Tuesday, May 14, 2013

BINGO - Education Department Pulls Gary Costello Post

Another one bites the dust...aaand another ones gone, and another ones gone...another one bites the dust...and Ce-le-brate good times, Come on.

Sorry, sorry...but I'm just sooo excited that the great Lord High Master, the font of Child Protection influence, that Guiding Light that this week is called the Department for Education and Child Development, has deemed to peruse my humble, grovel, scrape, blog...I'm not worthy...

Apparently something is not quite correct with the post Wednesday April 24th 2013 TFTIM: Former Mt Gambier High School Principal Gary Costello, and the DFEACD...bow, scrape, grovel...in their infinite wisdom...genuflect, self-flagellate, call out in voices...have deemed to correct my malodorous misinformings.

Don't ask me though...I don't know squat...just another day, just another post pulled without me being notified by either the subject or Google...I am yet to receive any notifications from Google or DFEACD or Piper Alderman but I note that Revised Posts on Piper Alderman, Bill DeGaris, and SERDE remain on the blog.

At this point I am left still assuming that 'my opinion' is the issue because the factual content of those posts is, well, factual.

The Facts: 

During a 'welcome to high school' class orientation on Thursday March 13 2008 at Mt Gambier High School, the discussion moved to 'bullying', at which point several children disclosed/discussed abuses committed by teacher Glyn Dorling in 2002 at St Martins Lutheran School.

I found out the next morning and went into the school and spoke with Ms Carol Shepherd (?spelling) and part way through that conversation the then Principal Gary Costello entered the room.

I discussed the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up with Ms Shepherd and Gary Costello for at least half an hour, including Ms Shepherd saying that "...the teacher was horrified..." by the disclosures of the previous day, but that they (Mt Gambier High) had not done a Mandatory Notification....(urhh...I thought mandatory meant they had to-Ed)...yeah, it does...(oh-Ed)...yeah, oh...

After I politely insisted, the school/Ms Shepherd/Gary Costello (?whoever) did a Mandatory Notification.

When I spoke to the SAPol 'Paedophile Taskforce' on Tuesday April 18th, they stated that the Notification had been received but had been dismissed as "previously investigated".

It took me nearly three days to catch Ms Shepherd and Gary Costello, speaking to them both (albeit very briefly), and Gary Costello stated to me that 'the school has done what it needed to do, and we won't be pursuing the issue.' (paraphrase but damn near a quote)


In 2009 (possibly early 2010) Gary Costello was appointed as the Regional Head of the Dept of Education (DECS) with his office fronting Commercial St.

Shortly there-after Gary Costello received a promotion to Head of Schools (DECS) in Adelaide.


I have spoken directly by phone to a parent re abuse allegations at their child's Adelaide school (allegations that have been repeatedly discussed across the media) and who has attended meetings with Gary Costello in his official position as Head of Schools.

That parent stated to me that those meetings also involved multiple DECS (DFEACD- whatever) employees
and other parents.

That parent stated directly that they considered the behaviour of DECS and all of its representatives at those meetings to be 'intimidatory and bullying in defense of the Department and the accused Carer'  (paraphrase).

This is not hearsay, this is my conversation with a person directly involved.

I will do a further post this Arvo: Mt Gambier Master Plan etc. Cheers.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog.

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