Monday, May 6, 2013

Piper Alderman Lawyers Pull Post of 01/04/13

Very quick post.

Still yet to hear from either Google or DeGaris Lawyers re the removed posts 25th and 26th March, but note that Revised Posts about exact same issues remain on the blog. ChillingEffects site says Degaris Lawyers lodged complaint but 'still to be processed'. (now 5 weeks)

My post 01 April 2013 'Piper Alderman Lawyers Accept Money To Protect A Paedophile' has been pulled, again without me being notified by either Piper Alderman or Google, and the ChillingEffects site says complaint lodged by Piper Alderman but 'yet to be processed'.

Apparently Piper Alderman have no problem accepting money from the Lutherans to help protect a paedophile with empty and vaguely illegal threats, but they do have a problem with admitting it as per my post.

I note that the very letter that confirms the facts of my removed post 01/04/13, as posted later that day under PALAMTPAP II, remains on the blog...whaaaaaa?

Yet again it appears that my opinion about these people is the issue, but it is un-acceptable that some law student can Censor my personal opinion that is clearly based on factual statements and direct personal experience just because some dodgy lawyer rings them and whinges about it...

I will revise PALAMTPAP 01/04/13 and re-post.

A thought - why is it I can repeatedly state as fact that former CEO Greg Muller has stolen $350,000 from the Main Corner Project (oops, there I go again) and not have that post removed? I think there's something in that for all of us.

I will contact DeGaris and Piper Alderman Lawyers and Google and ChillingEffects tomorrow, and post results asap.

My name is Nick Fletcher...and this is my blog.

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