down to one single charge...well done South Australia...and you wonder why you're such a screaming joke in the Eastern states.

Note: SAPol didn't go to Bernard's home and accidentally stumble on the child pornography, they had been tracking him via his own Internet activity...SAPol went to Bernard's home because they had already established that he was repeatedly accessing sites they were monitoring...they arrested him after establishing that he was repeatedly accessing child pornography on the Internet.

I note that Bernard, who was not elected to the Legislative Council but appointed by Labor, was immediately kicked out of the Labor Party with both former Premier Mike Rann and current Premier Jay Weatherill constantly screeching about 'innocent until proven guilty' (wait...they said he was 'innocent until proven' but kicked him out of the Labor Party...whaaaa?-Ed)...yeah, I know, but that's what happened...

I further note that Bernard has remained in parliament on his full salary, receiving over $280,000 of tax-payers money, and continues to vote on legislation, bills, etc, in the Upper is this in anyway appropriate?

I confidently predict that this case will be further postponed until after the March 2014 state election, and/or dropped due to some legal contrivance.

Attorney General John Rau was on the evening news last week lying through his teeth, stating that he didn't know what charges Bernard was facing...Bernard; his Labor Party colleague; his Labor Party's Acting Police Minister; a Member of State Parliament...the Attorney General doesn't know what charges...bollo(ahhhh, sorry...I'm goin' to have to stop you there...I mean, you're right, but, you did promise no more swearing-Ed)

Bernard Finnigan is the pro-paedophile corruption of South Australia personified, and the gross manipulation of the case to make it drag for years and then just 'go away' is the exact replica of what we families were deliberately, repeatedly put through by authorities whom all sort to protect paedophile teacher Glyn Dorling and the Lutheran Church.

2) The Cherryville Fire - Where There's Smoke There's Liars

As hilarious as this title is, CFS Bureaucrats Greg Nettleton and David Pearce need to resign before their incompetence and/or corruption gets some-one very nearly did last week at Cherryville where a family were forced to abandon their home to the blaze and literally run for their lives, and CFS volunteers and other property owners were left vulnerable without Air Support.

And yes, I know that yesterday I called for Mt Gambier City Councillors to resign, but that was 'to resign in protest about others behaviour', as opposed to 'resigning because of their own behaviour'...there is a massive difference.

The fire started from a 'private burn-off' mid-Thursday afternoon 09/05/2013 but aircraft were not used until midday on the Friday.

On the Friday evening TV News, in response to a question about this delay in deploying aircraft, Premier Jay Weatherill stated outright that it was because " was too expensive." was the cost.

Across the weekend in various interviews, several CFS representatives including Greg Nettleton and David Pearce told convoluted and sometimes conflicting stories about the 'contractual details' of aircraft contractors and/or aircraft availability; aircraft configuration (they weren't set up for fire-fighting); the time of day (it was "too late" on Thursday); conditions weren't suitable; the terrain was too dangerous; they couldn't get support of ground crews; same thing for the Friday morning-conditions, terrain, etc; etc, etc.

On ABC Local Radio on Monday 13/05/2013, Labor Minister (Emergency Services?-sorry) Michael O'Brien covered some of the other issues about contracts, etc, stated that the aicraft were ready to go 'first thing Friday, and made a comment that seemed to indicate that he 'flew over the area for 2 hours with the 'Incident Controller' (don't know-sorry) on the Thursday afternoon'....possibly he meant the Friday?..I don't know...

When my question was put to Michael O'Brien re Jay Weatherill's statement on the Friday, Mr O'Brien stated outright that "no" it was not for reasons of cost...Jay says blah, Michael says no blah...blah, blah, blah...

I have obviously paraphrased and unfortunately I missed some of that Micheal O'Brien interview, but combined with the previous reports, explanations, denials, contradictions, and stark realities, the facts are undeniable and the questions legion.

1)  Authorities cannot be trusted, from the Premier down, to tell the truth...(or have we strayed into the rarefied atmosphere where Jay Jay was the one actually telling the truth?..hmmm-Ed) (shut up-Me)
2)  Why, after the driest, hottest summer/spring in the history of time, and in the middle of a 'mini heatwave' that clearly had all the precursors for a 'good fire' (for lack of a better term), why was it not a Fire Ban Day... indeed, why wasn't the Fire Ban Season simply extended until 'season breaking rains'?

3)  Why does the CFS's Head of Aviation, David Pearce, repeatedly misrepresent indeed almost completely reverse the role of aircraft in fighting fires? As per his ludicrous comments about fighting fires in and/or adjacent Wind Turbines, he again clearly stated that aircraft were not deployed because they had no support from ground crews in the impassable terrain.

Aircraft are regularly used in terrain and conditions that make it too hazardous even not possible for ground crews to attend, and for observation/reconaissance in support of ground crews, etc; there are some situations where aircraft are the only option.

In a previous post I recounted the SAPol raid on the home of a Child Protection Activist at Cherryville and that Channel Ten landed a helicopter in their front yard at the bottom of the gully...I've stood in that valley and marvelled at the sheer and very heavily wooded would be nearly physically impossible to traverse much of that valley, let alone fight a fire in there.

These are extremely dangerous flying conditions, even on a good day without strong gully winds, smoke, etc, but David Pearce's comments are fundamentally compromised, demonstrably wrong, and have obvious implications for the safety of air crews, ground crews, home-owners, and communities.

Last weekend the Adelaide Hills collectively dodged a massive blazing bullet largely due to the hard work of volunteers, etc, but Lady Luck was very much along for the bad as it was, particularly for the family who lost their home, it could have been an absolute disaster.

In a previous post I called for Greg Nettleton and David Pearce to resign because of their definably compromised 'official' statements/position on Fire Fighting near Wind Turbines; and nothing I've heard in the last week has given me cause to do anything other than renew that call...

The issue now do you conduct a comprehensive review of the whole 'episode' with senior officials who are already lying about even basic aspects of the official response? 

Tomorrow: Lounge Lizards and Crocodile Tears 

Peter Slipper, Mark Thompson, and one of the most cynical displays of faux emotion I've had the displeasure of witnessing...Prime Minister Julia Gillard 'crying' whilst announcing the Disability Insurance Scheme..if you think I'm being harsh, just check out the footage and watch her eyes darting around...that is not a person who is consumed by emotion, that's a person scanning the response...disgraceful...

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