Saturday, May 18, 2013

TFTIM: Grant Distict Council CEO Trevor Smart and Wind Turbine Bias

On October 15th 2012 I went to the Grant Distict Council office in Commercial St to petition the Council to allow a formal 'Wind Turbine Moratorium Petition' as prepared by local 'activist' Ms Jackie Rovensky (?spelling-sorry Jackie) to be placed at Council offices.

I took with me the attached letter and the clipboards, etc, mentioned there-in.

Council had already refused Ms Rovensky permission to have the petition at their offices, but had not offered any genuine reason as to why they would not allow this perfectly reasonable and legal is clearly exactly the right place to have such a petition in such a large Council area to gain maximum exposure...and there in lies the problem.

Grant District Council don't want informed, democratic, objective debate on the issues around Wind Turbines let alone any form of officially sanctioned opposition, their commitment to Turbines is so compromising and corrupting...Democracy is a dead dog resplendent in a field of Giant Fans...

I refer to previous posts re Wind Turbines...the Fascism of the legislation, the rorts and preferential treatment for mates, the lies and deceits of developers and proponents, the is a template for politics in South Australia really.

In those posts I have briefly covered the Allendale/Acciona/Grant District Council Wind Turbine 'saga' and the extraordinary conduct of the Council that ultimately led it to side with Acciona in the Environment, Resource and Development Court against a single land-holder...and lose...well done again that man Mr Paltridge and your supporters.

Former Mayor and now MP Don Pegler led the charge to dump dozens of these massive Industrial Turbines on the Allendale community, and he and former CEO Russell Peate should be dragged by the scruff of their necks into an uncomfortable chair under a very bright light and made to sit there whilst residents file past to express individually their discontent...(may I suggest 'in stocks' in the Main Street-Ed)...yes, you may...

But that won't happen because the Local Government Gravy Train Express did the Dodgy CEO Shuffle late 2011/early is ludicrous to look at the highly orchestrated manipulation of appropriate process that saw numerous Councils in the state 'swap' CEOs and not see the collusion...and apparently moving public officials removes them from responsibility for their conduct in previous positions...we'll see...

The sudden dumping of the Green Point and Allendale Wind Turbine developments are mired in the definable malfeasance and official improprieties of the Grant District Council...whoever the Mayor or the CEO is...Richard Sage and Don Pegler and Trevor Smart and Russell Peate should all be required to front an official Inquiry...and why not invite Acciona...

I re-iterate my belief that both developments were dumped because of this malfeasance and pursuing these specific projects would increase opposition inevitably bring unwanted attention on the grubby details of their collective conduct.

I guarantee that dumping those projects does not end the matter.

Further, I re-iterate my concerns that Grant District Council and Acciona and/or another developer have every intention of tying to ram another development/s into the Allendale area, and that they need to distance themselves from the malfeasance attached to the original project.

When I attended Grant Council's office to deliver my letter and clipboards, etc, Trevor Smart came out to talk to me...and no, I don't know why...perhaps he didn't know who I was...I like to think I've become some sort of Local Government 'Rite of Passage' confront The Fletcher...grrrrr...

I would say credit to him but, he just denied, lied and stone-walled and kept saying 'We won't have the petition because we don't have a formal position'.

Very quickly he became cornered by the reality as explained by me in writing and person, and adopted the classic 'Stand There Silently With A Stupid Grin On Your Face' defence*...(clever-Ed)...and we just stood there looking at each other for a while...seriously...he just stopped I left...that was it...

Grant District Council are wholly compromised by their commitment to supporting Wind Turbines and clearly cannot be trusted to engage with this specific issue in a balanced, responsible, and genuinely democratic manner...and if they cannot be trusted on that issue........

Tomorrow: Mt Gambier Council Propaganda in The Border Watch

(I find that very hard to believe-Ed)...well read this.......(oh-Ed)...yeah, oh...

*The STSWASGOYF Defense is regularly employed by such luminaries as Tony Abbott, and is not to be confused with the equally successful but somewhat more traditional 'Stand There With Your Bare Face Hanging Out' ploy as regularly utilised by Wayne Swan, Peter Garrett, etc.

Each has it's place, and can be incredibly efficient, particularly when used in concert with the move Penny Wong has made her own, the 'Smug Self Satisfied Condescending Grin Masking Incompetence'.  

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