Monday, June 23, 2014


Howdy Ireland, Ukraine, the USofA, and Mexico and welcome y'all to the blog...let's get stuck straight into it...but first some feedback...(I knew you'd do that, you always do it-Ed)...just dialin' with me peeps...(and that's my line, 'dialoguing with my people'-Ed)...whatevs..

Sorry to availees, forgot to include my own punchline in a recent post re good news about my knee being completely rooted..........(now?-Ed)...yes now...(oh, ah...good news? can it be good news that your root is needed?-Ed) you idiot, not 'your root is needed'...(root is kneaded?-Ed), 'your knee is rooted?'...'how can it be good news that your knee is rooted?'...(ok, I got it...go again?-Ed) point was good news only because it means that I'm neither delusional nor a whinger in talking about how bloody sore it's been...

(It's why I push back against masseuses, what me bein' such a caring person an' all-Ed)...sorry? what are you talking about?...( I don't want it to be all about me, so I like to do something for the masseuse-Ed), no, no...(so I like to push back against their hands-Ed)...stop right now...(so as to meet their kneads too-Ed).........I knew it...moving on...(and I just heard the 'Father of the House', apparently, senior Liberal Philip Ruddoch has lost his mind and can't finish a sentence-Ed), please, no more...(he said 'we need a system that's just...', and 'processes that are just...', and 'it has to be just...', everything had to be 'just' something , but he never said 'just what'-Ed) ears are bleeding...

(And isn't House of Representatives Speaker Bronwyn Bishop a vicious piece of work?-Ed)...stop...I'm begging you to stop...(because I was watching Question Time last week on the telly, and every single time there was any sort of disagreement, she went for the eyes-Ed)...oh and I'm down...for the love of sweet baby cheeses, somebody stop him...(oh, right, no, I can see the genuine and quite understandable mistake I've made there...Ms Bishop was just flirting with the Liberal front bench, telling them what she finds attractive, "the eyes have it")........I probably deserve that...(yes you do-Ed)...shall we move on?...(lets-Ed)...

Just For Chucks: heard the other day (ABC/BBC?) that someone or other whom I'm sure I could Google Search if I could be bothered but haven't, received the Nobel Prize for "Gettin' Jiggy Against Chemical Weapons And Them F***ers What Done Use 'Em"...(ah, the GJACWATFWDUE Award...ironic really, considering that Nobel was an Industrialist whom made a fortune developing and selling explosives, much of which was of course used in ordinance/weapons, yet they're awarding prizes for opposing Chemical Weapons, prizes initially introduced as an advertising/public relations exercise to address the whole 'murderous war-mongers' type criticisms...I guess Nobel doesn't sell chemicals-Ed)...

Well yes, those are the points I was making, thanks...there is definitely a nice slice of irony and more than a thin-edged wedge of hypocrisy in the Nobel GJACWATFWDUE Prize...but I digress...oh, and I heard on the weekend the ABC/BBC Radio segment called 'But First' were they trawl through quirky peripheral news items like burglars getting stuck in air vents or eaten by pet pythons, etc, but I swear that my tendency to drop a 'But First' into almost every post, is simply a linguistic coingkeedinks (coincidence)...cheers...
An Observation Not A Joke: Whilst companies like Monsanto, for example, may have many questions to answer re chemicals promotion/usage/etc, seed monopolies, gene manipulation and/or copyrights, etc, I'm not aware that they produce fertiliser specifically so that it can be used as an ingredient, eg, in the common explosive, ANFO...maybe they do specifically cater to weapons production, etc, but I just don't know...

Ed The Feral Budget: is a shitful piece of Right-wing Ideology aimed directly at hammering lower income earners, the elderly, single mums, the unemployed, peeps like ma'self on the Disablity Support Pension and anybody else who isn't an Upper Middle class white man, taxing us in ways we cannot avoid, eg Indexed Fuel Price increases that will never, ever be matched by wage increases, GP Co-payments of $7, axing Family Tax Benefit payments whilst introducing the Payed Parental Care Scheme, no Unemployment Benefit for 6 months, etc...

(Six months?...what payment do you get if you're unemployed, for whatever reason?-Ed)...none that I'm aware of, but I am assuming that other payments, eg, Rent Assistance, will continue...(even if that's true, where does the rest of the rent come from, money for food and bills, etc,?-Ed) idea, move back in with your family and/or borrow I suppose...(beg, borrow or steal-Ed) we're back to stealing loaves of bread due to entrenched poverty...jeez, that sounds awfully familiar...

State of Decay Budget: I'm going to roll this over, but 2 quick comments in 1...alleged super-mate of Regional SA, alleged Independent Member for Frome and Labor Front Bench Minister, Geoff Brock, has emphatically supported the State Budget that says not only will there be open slather Fracking (and mostly in the South East, I guarantee it won't be happening anywhere near Adelaide or the Barossa), but that companies like Beach Energy will not have to pay any royalties on the extracted gas for 5 years...(absolute, across the board, environmental, social, and fiscal insanity that smacks of the rank, profiteering corruption that is destroying the SA Economy...already has really-Ed)... 

