Sunday, June 1, 2014

SAPol Raid My Home - Reprise

Hello United Kingdom, United States of America, United Arab Emirates, the United Nations, and all my fellow Units in the Unitverse and welcome to the blog...(sorry? the Unitverse?-Ed)...yeah, it's the Parallel Dimension/Reality/whatevs where in exists the Unit...(ah, I get it, it's not 'united' as in together, its 'united' as in having been made like a Unit, a Unit being a person, eg, 'he's a hard unit'-Ed)...yes, but specifically in this context, the most common utilisation and application of the Unit, being 'he's a loose unit', he's a bit crazy, etc...          

But First: I forgot in yesterday's (earlier today's?) post that Mt Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman was included in the Forsetry SA 'Voluntary Redundancy' debate stating that the impending $3-4million of lost wages not coming into Mt Gambier won't affect the Mount very much...(not that it'll affect him in any way-Ed)...exactly...furthermore, having acted for so long now to further his own business interests at the cost of Mt Gambier ratepayers, Mr Perryman has lost any right to talk about the welfare of the people of Mt Gambier and the Region...(right on comrade-Ed)...

Wednesday 7th May 2014

At approx 1430hrs two SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch detectives lobbed on my doorstep, camera in hand, wanting to come in and interview me re something I'd put on this 'ere blog about a certain SA authority but they weren't allowed to say exactly what, an authority that I'm not sure I'm even allowed to identify...(here we go, this is just ridiculous-Ed)...certainly is...I was not under arrest, spoke to them outside briefly, and agreed to meet them at the Mt Gambier Police Station next morning at 0900hrs...I spoke briefly with Community Legal Services who couldn't really advise me, and resolved to attend MGPS with a letter requesting explanation pending proper legal advice...

Thursday 8th May 2014

Attended MGPS at 1900hrs with my letter, the female detective read it and then stated that they (her and her partner) were coming to my home to execute a Search Warrant...there was a brief phone discussion with CLS again and following that advice I declined to be interviewed at which point the female detective stated that they were going to not just search my home but also seize my laptop...she brought up on her computer a section of the legislation I've supposedly transgressed, pointed at it and said "you've done this" and stated that they were here to gather evidence for the DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions) with a view to me being charged, "expect to be charged"...

I was handed a printout of what was on the screen, nothing was officially recorded, and we went to my house (where I was very fortunate to have a support person attend) and the detectives showed me a very dodgy looking open-ended anonymous alleged Search Warrant but refused to provide me a copy, and we went inside...I handed over my laptop as requested and my password as requested and found a couple of related letters which they photographed...there was no dramatic overturning of furniture or paperwork swept onto the floor with a furious flourish, it was all very polite...

The whole time they were at/in my home, I and/or my support person...(not a blog availee but we forgive them-Ed)...quietly went at the detectives about the various other issues on this 'ere blog, not least of all the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and what we thought of the fact that with all that's happened...(and all that hasn't-Ed)...indeed...with all that, it's an already deeply traumatised parent that gets SAPol in his home with a camera and a Search/Seizure Warrant, not any of the corrupt public officials responsible for St Martins et al...

And when I talk about corrupt public officials I mean of course Rory McEwen, Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, et al, SAPol, the Teachers Registration Board, etc, etc, can't show me a senior South Australian public official who isn't complicit in the Cover-up of Child Abuse at St Martins, least none I've dealt with...and of course there's the bloody Lutherans themselves...take it from a crazy man, them Units are absolutely insane...(sob, such poetry-Ed)...sure, but I digress... 

In a moment spookily reminiscent of the SAPol raid of a Child Protection Activist's home back in April 2005 (in previous post April 6th 2013) the first thing on top of the several piles of newspapers and documents, etc, on my kitchen table was a letter to the then SAPol Mt Gambier Station head cop, Superintendent Mark 2005 the cop searched my bag and the first letter he found was one to then SAPol Commissioner Mal Hyde re the St Martins Cover-up...he read the first couple of paragraphs then quickly replaced the letter and no more was said about it...(hilarious all things considered-Ed)...indeed...

So it was on 8th May 2014 when I handed the detectives the Mark Fairney letter asking if he had a recording of when he called me (and some other parents) in early April 2006 to say that the DPP, SAPol, etc, had dumped their alleged "re-investigation" of the St Martins case, only weeks after the March 2006 state Election...implicit in that request but not acknowledged was that I knew Skid had quite illegally recorded those calls because I'd read the copy he provided another family of their call...I wrote several times but never even received a response...

