Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Mt Gambier City Council - The Rail Lands Retail Agenda

Hello y'all and welcome to the blog China, Taiwan, Germany, and Ukraine...I know I've covered the RLRA in numerous previous posts but it bears review in light of the most recent Budget moves from City Council in response to the proposed Federal budget...

Post Scriptus Interuptus: in that I apologise because I've done it again and got to the 'end' of this post when I realised that I'd not actually started on the advertised post material...tomorrow, sorry...and I'm very confused because my computer has just informed me that I've just "logged out from another location" which obviously I haven't because I'm right here, beside myself as always, but still right here...(just earlier you were just over there-Ed)...true, but now I'm here...I wonder who else might have been accessing my blog?...

(Well, didn't you give SAPol your laptop and password?-Ed)...not willingly, I was told to, but yes...(so SAPol, whom you regularly hammer in this here blog for their rank pro-paedophile corruption, have your password so that they can sign onto your laptop and it will think it's you?-Ed)...yes, but they're hardly likely to try and change something...are they?...(who knows mate, nothing would surprise me at this point in time-Ed)...yeah, but why take the laptop then change the blog when it could be hacked easy enough while I still had it?...(no idea mate, sorry-Ed)...moving onto Council's Budget stuff...(but first-Ed)...

Last week I literally tried to get with the program, namely, that a 90 second 'news service' jammed into an advertisement break in the regular Adelaide news was a relatively positive move by WIN TV given they axed the South East/Riverland news early last year...but I can't maintain that fake optimism...I was immediately concerned to see that The Border Watch is preparing these items for WIN TV because of TBWs propensity for rancid propaganda on behalf of Council and/or other vested interests...and those concerns have not diminished with some of the stuff in recent TBWs.

Pardon My Paranoia: but I couldn't help wondering what and/or who is it that these clowns are so keen to address by initiating what is at best a rude reminder of what a prick of a thing WIN TV did in closing their News Service in the first place...(so you're suggesting that there may be some sort of cat or other species of fat, feral firker that they're trying to get back into the bag-Ed)...a very, very pissed off cat at that...and word on the street is that such a cat exists...

This Cat's Scratching Post: As I understand it there are some fairly mainstream 'conservative' Mt Gambierites who are becoming aware of the corruption going on around them, particularly the St Martins/Child Abuse stuff, and what it is costing their community, and they're not particularly happy about it...and they are accessing and discussing information about that stuff by scratching around on the Interweb...including on blogs such as this...and there is a very clear respondent desire to see that discussion cease...

As far as I'm concerned, that News service was originally shut down not just to save money for WIN TV, but to isolate the South East from the rest of an uncaring state and/or nation so that it can be anonymously carved up by corrupt politicians and big business interests in Fracking, Wind Turbines, Forestry, etc...who outside of the Region has the faintest idea and/or for that matter gives a damn about the deliberate dismantling of SE communities with unsustainable service/job cuts, gross underfunding, etc?

And have a good hard look at Democracy Adelaide style too...it's all Arts and Festivals and look how shreckin' progressive we are, but in reality Adelaide's buttoned down tighter than an anaphylactic apiarists (bee-keepers) bonnet, run by a paedophile lobby from the benches of Parliament and the heads of government authorities...step outta line and you are relentlessly attacked...doesn't matter if you're a parent of an abused child, protect the paedophile and attack those who speak out...

The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is not an unfortunate anomaly, a desperately disappointing rarity, it is the text-book case study in a Paedophile State operating to protect a "text-book grooming paedophile" (how Flinders Child Protection Service described teacher Glyn Dorling)...a State complicit with an entirely corrupt Lutheran Church who are apparently entirely untouchable when it comes to being held to account for the paedophilia they foster and promote in their schools...

The St Martins case shows the Lutheran hierarchy to be supportive of paedophilia and wanting to have paedophiles operating in their schools...why would they want this?...and in a State concurrently run by paedophiles, it is an agenda easily achieved and readily maintained...and you'll excuse me if I continue to indulge in personal venting about the St Martins Cover-up but 1) the June long weekend 12th Anniversary looms large on the horizon, and 2) I'm still 'recovering' from the most excellent raiding of my home now nearly 4 weeks ago...(no it isn't!?-Ed)...yes it is...(damn, seems like it was only 27 days-Ed)...hilarious...

I find it inconceivable that the St Martins Cover-up is purely about protecting the Lutheran Church because they could have just dealt with it straight up, charged Glyn Dorling, etc, and it would have likely gone away a decade ago...instead, they've lied and denied every step of the way and so it dangles Damaclesiastically...all of these senior people in the Lutheran Church, SAPol, the Labor Party, the Liberals, government authorities, etc, et al, ad infinitum...I know, you've heard it all before...all of these people were nay are hell-bent on denying the undeniable and defending the indefensible...

Why would they do this if they did not it want it to be that way?

In Closing: Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin was on the ABC Radio this morning trying to sell their impending Budget...(trying and failing-Ed)...indeed...some waffle about protecting future generations 'let's not saddle them with our debt' (paraphrase)...(from the generation that raised the debt, and got free or heavily subsidised education doing it-Ed)...exactly, and credit where due that question was put to him...(and his response?-Ed)...didn't, just more waffle about how every Australian who wants to go to Uni can...(typical-Ed)...

They will of course have financially crippling debts (HECS) that will completely compromise other 'start of life' issues such as building a home, starting a family, etc, and continue to blow out due to interest rates, which will itself affect the Housing Industry, etc...cost and debt become a massive consideration and leaves those who can afford it far more likely to get to Uni than an equally deserving but poorer peer...it's purely about getting the bloody peasants back in the fields or down the mines where they belong.   

When it was put to Mr Pasin that perceptions are this Budget takes from the poor and gives to the rich, Mr Pasin talked about how anyone with an income below $180,000 will be spared the 'Budget Crisis Levy', and that 'we're not  asking people to do what we aren't doing ourselves, we've taken a pay freeze, plus I'm in that higher wage bracket so I get hit twice' (paraphrase)...(do you think he understands how galling it is for the average person to hear their local Member talking about the huge sacrifices he's personally making because his wage is so high?-Ed)...I doubt it Ed, I doubt it...  

(And we all know that a 'pay freeze' means nothing because they'll just double their next pay rise same way they did a coupla' years back under Labor-Ed)...exactly...Mr Pasin was further adamant that claims made by the CFME Union rep (and 2006 Labor candidate for Mt Gambier) Brad Coates about problems with the Budget, were 'not borne out by the modelling'...(and I suppose that's Liberal modelling-Ed)...one does assume, yes, but one is also sure it gets called 'Independent'...    

Tomorrow: MGCC-TRLRA Part I

(Don't you mean Part II?-Ed)...well considering I didn't actually start on the Council stuff today I thought, well...alright, hows about MGCC-TRLRA Again...(whatevs-Ed)...

And Electoral Commissioner Kay Mousley is "absolutely corrupt"...according to former Liberal state leader Isobel Redmond using Parliamentary Privilege...(go Izzy-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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