Monday, June 30, 2014

DeBelle Inquiry Deceits Continue

Hello Netherlands, Germany, the USofA, and Russia and welcome to the blog...and a not so welcome return to that hoary ol' chestnut, the Institutionalised Pro-paedophile Corruption of the DeBelle Cover-up, officially titled an 'Inquiry', that itself just continues the gross manipulation of the Western Suburbs School Child Abuse Cover-up Case by serial Paedophile Protector Premier Jay Weatherill and the apparently Pro-paedophile Labor government.

A Brief History: of the DeBelle Inquiry is a text-book study in just how corrupt and unaccountable South Australian Parliament is, particularly when it comes to Covering-up Paedophilia...after the WSS After School Carer Mark Harvey was jailed for raping an 8 year old girl in his care, the Education Dept's senior officials, including Head of Schools Gary Costello (another St Martins Cover-up Complicitor) openly and repeatedly threatened the School Council (parents), the Principal, etc, with all the same standard manipulations that were used against us parents to cover-up the St Martins Abuse...

Gary Costello et al, told/threatened parents/school staff that if they talked they'd cock-up the case and/or they could be sued, etc, and that it had to be kept quiet to protect the family and other kids, etc, etc...throw it onto the parents and the school with multiple threats...when this Cover-up 'escaped' and hit the media, Labor immediately blamed the school and the parents, and then SAPol...(on the floor of Parliament mind you-Ed)...indeed...and then nobody knew anything about it and then but wait, hey, yes they did...and on up the chain it went, right into Premier Weatherill's office...and there, it magically disappeared, shazzam...

That Jolly Email: was sent by Mr Weatherill's Chief of Staff Mr Blewitt to 'somebody, but it's been deleted off my computer and I definitely can't remember who, but it definitely wasn't the Premier...honest'...(sorry? can't remember who he sent it to, but it definitely wasn't the one person he should have, his boss Jay Weatherill?...that just doesn't make sense-Ed)...exactly, it's all absolute balderdash, because even my Troglodytish understanding of Computerings informs me that short of disintegrating the piece of equipment, data is always retrievable...(not a word of a lie, literally just talking now, 0940hrs, on ABC with SAPol about 'Sexting' and 'Child Porn' and how computer/phone records are 100% retrievable because it's stored in the devices in "Ones and Zeros")...

And that's why I don't understand why SAPol 'raided' my home and "seized" my laptop as "evidence", because, putting aside my own paranoia about such things, at least once a week I get someone warning me that my phones are probably tapped, my computer monitored, 'keep yourself safe', etc, and SAPol knows that I'm not going to say and/or do anything over the phone, in an email, etc, or Interweb search anything, etc, or even draft a letter, that I don't think isn't being watched and recorded elsewhere...(where paranoia becomes your friend, hilarious-Ed)...

(I Note: that SAPol's Anti-Corruption detectives knew whose blog it was and exactly where to find me, and took my laptop as part of "gathering evidence" to use against me for a crime they couldn't even describe or define and in nearly 2 months I've heard not one word...basically, they've come to my home to harass, intimidate and threaten me, steal my laptop, and trawl through it apparently hoping to find something to go me about...this is what I was saying about half-expecting to be grabbed and arrested for whatevs that's on my laptop that's been put/hacked there at some point in the past...

This of course could still happen, ie, 'we seized his laptop because of the blog stuff and instead found this'...and/or I'll get done for 'Resisting Arrest' whilst not resisting charges that don't exist and/or they won't tell me about...and all of the Fascism and gross abuses of power encapsulated by SAPol raiding my home with their completely Fascist, self-granted, go anywhere, take anything, whenevs, whatevs 'Search Warrant', it will all be conveniently ignored and/or justified in the stampede to just get me for something, just anything, because the issues I blog, my "accusations", cannot be contested, so I as the Whistleblower have to be Pariahtised.)

And last year there was an effort to 'promote' someone from the WSS (parent, teacher?-sorry) who was blaming the school...this effort was lost in the maelstrom of outrage that ensued, but has reared it's ugly head again as that person, or someone similar, has been back in the's hard to tell if it's the same person because she was pixellated out in some services but a woman was shown on another channel recently, people do sound a bit different on radio, etc, but I think it's the same person, again being used to push this blame agenda back on the school, it's staff, parents, and the School Council.

And now the Weatherill Labor government has introduced another raft of vacuous legislation, trumpetting about how this is tough on paedophiles and protects the kiddies and blah, blah, blah...laws stopping people on the 'Sex Offenders List from changing their names unless the Police Commissioner says so' mean very little when it comes to who isn't on that list to start with, eg, "text-book grooming paedophile" (FCPU) Lutheran teacher Glyn Dorling who wasn't even interviewed by SAPol about the gross abuses he committed against 7 year old children, let alone charged, let alone tried, let alone convicted, let alone put on a shreckin' Register that might stop him changing his name...teenagers 'Sexting' each other will end up on the Register but Glyn Dorling won't.

(And what about that teacher from Naracoorte High School who was busted accessing hard-core porn on a student's computer/account, and blamed the student, etc, then was moved to Reynella East High in Adelaide, where he was running IT, and was busted again...repeatedly busted, not charged, not even sacked, moved to office duties still within the Education Dept...and the Department/Labor tried to pay the student to keep silent, etc, etc...absolute corruption from an absolutely corrupt State-Ed)...indeed...and that teacher's not on any shreckin' Register...