(Um, why 'Skid'?-Ed) was Mark Fairney that I ran into that time at ABC Radio reception when I hadn't even said who I was and he went ghostly white, started shaking so hard he accidentally threw his phone along the counter onto the floor, and then rushed out as soon as he was done, clearly terrified...(ah, and so hence 'Skid' Mark Fairney-Ed)...exactly...(hilarious-Ed)...if it wasn't so serious...(fair enough-Ed)...again I digress...

The two detectives briefly went through my home to make sure there was no-one else hiding here but basically didn't touch a thing...I have no problem admitting that it was in the side of my mind...(I was also very concerned-Ed)...that one of them would suddenly 'discover' an unregistered gun or a big bag of smack or some such and I'd get my flabby carcass hauled to the clink...('smack' is Heroin, itself actually a brand name for Morphine derivative-Ed)...just fascinating...moving on...

After the event I feel somewhat foolish because the two detectives were ultimately quite polite and I think a little shell-shocked with the extensive discussion of St Martins, etc...(not least of all the several times they were availed of the many times that SAPol had refused to record meetings with parents, accept written statements, didn't even interview let alone charge teacher Glyn Dorling and couldn't possibly get a Search Warrant to seize his computer, etc, etc, please see previous posts re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...indeed...

As they were leaving the female detective again stated that I "should expect to be charged" but could offer me no idea of when specifically and/or with what exactly, again admitting that there was a 'a lot of vagueness and grey areas and confusion around the legislation' (paraphrase)...I put it to them politely but succinctly that I wished I lived in a state where the best thing 2 Anti-Corruption detectives had to do in a day was to come and get me...they weren't exactly laughing but they didn't disagree...

As tense and unpleasant as the whole episode was, it remained foremost in my mind that despite what was happening in the side of aforementioned mind, eg, you're busted matey, it was highly likely that these were genuine officers just doing what they were sent to do...(it's what I'd do-IB)...Inner Bastard, you beauty...(yeah, I'd send decent cops to do the dirty work and then screw everybody over from there-IB)...absolutely, but thanks for confirming that...(cheers, now piss off-Ed)...hey, you called me...(oh yeah-IB)...

So they came to my home, we discussed St Martins, Council shenanigans, the blog, some unmentionable legislation relative to a certain un-nameable Authority and alleged potential charges, and then they left after about an hour...that was it...and over 3 weeks later I still feel a little lost in my own home...for the first few days after it was terrible because I fully expected them back on my doorstep to arrest me for whatevs, and it's still a bit like that...been doing a lot of sleeping/dozing and putting back on most of that nearly 6kgs I lost in those first days...

Anyhoos, after having spent just on 2 1/2hrs with SAPol detectives, twice at my home and for an hour at MGPS, across 2 days, all I have is a print-out of a page of legislation, a receipt for my laptop that was "seized" as "evidence", and a SAPol calling card, that's statement, not nuffin'...I asked repeatedly if any of it was recorded and was repeatedly told no...I wasn't interviewed formally or charged...

Five days later, Tuesday 13th May, Labor's Attorney General John Rau and the relevant Commissioner were on the ABC stating that they were looking to change the exact section of legislation that I had been told I should "expect to be charged" with...(ludicrous-Ed) a recent post I quoted a relevant email from former Member for Mt Gambier  Don Pegler stating that he had spoken to John Rau, etc, in October 2013 about the problems with the legislation, over 6 months before I had my home raided, my laptop seized, etc...

The situation has not improved with no-one able to advise me on what exactly is happening or likely to happen because the legislation is all so vague and sweeping...and it's cost me a laptop, the programs, getting a re-vamped hard-drive and new programs, etc, to the tune of just over $1, far as I'm concerned SAPol owe me $1,200...(good luck with that-Ed)...

Anyhoos, that's about it...they came they saw they seized me goods and made good their escape...and when I'm not driving pointlessly around in unplanned circles because I just don't want to go home and I've got nowhere else to go, I've barely left the house in weeks...and that's the idea I'm sure...attack and traumatise the whistle-blower...which segues beautifully in to,

Tomorrow: The Latest Official Child Abuse Cover-up in NSW  

Attacks the former police officer Peter Fox as being a zealot, unreliable witness, etc...I didn't hear 'delusional' used but that was the general idea...(charming-Ed)...yeah, everything that's happened with St Martins re police corruption, etc, all dismissed without any actual investigation...shreckin' laughable...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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