Friday, May 3, 2013

This Week's Labor Party Child Abuse Cover-up

Covering-up child abuse is not just another Liberal Party policy that Labor has stolen so as to undermine Conservative support, it's a primary motivation, a fundamental cornerstone of how the Labor Party operates in South Australia.

It is a theory espoused long before I became actually political (not just opinionated...and yes, there is a very big difference) that Adelaide was/is effectively controlled by paedophiles, and many people credit that absolute darling Don Dunstan for giving them that control.

In my exposure to various Child Protection 'activists', abuse survivors, etc, the running joke, sad as it was, was 'Who was the last SA Premier who isn't a paedophile?' And the punchline is...that there is no punchline.

Seriously, who was the last Premier of South Australia who isn't a paedophile? Who was the last Premier of this sad, sick, State of Decay where people like Rory McEwen, Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Patrick Conlon, Michael Atkinson, Kevin Foley, Grace Portolesi, Eugene Magee, Bill Morris, etc, etc, etc, where these are the people who prosper?

Here's another joke; what do you call it when you get Jennifer Rankine, her husband Michael Atkinson, Mike Rann, Rory McEwen, et al, put them in a sack, and drop them off a bridge? You call it a waste of a good sack.

Former Attorney General and now Speaker Michael Atkinson is right at the heart of the child-raping freak show that is SA politics, and is one of if not the key player behind the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.

Amongst other things, he was personally responsible for taking the very first Flinders Child Protection Service reports of our children's statements off FCPS and handing them to the Lutheran's lawyers to be edited...deadset...that's how corrupt Michael Atkinson is...and he's now Speaker.

Come on...anyone...tell me politics in SA isn't run by the paedophiles...well at least say it and keep a straight face.

Oh, and Liberals...Mark Brindal...had sex in the bed in his electoral office (about 2004/05?) with a 19 year old intellectually impaired young man (with an identified mental maturity of about 10) who was/is a ward of the state.

I'm no lawyer...but I'm fairly sure that that is Unlawful Sexual Intercourse and/or Assault and potentially Statutory Rape of a juvenile in that the young man could not knowingly give consent, and of course, an act of Gross Indecency in a Public electoral office is a 'public place'.

And wow, did SAPol throw the book at Mark...yeah, sure it was the latest copy of Oily Buff Studs...but it was the Bumper Holiday Issue...nearly 30 extra two fold-out posters...and bonus DVD...

And the Liberal Party?...were absolutely incandescent with rage, immediately dumping Brindal from the party and forcing him to resign his position in parliament and...what?...they didn't sack him from the party?...oh, um...immediately dumping him from parliament if not the actual party, and...what?...or force him to resign his position in parliament?...oh, ah right, ummm...well, what did they do?...they were so furious they sent him to sit at the back of the room...on the naughty chair presumably.

Mark Brindal raped an intellectually disabled 'boy', in his electoral office, and not one single charge from police, and he remained in parliament on the Liberal Backbenches.

For some strange reason I feel drawn to utter the mystical words that are forbidden to us mere mortals by... those higher beings, those stout yeomen and yeowoman, the completely respected and totally honest, not at all compromised by the pro-paedophile corruption that defines SA......the Courts.

And so it must be, three times...Bernard Finnigan, Bernard Finnigan, Bernard Finnigan....and then begin again...

Oh, and wait...I'm sensing something...something about acting Police Minister...who seems to be entertaining several police officers at his home...and the nice officers appear to be helping the Acting Minister clean his car...oh, and his house...yes, they're definitely carrying bags of stuff out for him...and now they're giving him a lift in their car as well...oh, how very generous...they must all be going to the same place......

I've got to say though that whilst it's lovely to see people helping each other like this, really it is, using SAPol resources in such a manner is highly irregular, and I saw Premier Mike Rann on the TV...didn't look too impressed  when he was greeted with the news...probably concerned about SAPol's resource allocation and budgetary restraints...yeah, that'd be it...

And now the abuse.

Another week in SA state parliament and this weeks Education Minister Jennifer Rankine tells this weeks 'lie to Parliament' about this weeks Child Abuse Cover-up. She stated outright that further abuse exposed at an Adelaide school was 'new evidence about the original 3 victims, not new victims'.

But that's a lie isn't it Jennifer?...because it is 2 new victims...two more 8 year olds who couldn't go to school in this state without getting sexually assaulted...where's that sack?

This follows former Minister Grace Portolesi not just lying in Parliament about the same case, but doing it by denigrating and blaming parents in trying to defend her own woeful, corrupt the sack please Grace...

Enter Gail Gago...lies through her teeth on the floor of Parliament about the Sale of the Glencoe Nursery... and what happens?...nothing....Gail...the sack...go on...

What I found most truly offensive about Ms Rankine's lies, was the statement that this was 'only' more abuses discovered about victims already known, as though that somehow that made it less vile and abhorrent.

But she was not only offensive in her tone and inference, she was completely wrong, because the paedophile that she as the Minister, her Education Department and her Labor Party have all been so vehemently protecting, eg, lying repeatedly in Parliament; sending Gary Costello to threaten and bully parents; etc, has abused at least 5 young children.

Get in the sack, there's plenty of room Grace...just budge-up a bit...he can sit in the corner... thankyou.

I might end here with the observation that my hatred for these people is so palatable as to be almost could almost touch it...and I know it wants to reach out and touch a couple of these people itself...but that would not be appropriate.

But I do feel comfortable saying that this state Labor Party are scum...absolutely corrupt pro-paedophile scum...dropping them off a bridge would only pollute the water...

Tomorrow: Sunbeams and Buttercups

Whaaaa? Good news everyone!...a post about positive thingamees...well, sorry, actually no ....Skin Cancer and Feral Plants...hilarious aren't I?

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