City Budget: is yet again a case of not being able to gauge the reality from the figures provided because the providers cannot be is an absolutely unsustainable deceit for City Council to talk about how robust their Budget is whilst repeatedly congratulating each other for what a great job they're doing, and talk about 'Operating Surplus', etc, when only 12 months ago they doubled their own borrowing capacity...nor is it sustainable to pursue the lights around the Blue Lake...more tomorrow...

Here's A Heads Up: for the public about a potential public albeit metaphoric slapping of a bearded shreckin' idiot...(I like your beard-Ed)...not me you idiot, another idiot, I mean a different idiot, no, hang-on, wait...whatevs...and it's not a beard, I just don't shave very often...(looks like a beard to me-Ed)...anyway, I'm talking about Councillor Des Mutton...(not Cr Mutton?-Ed)...indeed, only the third or even fourth dodgiest person on Mt Gambier City Council, but still a champ in 'is own right...(yeah, 3rd or 4th still allows for a fair bit of shenaniganising-Ed)...indeed... 

And I say 'dodgy' because of his involvement with the rank corruption of the Main Corner Project where Council used well over $11million of ratepayers money (and still counting) to build a Function Facility with a nearly $1m Commercial Kitchen, then handed it all free of charge to Des's son Lachlan, whilst using ratepayer's money to pay the ongoing running costs...(and Mayor Steve Perryman was the other Tender, and there's still money missing-Ed)...indeed, nepotistic and corrupt doesn't begin to describe it...classic Mt Gambier City Council...

Rambling Ranting Rammed Randomly: in right here, and I don't apologise for it, because I'm going to make the direct connection between the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council and the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and if I have to explain that link to you, then you've not read the blog...please avail yourselves of the many posts re St Martins, the multiple and direct connections to Mayor Steve Perryman, etc... 

You know, call me naive, but if Councillors are acting corruptly and/or with malfeasance, and quite clearly they are, and they're making personally profitable decisions completely and quite deliberately ignorant to the effect on the general public, those whom elected them, the ratepayers, the people who's money it is that Council is spending, are Council not just breaking their own alleged Codes of Conduct and relevant Local Government Assoc Guidelines, etc, but also stealing from ratepayers...(you'd think so-Ed)...

I mean, obviously SAPol and their various Fraud, Anti-Corruption, etc, squads aren't particularly interested in dealing with any malfeasance in SA because if they were they'd have a shreckin' field day with these yahoos...but they don't so they aren't...(if only there was someone or something in South Australia that could deal with such obvious issues of rank malfeasance, malfeasance that is apparently just fine as far as current SA Authorities are concerned...if only-Ed)...if only...

So when, for example, Mayor Perryman goes onto ABC Radio as per this mornin', and starts talking about how great Council's handling things and blaming the Federal Budget...(ohhh! my god!...blame the bloody Federal Budget...I suppose that the FB forced Council to double their borrowing last year?-Ed) point exactly...and it's all bullshit...'2 major projects came in under budget'...bollocks...there were many variations/exclusions to the Old Hospital Demolition Tender, and Council trucks were seen to be removing waste from the site, etc...the same thing was done with the Main Corner, where MC items were costed in other Council Budget areas, not directly attributed to the Project...

(Yeah, yeah, they're obsessed with their own self-interests and are constantly operating to profit themselves, each other, and their families and friends...MGCC really is an anachronistic yet highly relevant exercise in Class Structured, Institutionalised Corruption...these are all givens, apparently accepted by MG residents who don't appear to do a thing to stop it, so why the sudden need for slappage?-Ed)'s not a sudden need, Cr Mutton has required a good metaphoric slapping for quite some time...(fair enough, but why?-Ed)...

At Council's latest meeting (Tuesday 17th June 2014) it took all of 2-3 seconds of Cr Andrew Lee speaking before Desdemona (Des the Moaner) started mouthing off to Cr Von Stanke on his right and directly to Acting Mayor Penny Richardson in the Chair...I could see and hear him talking but couldn't actually make out what he was muttering...on previous occasions I have seen/heard Des laughingly sneering to Cr VonStanke "I can't understand a word he's saying"...quote, unquote...and a 'metaphoric slapping' is a jolly good talking to...

Cr Des is clearly very much enamoured of his own wonderfulness, and often has something to say during Council meetings whilst others are...(what a tool-Ed)...speaking...very funny...but his extraordinary conduct toward Cr Lee is nothing but rascist and he should be sanctioned, in the moment, by the Mayor/Council for this offensively disrespectful behaviour...Cr Lee isn't exactly my favourite person, nor I his I'm sure, but Dodgy Des's behaviour displays far more than dislike, smeared as it is with disdain and delivered through a self-righteous sneer of White Rightness and it is simply not acceptable...Cr Lee should not be subjected to it nor expected to accept it as is clearly the status quo...

Tomorrow: Is What Happens At The End Of The Day

(Hilarious-Ed)...why is everybody using this very annoying phrase, often out of context?...anyhoos...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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