Monday, June 9, 2014

12 Years Of The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

Howdy y'all and welcome to the blog...and being the June long weekend it is of course the anniversary of the 2002 removal of teacher Glyn Dorling, grade 2 teacher at St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier, following multiple complaints from parents and disclosures by children...when we parents organised for our 7 year old children to be interviewed by Flinders Child Protection Services (from Adelaide, June-August 2002), FCPS described Dorling to me as "a text-book grooming paedophile"...

Today I have had the memory of 12 ensuing years of official cover-up of those abuses repeatedly shoved all up in my gorilla-like grill and shizzle via the visage of one Ms Hetty Johnson as she receives whatevs award for the Queens birthday honours...and not a word of a lie, as I write Queen, on my little headphones "Anarchy" by the Sex Pistols...

I don't begrudge Ms Johnson her award because whilst I am desperately and bitterly disappointed with her and Bravehearts for failing to follow through with the St Martins Cover-up, what I think in an angry moment on an angry day is largely irrelevant...the fact is at least they gave it a bloody go, which is far, far more than can be said for people like Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, et all ways complicit, always complicit.

Please find attached the letters that Hetty Johnson of Bravehearts wrote to then Crown Solicitor Simon Stretton...(isn't he the clown who repeatedly threatened you in writing re St Martins and is now a magistrate?-Ed) know your clowns then...a letter copies of which went to the South Australian Independent Schools Board, the DPP, and the Minister for Police...and my brief corrections...

Also attached the responses from the DPP...(I note that they studiously managed to avoid actually mentioning St Martins or even what the actual issue was...oh, and has the kids as the complainants with SAPol apparently ringing "the complainant's parents"-Ed)...yeah, and that "South Australia Police did advise" actually refers to the illegally recorded phone calls that SAPol Superintendent Mark Fairney made to us parents in April 2006, just after the March 2006 state Election...(deadset?-Ed)...deadset...(I don't know whether to laugh or to cry-Ed)...I just do both, saves time...

So many documents, so many complicit public officials, "so much anger, so much rage"(from The Mighty Boosh-BBC TV) this really what we are as a species?, because if it is bring on the shreckin' bird flu...(steady on big fella, it's not all your fault-Ed)...yeah, I'm just venting, excuse me availees but my Sense of Humour eludes me and even Inner Bastard has been giving me a wide berth today...(damn straight-IB)...and I don't blame them...

Point being, there are so many documents associated with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up that I am going to have to start a separate blog dedicated to solely that, St Martins documents...please also find attached though, responses from then Labor Attorney General, currently speaker of the Lower House, Michael Atkinson, and the CSO...I know it's a long post but it's been a hell of a long weekend...

Tomorrow: The Raidy Day Stuff

And soon as I can get someone to show me how, the St Martins blog thingy...and in Comments someone has thanked me for solar panels, but I'm not sure why....

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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