Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rory McEwen and the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up: Letters from 2007

Sorry for late post that is a bit shabby, a bit short, and yet a bit long, but I have wanted to do this post for a while anyway. Will post today's post tomorrow...if you see what I mean.

The two attached letters are my letter 28th March 2007 to then local MP Rory McEwen re the meeting between him, myself, another parent, and one of Rory's office staff, held on 22nd March 2007 at Rory's Electorate office here in Mt Gambier...and Rory's such...

I have mentioned these in previous posts, and maintain that Rory's response is that of a guilty man acting like a bunny caught in the spotlight, a spotlight that is a construct entirely of Rory's own making, fueled by his own guilt...but it is not so much a self-constructed spotlight as a self-fueling bonfire...and in the flickering shadows dance the dreaded ghosts of deeds so done and the demons of accountability...

Rory received our letter and went 'Shrek...this is so accurate they must have prepared it fom a recording...oh my god, they recorded it...quick...stonewall...panic...send me a copy.'

If he didn't have a possible recording dangling over his head, he would have done the standard 'I've done everything I said I would...authorities investigated,' etc. I'll dig out and post the articles where Rory makes these statements in The Border Watch.

I maintain that Rory's response quantifies just how accurate our letter was...and of course we didn't secretly record that meeting...his guilt and his fear made him leap to conclusions, but even in doing that he only confirms everything in that letter...

But don't take my for yourself and judge whether I've over-reacted or mis-represented this issue.

One thing that remains un-arguable...Rory confirms that as late as March 2007 we were still trying to resolve the St Martins Child Abuse issue via the appropriate people, including him, and that was nearly 5 years after he first stated that he would help us.

My name is Nick Fletcher, this is my blog, these are genuine documents...(go you good thing-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Today's Post re City Council Propaganda, etc.

apology first page removed but will replace - tech problems....sorted - NF...

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