Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Apparently I'm The Brave Heart: 12 Years of St Martins - Part II

Hello Bangladesh, Spain, Russia, and Turkey...and I know I did quite a long post yesterday on this exact subject, but 1) there are so many documents proving the reality of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up that 2 long posts don't even scratch the surface, and 2) I'm sortta 're-booting' the blog a bit after the jolting frivolity of the last month...so I also apologise for any doubling-up on documents, etc...

I note from yesterday's post that the then (2006-07) Labor Attorney General Michael Atkinson, currently Speaker of the House of Assembly (Lower House), having ambushed the Bravehearts' letter to the Police Minister Paul Holloway, then took 3 months to respond, and then did it supposedly 2 days after Christmas...Mr Atkinson is one of the key players in the St Martins Cover-up, and in 2002, as Attorney General, took our children's Flinders Child Protection Services interviews/statements and handed them to the Lutherans and their lawyers...(sorry, what?-Ed)...

You heard...in July 2002 AG Michael Atkinson took our statements off FCPS (that we parents had had to organise ourselves), and handed those reports to the Lutherans...the reports were duly 'censored' by the Lutheran's lawyers and then handed back to FCPS who were told by Michael Atkinson 'this is your report now'...this heavily censored report then went back to SAPol who immediately dumped the case with the exact excuse that anything they could have used to charge "text-book grooming paedophile" (FCPS) teacher Glyn Dorling, had been removed...this all happened between the June long weekend and late July 2002 when SAPol "closed the file".

(So FCPS interviewed kids and parents in June-August 2002 and prepared Initial Reports that clearly identified abuse?-Ed)...yep...(then AG Michael Atkinson took those IRs off FCPS and handed them to the Lutherans lawyers?-Ed)...yep...(and the Lutherans and their lawyers got to trawl through what parents and children had said in the supposedly private sessions with FCPU?-Ed)...yep...(and then take out the bits they didn't like?-Ed)...yep...(and then SAPol used that excuse to dump the case?-Ed)...without telling parents, we found out by accident a fortnight later...(sorry, what? slow down, I can't keep up-Ed)...    

And it is not helpful to criticise people for their overall appearance, but Micheal Atkinson is ***** ***** *****...(at this point I chose to censor this paragraph-Ed)...even before I knew exactly what a **** ******** ******** **** he was, he made my skin crawl...his ********** *****and ******** are written large on that **** **** *** *****...this ***** ***** shrecker is the Speaker of the House, a prime example of exactly what rises to the top of South Australian politics...what a shreckin' disgrace and an absolutely insightful inditement of SA politics full stop.

I also note that Mr Simon Stretton managed to get the whole 'Nick Fletcher complains' routine weaved repeatedly through his letter...I've covered this in previous posts whereby the issues I identify are labelled 'Nick Fletcher's complaints and/or accusations'... 

Please find attached the letter from Child Protection Advocacy group Bravehearts to then Liberal Federal Education Minister, now back in government, Julie Bishop, a copy of which also went to the then South Australian ombudsman Eugene Biganovsky...and a letter to moi...and the response from Ms Julie Bishop's office, but not actually from her...

Tomorrow: Just Bravehearts Part III

And I don't apologise because, 1) it's been 12 years, and 2) I've only used less than 1/5th of the documents/letters/emails/whatevs generated solely by Bravehearts' involvement in the St Martins Cover-up Issue...and the above censored paragraph is the genuine item, not an attempt at humour...I wrote that paragraph this morning, then came back to it this evening (1900hrs Central Oz Time) and had to remove a large chunk of it...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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