Thursday, May 2, 2013

Run, Rabbit, Run: The Abbott and Pasin Show

Apologies for late post...everytime I edited all of the expletives out, I only had punctuationings left. I dedicate this post to those whom have observed (off post) that I have been relatively quite "gentle" on the won't be disappointed.

I apologise unreservedly to those whom feel that the recent ride-by from our illustrious potential leader was a positive thing for them, please believe me that I take no pleasure from upsetting's others I'm after.

I fully support improved services and conditions for Carers and those they care for, but I completely reject The Pollie Pedal as a callous, soulless, stunt that is manipulating vulnerable people for shameless self-promotion.

If you want to be really nasty about it, and I do, this is the electorate being taken for a ride. As I understand it this 'ride' has been going since the mid 1990's. 

Mr Tony Abbott, if you were/are so concerned with the plight of Carers, then why didn't you legislate to provide that support whilst a senior member of the Coalition government under John Howard?

The Pollie Pedal as I witnessed it this year, here in Mt Gambier, was flagrant, base, crass Liberal Party self-promotion that taxpayers are paying for; taxpayers pay for every minute that these clowns slink from one photo opportunity to the next.  

I went to the Cave Garden at 4pm as advertised (much to the delight of several Liberal supporters) but was apparently just too late to see Tony Abbott speak, and then made the mistake of politely waiting whilst he did his photo ops, and then he was gone.

I asked Tony Pasin about the Question and Answer session I assumed Tony Abbott would be holding later on, most obviously probably at the Sir Helpmann Theatre, but obviously there was no such meeting. I put it to Mr Pasin that that was not good enough, but he stated that Mr Abbott had spoken to the crowd and that he had also spoken to people before hand.

Why hold a 2 hour forum in Kingston, 150kms from Mt Gambier, but nothing in the state's second city?
And what did Tony Abbott do rather than front the people of Mt Gambier at a public forum? He went to a private dinner with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and all the same, sad, selfish incompetents who have destroyed Mt Gambier with their corruption.

The irrefutable fact is, and how fundamentally appropriate, that Mr Tony "Mad Monk' Abbott spent far more time at a private dinner with a 'cult' and a bunch of self-serving sycophants and acolytes, than he did with the actual people of Mt Gambier.

This is what you get when you vote Liberal...and frankly Labor are increasingly the same.

(I think that it says a lot when reportedly the last PM or Opposition leader to come to Mt Gambier was Liberal PM Malcolm Frasier flying in on his way to his homestead near Hamilton; former Labor Premier Mike Rann did the same thing with the Catholics at Penola, using the airport but avoiding Mt Gambier.)

The next morning at the 8am 'Blue Lake Ride-Around' Mr Abbott showed up 15 minutes late, stayed just long enough for some more photos, and then shot through like a rat out of an aquaduct.

I went there with every intent but specifically chose not to bail him and Pasin up about the St Martins Issue because a) there were many children present, and b) the broader concept of supporting Carers; I didn't want to 'rail-road' the event and potentially upset even traumatise Carers and I said, I'm a large, angry hippy but the hippy bit isn't always apparent.

Here is what I have to say, and here is where I choose to say it...right is clearly, genuinely the most appropriate place.

The Border Watch has also been laden with Liberal propaganda and the afore-mentioned photos. Not really their fault though...I'm sure if Labor ever manages to come up with a candidate for either the September 2013 Federal or March 2014 state elections, that it will duly get reported in TBW.

However, it is just plain offensive to send me a glossy brochure, Tony, telling me what great work you've been doing;
          "Tony has always believed in standing up for his local community, which led him to serve
            as a Councillor with the City of Mount Gambier between 2003 and 2010 where he
            worked to deliver better services and facilities for local residents."

Tony Pasin is at the heart of the Mt Gambier City Council corruption and selfishness that I define under the title 'Rail Lands Retail Agenda' as per previous posts. He has used his time on Council in pursuit of his own personal gain and career aspirations with an abject disregard for the majority of, and at massive cost to, the people of Mt Gambier.

Come on Tony, send me a threatening letter about 'defamation'...I shrekin dare you!   (whoaho...who's an angry little camper today?....steady big fella-Ed)

What about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Issue, Tony? How about "standing up for" our children and for us and for all children and families? 

Tony are the endorsed Liberal candidate and potentially the next Member for Barker...what are you going to do about the abuse at St Martins and the Cover-up of that abuse that you have known about since 2002?

I'm fairly sure that the Liberal Party receives donations from the Lutherans, but I know as fact that the Lutheran hierarchy distributed a shiny pamphlet just prior to the 2004 federal election, urging fellow Lutherans to vote 'conservative' because 'they will give us more money'.

Cheap Shot Warning: Mr Pasin, if you are so damned concerned about small business in the seat of Barker, why is your pamphlet printed in Adelaide and distributed by Australia Post? Why haven't you used local printers and distributors?

Cheap Response: The candidate doesn't get to choose, it's a party decision, and anyway Australia Post deliver everywhere distributors don't.

And of course as 'Registered Mail' this advertising pamphlet can be described as 'not junk mail'. Clever.

Very Expensive Shot: Decisions by Tony Pasin and the Liberal Party bloc that runs Council have destroyed small business in Mt Gambier, making decisions to suit and profit themselves and a handful of mates that has seen an un-controlled explosion of Retail on the City Fringes while the centre slowly rots and Council debt goes through the ceiling.

Sorry, I'm not going through it all again, please see previous posts. I think the 'pulling up good pavers to lay ugly grey pavers' insanity sums it all up...of all the moronic things to waste money on.

I also genuinely believe that this Pollie Pedal Propaganda Pantomime is in direct response (both an acknowledgement of and a credit) to James DeBarro's strong position as the Nationals candidate.

Tony Abbott and Tony Pasin, or Julia Gillard (at this stage) and ???????.....dear god.

Tomorrow: This Week's Labor Party Child Abuse Cover-up

If you reckon today's post was an irretrievably angry, scandalously libellous screech of contempt, and you liked it ( know you did-Ed) then consider that as I have fought desperately to keep this post under control, so too tomorrow shall I place no such restrictions on myself.

All the contempt and all the anger and all the hatred. I know I'm looking forward to it. Cheers.

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