Thursday, May 30, 2013

1) The Seat of Barker, and 2) Mayor Perryman's Budget Threats

A week is a long time in politics but a life-time for a gnat, and thus nature restores the balance...(what does that mean?-Ed)...I don't know...I got nuthin...(oo, I don't like the sound of that-Ed)...alright...woohoo, I've got nuthin' yeah...

When I started this draft only a few days ago, James DeBarro was the National's candidate for the seat of Barker, but he has now withdrawn citing business and/or personal issues that must be addressed. His campaign manager Mr Miles Hannemann may now be the candidate following a new pre-selection process yet to be held.

That leaves Liberal Tony Pasin as the sole officially declared candidate for the electorate of Barker...

Local Labor identity and City Councillor Jim Maher wrote into The Border Watch (15/05/13) and there was a letter in reply from John Williamson, whom, from his letter, I believe to be a Liberal supporter. Rather than tit-for-tat between the letters I have attached them below.

Here is a 'classic example that defines the reality' example of how two opposing positions can both be true...they are both right...which defines the reality...that both major parties have grossly failed the electorate to the degree that they can openly denigrate and criticise each other and both be correct...

And the only constant and the only point of agreement, is that which is already defined by their disagreement...(waaahhh?-Ed)...each side agrees that the electorate has been poorly represented but blames the and of their own individual behaviour they acknowledge their collective failings...(waaahhh and huuuu?-Ed)...I know, but bear with me...

Jim Maher is correct on many points of fact, and the actions of the Liberals themselves confirm a good part of what he is saying, eg, during pre-selection the Liberal party have dumped their own long serving current member of parliament, showing even they are not happy with his representation.

John Williamson makes the very valid point that there is not a Labor candidate for the federal election (or state election-NF), and names the Maher's son Kyam as a potential candidate. Mr Williamson is correct in stating that Kyam Maher should run if he is so concerned for the South East, but won't give up a safe 'appointment' for the risk of an election. 

Jim Maher's letter refers/responds to federal Liberal candidate Tony Pasin's "contribution" in TBW 15/05/13, but I have not included that because nobody cares what Tony thinks...(owww, chikka, chikka, owww-Ed)...what does that mean?...(, know...-Ed)...mmm...

I have covered many of these points in previous posts.

Anyway...the most immediate idiot that Mt Gambier needs to deal with is Mayor Steve Perryman who is absolutely responsible, along with former Councillors Tony Pasin, Mr Kyrimis, and Mr O'Donough, former CEO Greg Muller and the rest of the Liberal set running Mt Gambier City Council, for systematically rorting ratepayers money, destroying future development and local businesses, and openly abusing anyone who speaks out about it.

Steve Perryman's letter (TBW 29/05/13) is one long lie that again deliberately misrepresents the reality of rate rises, punctuated by a long, clumsy threat to pull funding from other projects and basic services like park maintenance if Council doesn't get what it wants..."...or we can look at council's operational budget...", followed by "Perhaps council needs to examine other budget areas,..." and then goes on to list some of the things he's threatening. Appalling and unacceptable.

Please find attached Mayor Butterball's letter...(personal that appropriate?-Ed) my posts re his extraordinary behaviour at the first 'Budget Consultation' and the March 2010 pre-Election Forum...petty thuggery and intimidation from a little man...

Mr Perryman believes that he can abuse and threaten me with impunity because he knows that he's not going to get the smack in the mouth that he has so thoroughly earned with his appalling conduct...but you're on notice time you try a little stunt like last Tuesday (leaning over me, etc) I'm not going to stay seated, I'm going to stand up...quickly...nothing else...just stand up...and if you have foolishly placed yourself inside my personal be punches, no violence, no threat...but a rock solid promise...

Mayor Perryman this morning on ABC Local Radio, again misrepresented the rate increase reality, even after some-one rang in and corrected him, completely contradicted himself about how Council's 'borrowing habits'* are 'to save first and then spend'*, and outright lied about "the forums" that he has attended. He showed up halfway through Tuesday's meeting and spent most of his time attacking me, and didn't even show for the other two. (*paraphrase)

Mayor Perryman is receiving a massive rate-payer funded income but simply doesn't show up to many things he should, and is in and of himself quite happy to lie about it on public radio. Unacceptable.

Must rush...meetings to go to, Councillors to annoy...toodle pip...

Tomorrow: Yet More Wind Turbine Propaganda on ABC Radio

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