I fully support any genuine measures to protect children, but all I see coming from the Labor Party is peripheral tinkering and associated grandstanding...and still waiting for the Children's Commissioner, Recommendation no 1 from the Layton Report as handed down in 2003...still waiting...

Right now (ABC Radio News 1000hrs) Labor Attorney General John Rau stating that the 8 year sentence (with only 3years-3months non-parole) is "too light...but I haven't read the judgement yet", but that he trusts Director of Public Prosecutions Adam Kimber to take the appropriate action within the 21 days allowed...this is what I was referring to yesterday about a ludicrously inadequate sentence being handed to Mark Harvey (WSS) either by a genuinely dysfunctional and/or apparently paedophile-sympathetic Magistrate, or as a stunt to allow Labor to grandstand about it...more tomorrow.

Alleged Independent, Member for Frome Geoff Brock, was in the South East last week and I heard him interviewed on ABC Local Radio yet again motor-mouthing his way through a volume of vacuous rhetoric about 'working with stakeholders', 'I've got a Committee', 'I've got extra funding for the Regions', 'I'm all about the Regions me', etc, etc...90 seconds of pissing his particular brand of self-justification in my ear, all the whilst bragging about the pittance that Regional SA will supposedly get...(but won't-Ed)'s all just words, numbers that mean nought about money that don't exist.

Perhaps that's what repeatedly 'disgraced' Rugby League player Todd Carney was doing when he was recently snapped peeing into his own mouth, whilst still standing up, leading to his sacking from whatevs Rugby League club...(sorry what?-Ed)...this has been described as a 'lewd social media thingy', but I think he was just giving himself a self-motivational speech ala Geoff Brock, when he rashly challenged himself to make himself swallow his own words, and, well, the rest is pistory...his piss story...history...sorry... 

Aren't we still waiting for Labor to cough-up the second half of the $28million Investment Fund for local Timber companies, eg, mills, that Labor allegedly set aside when they corruptly/incompetently sold off the South East Forestry Estate for only 2/3 it's market value?...(and about half of that $14m thus far went to Forestry Roundtable member Ian McDonnell-Ed)...indeed it did...and speaking of the rank corruption and betrayal of the Forestry Roundtable, did you catch the comments from Grant District Council Mayor Richard Sage re Fracking?...(no, do tell-Ed)...

Well Mr Sage has pooh-poohed the idea of a Parliamentary Inquiry into Fracking, sarcastically saying that 'we had an inquiry into the Forestry Sale, and how did that work out?'...(sorry, what?...he was also on the Forestry Roundtable and therefore personally responsible for the complete deceit and manipulation of the FR, a body formed by Labor and loaded with Labor members and/or stooges, conceived, designed, set-up, and staffed with a view to suppressing/undermining Anti-Sale Protestations with knowingly false hopes of Log Contract guarantees and other regulation supposedly designed to safe-guard this cornerstone industry...and all of it lies-Ed).

Action Stations, Man The Date: Prime Minister Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott has relentlessly promoted himself as having 'a mandate', his alleged license to do the various things he/Liberals are trying to do...I have rejected this assertion right from the off, but then it was just my opinion and now that's changed to fact, even by Tony's own criteria...honesty is everything according to Mr Abbott yet he hasn't got past his first Budget before breaking many if not all of the promises he made going into the September 2013 Election about not cutting Pensions, services, etc...Tony lied and his Mandate died...simple really...

(And what's with him staying at the Federal Police Barracks in Canberra instead of at the lovely and expensive home rented for him in the 'burbs?...why would he want to spend all his 'down time' hanging around in such a cloistered environment, with a bunch of fit young men?...doesn't he want some time alone?...can he not be alone because he's afraid of the silence? demons or ghosts lurk in the silence Tony?...ghosts of the tattered remnants of your humanity perhaps...but I digress-Ed)... 

Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews has again been targetting recipients of the Disability Support Pension, stating that "episodic" DSP recipients can be reviewed, describing "the pillars of Mr McClure's Report" as not pushing people off welfare because 'the best welfare is work'...when asked if new efficiencies would mean increases to the dole/ DSP, Kev said no, but there would be a new system accommodating medium term DSP Recipients, etc, as part of a tiered payment scheme based on age...(what?-Ed)...gord knows, sounds like dumping people back onto NewStart Allowance (the dole).

Kevin reckons most NewStart users are on it for a short time, 6mths, and he apparently loves the Aotearoa (NZ) model...but Welfare advocates are concerned that the National Disability Insurance Scheme remain about 'extra care, not cost of living payments'...there are also concerns that the '6 wk consultation process' is too short given that the Report itself was due before Easter but only just delivered, but Kevin encouraged everyone to "engage in the conversation"...good luck with that...   

Gonna' pull stumps here...more on DeBelle, etc,

Tomorrow: And Some Council Shizzle

Went past the Rail Lands on Saturday and there was a tennis court size pool of water right in the middle of the lawned Eastern end, draining off into an equally large elongated pool right at the back of the buildings on Margaret St, water was sheeting off the Northern side across the footpath in 1/2 dozen places, and across    
Railway Tce, and there was a huge pool of water right by the platform, right where they're supposedly going to put looks like there's been exactly Zero surveying to get proper levels, it's a disgraceful disaster...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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