Monday, May 6, 2013

World Fertilizer Shortage Averted: City Council Full Of It

Slightly repetitive post but critical and un-resolved issues that reach well into the future, epitomised by the massive Liberal mates rort that is the Main Corner.

If you need to see what's going wrong with Council, indeed with Mt Gambier, just check the front page of The Border Watch Thursday May 2nd 2013 and there's Councillor Des Mutton in front of the Old Hospital, article written by Sandra Morello.

Mt Gambier City Council doesn't know how not to lie about something, anything, and their screaming failures and bizarre spending priorities are solely about how they, the Councillors, can profit.

I repeat that I find it genuinely concerning that some Councillors do seem genuinely perplexed by the rampant apathy of the citizens of Mt Gambier re responding to Council initiatives, but others are clearly trying to blame citizens for what is actually their own (Councillor's) corruption.

The reality is that when people do speak out they are either viciously attacked or completely ignored, eg, Drainage Ponds; the Main Corner, Bus Shelter and/or Rail, etc.

I maintain that former CEO and now highly payed 'consultant' Greg Muller and former Councillors like Tony Pasin and the Liberal bloc that runs Council, have an agenda of syphoning off money for direct personnel gain and/or that of their mates, and to force Mt Gambier into so much debt that the Rail Lands must be sold for Retail Development.

Sorry...did I say syphoning off public money...I meant of course stealing Public Monies...Ratepayers Monies...Your and My Monies...former CEO Greg Muller stole $350,000 dollars on top of the money he syphoned off for his mates via the ludicrous Volcano movie and lighting contracts.

The lighting, the movie, and the $350,000 Greg Muller stole add up to nearly $2.5million... 

This is why so many people hate the Main Corner; not just because it is an ugly, un-necessary, elitist, Pork-Barrelling, Liberal Party self-indulgence, but because daily it reminds them that Council are self-involved crooks.

The whole building itself is a massive rort that has profitted a couple of Greg's mates; of course all to be handed to Councillor Des Mutton's son for free...Corrupt doesn't begin to cover it...but you gotta start somewhere.

Instead of wasting lord knows how much on stupid, pointless new posts along Keegan Drive, why not properly maintain look-outs and other tourism facilities...they are an embarassing disgrace...the Water Tower Lookout is a perfect example; half-way through the Christmas holidays the trees are just hacked down (it literally looks like a bomb went off) and left lying there, and litter everywhere...same at other lookouts, particularly around the Apex Look-out.

Large and light grey pavers are the stupidest possible thing to use in high traffic areas like the Main Street. Large pavers move and lift more easily if not layed perfectly, and it is a matter of time before they are covered in stains from chewing gum, dropped food and drinks, etc. These are well known and fundamental Civil engineering/technical issues...I know them...that Council is either unaware of or has ignored.

I confidently predict that they will not last one week before there are large vomit/alcohol stains all up the street, etched into the pavers for time immemorial by the alcohol and corrosive bile...a lovely collection of vomit splash patterns. In decades to come grandparents will be able to proudly point out to the grand kiddies 'that's where I threw up after Davo's 21st' as they pass the stains.

Until the corruption, incompetence, malfeasance and stupidity of the Main Corner/Rail Lands fiasco are independently, publicly investigated and appropriate charges laid, eg, against Greg Muller for stealing $350,000, etc, Council cannot be allowed to spend another dollar.

The lies that Council are already telling about the Old Hospital are an absolute carbon copy of the deliberate deceits about the Rail Lands (ahh, not the Rail Lands again-Ed)...yes the Rail Lands, because there is the exact template for what is happening with the Old Hospital.

Why did Council pay nearly 1/3 more than the property was worth for a building that they knew they could never afford to do anything with other than remove, and then lie about that with alleged 'public consultation' and an allegedly independent "structural assessment".

I believe that Councillors have used ratepayers money with a quite deliberate intent of helping former Old Hospital owner Mr Boots pay-off his debts, and I wouldn't be surprised if those debtors had direct connections to Councillors or were Councillors themselves.

Surely a "structural assessment" was part of the original Engineering Report as part of the sale process, along with environmental reports on current and/or potential contamination issues, etc. These are the lies that Council will trot out to cover, excuse, diffuse, whatever...the reality of what they are doing (or not doing, eg, the Old Rail Lands).

I think that Council needs to employ at massive expense a consultant, maybe a...orrr, I don't know...a Lithuanian Physics professor say, to advise them on how they might reduce Current Verticalised Impediments to Horizontal Integration by utilising Prevailing Gravitational Influences...that is, make the building fall down by using gravity.

Halfway through the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter project, Council needed an Independent Report for to tell them which way the wind blows...a ludicrous and corrupt attempt to reverse justify what they're doing anyway...and so to...

Tomorrow: The Mt Gambier Five Year Plan - Ratifying Institutionalised Corruption in Local Government 

I don't believe for a moment that everyone in Local Government is corrupt...just the people I've met...I'm lucky like that....(apologies to office staff, gardeners, etc, but I'd like to think that you already know that I'm not talking about you...)

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