Monday, May 13, 2013

South Australia: An Apple Cart Called Gravy Train

Massive Disclaimer: This post is riddled with hilarious facetiousness and relentless metaphorising. This post is not an incitement to attend a Councillor's home, anyone's home for that matter. As per previous post re "Christian Cuddles" this post seeks to 'highlight with humour' the grossly inappropriate behaviours discussed, not condone or encourage such behaviour.

As per previous posts, I am not an 'Anti-Corruption Campaigner' or anything like that, it just happens that the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that defines South Australia is quite un-avoidable, and behind that bulwark comes the plethora of selfish public officials who are either equally corrupt or simply weak.

This climate of absolute corruption entices and attracts malfeasance, indeed stimulates and encourages it, and those whom are not deliberately corrupt are either compromised and 'turned' and/or are inevitably tainted by the corrupt behaviours, actions, and decisions of those around them who are. A perfect example is Mount Gambier City Council and the Old Rail Lands/Bus Shelter and Main Corner issues.  (please see prev-posts)

The rampant and unrelenting self-focussed corruption of the 'Liberal Bloc' that runs Council, epitomised by the official litany of outright deceits to support personally profitable projects, contaminates and compromises every person on Council...hard as it may be to discern amongst the anger and critique politique, but there are people on Council for whom I do have some respect if not quite affection.

I don't believe for a moment that all Mt Gambier City Councillors are self involved crooks...just most of them...certainly enough to do the crooked bidding of other crooked officials and mates...but I'm still waiting for one of the two Councillors that have told me they will raise in Council the 'Von Stanke Letter' and the 'Greg Muller Theft of $350,000' , to actually do so...tick, tick, tick....still waiting...

Problem is, when you upset the Apple Cart you invite the public harassment, intimidation, and abuse of a crooked Council desperate to avoid examination of their corruption, and in a closed society like Mt Gambier, the 'Chinese Whispers', social manipulation, Pariahtisation (previous post) and subsequent isolation.

For example, what I and other parents have been subjected to by the Lutheran Church and good Christian folk of St Martins simply because we have tried to get something done about the abuse of a class full of 7 year old children by a Lutheran teacher in a Lutheran school.

And corrupt people knowingly operating in a wholly corrupt system make clumsy mistakes that precipitate even more corrupt behaviour...absolute corruption demands absolutely corrupt support.

For example; when Councilllor Ian Von Stanke came to my home (April 2011) and put the attached letter (as per previous post) in my letterbox, an act of direct harassment, intimidation and a specific written threat, because he didn't like the attention on his dodgy dealings with others on Council.

I had this letter reviewed by 2 lawyers whom both said the repeated mention of Council makes the letter an issue for Council to address (not dismiss) whether Council originally sanctioned it or not.

I tried to have Council deal with the matter but CEO Greg Muller flatly refused, and then new CEO Mark McShane responded with a secret Council report that exonerates Von Stanke without identifying at all what he is cleared of, and is all about what a 'complainer' I am, released secretly through The Border Watch...charming....oh, and corrupt. (copy attached)

Can't say I didn't try, but Council protected rather than sanctioned their corrupt mate...corrupt public officials protecting their corrupt mates...welcome to the Apple Cart...a Surry full of slurry...full of sad, borderline insane old men completely obsessed with a self-perpetuating sense of self-importance...corrupt, incompetent, and fundamentally dangerous.

Look at the damage that The Main Corner Project corruption (previous posts) has done to Mt Gambier; massive and increasing, un-recoverable cost; handed completely free to Councillor Des Mutton's son; totally uncontrolled Retail and/or Rural re-zoning and development in exactly the wrong places to pursue financial gains of specific Councillors, eg, Grant District Councillor Brenton James gets all his land re-zoned to what he wants and is helped by Mt Gambier Council who were obsessed with the Old Rail Lands Retail Agenda; etc, etc, etc.

In the last decade Mt Gambier has been...and there's no other way to say it (careful-Ed)...rooted (fair enough-Ed) by the corruption of its elected and public officials...and that's before you even start with the scummiest of the bags, Rory McEwen...and the SE Forestry Sale, St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, etc...hello Rory...

And that rampant corruption leads corrupt public officials like Brenton James to do stupid things like go to someones home and harass them on their doorstep. This was briefly covered in the local media and I have heard several specific if slightly different accounts, namely, that when Grant District Council was moving to re-zone Cr James's land adjacent Millicent Rd, for varying reasons many people were opposed, and Cr James went to one 'opponent's' house after dark one evening.

The actual chain of events is sketchy from there, but I understand that there was a 'physical altercation' and that Cr James tried to have the home-owner arrested but those charges were never officially laid or were withdrawn quietly...and it all went question in my mind that Cr James's mates told him to pull his head in because they didn't want any sort of scutiny applied to the dodgy Re-Zonings...

An Official Warning: It has been repeatedly put to me that I need to consider my personal safety re Councillor Ian Von Stanke because he is "an arrogant, ignorant man" who "has access to fire-arms". So Cr Von Stanke, indeed all Councillors, if you come near my home again (uninvited) or near my family and/or their homes, I will consider that I need to defend me and mine...and I will do so with animated commitment...

But that cannot be considered a threat Cr Von Stanke, I am an avowed pacifist; for example, when I saw you and Sandra Morello talking at the supermarket a month ago I just quietly went about my business...but come near my home again and I'll go about your business, Ian.....

To that end, and following the tenant of the Christian Cuddles ethos (previous post), my personal experience and the official, dismissive responses fom Council CEOs Greg Muller and Mark McShane mean that it is perfectly acceptable to go to a Councillors house to express your displeasure.

So, for example, if Council approves a massive phone tower right across the road from your home with a complete disregard for you as a resident and how it might affect property prices and potentially your families health, etc, it is perfectly acceptable to go to Councillor's homes with your concerns.

And according to former Councillor Brenton James, the Grant District Council, Mt Gambier City Council, SAPol, etc, it's perfectly appropriate to punch on with them...if you feel like it...

Massive Disclaimer II: This entire post is a scathing criticism of this exact sort of behaviour, and I use this last statement purely to illustrate exactly how inappropriate that behaviour is...It is strictly not appropriate to go to a Councillor's home, anyone's home, unless they invite you.

But following that same logic...(logic?-Ed)...I summon 'The Power of NumbSkull'...and in defense of those beseiged residents I promise that if a phone tower is built at/on that site, then I will channel the powers of MP Don Pegler in threatening to knock it over myself with a bulldozer....(what the hell does that mean?-Ed)....remember?..just before the 2010 state election, candidate (now Member) Don said that he didn't care about the relevant laws, he would drive a bulldozer though remnant native scrub to enlarge the Port MacDonnell cemetary...remember?...(oh yeah, he did too-Ed)

But I digress....It's the old joke - 'it's not the case of a few bad apples making the rest of the barrel rotten, you have to be rotten to get in the barrel in the first place'.

And that Apple Barrel is set on a cart full of eager apples, all clamouring to get into the rotten barrel and subsequently propagating the status quo, ensuring the continuity and cohesion of the barrel into which they so desire to immerse themselves...and there will be no upsetting the Apple Cart thankyou very much...and if you do, you're off buddy before you can get anywhere near the Barrel...

And as you establish institutionalised structures of corruption across all levels of government, so the cart becomes carts and therefore a train...The Gravy Train...

And this is where we meet the pseudo-Democratic Fascocracy and institutionalised corruption of South Australia...The Apple Cart Called Gravy Train.

And yes, I know, this is what it's like everywhere...but that is exactly my point...we in Mount Gambier, let alone South Australia, let alone Australia, are in no position to criticise anyone for the gross corruption and/or incompetence of public officialdom.

So call it what you will...The Apple Cart Called Gravy Train....A Gravy Train Called Apple Cart...but the poor suffering horse (that's us plebs...speak for yourself-Ed) is always put last...the cart is always before the horse...and there's a whole bunch of other mixed metaphors around the carrot and the stick, etc.

The Barrel is the carrot and the mud beneath the cart's wheels is the stick, or, put the carrot on the barrel and convince the horse that it needs to push forward for the prize that is always there to be seen but is definitively have to get on the cart to get that carrot, and to those on the cart already, the Barrel is the carrot...(orrr, stop brain hurts-Ed)...yeah, sorry...

And it really is as simple as looking at the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.

Look at what your elected officials and upstanding community leaders refuse to see because they all know the fastest way to get ejected from The Gravy Train is to say "ooo, look, paedophilia"...It's a guaranteed one-way express ticket to the mud under the wheels...

Tomorrow: The Greater Mount Gambier Master and/or Five Year and/or Strategic Plan

There is no 'plan', only desperate efforts to officially retrospectively ratify the rank corruption of Councillors and public officials.

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