Thursday, June 5, 2014

I Random So Far Away

Hello Italy, Moldova, Canada, and the USofA and welcome to a sortta' special post in response to an ABC Local Radio report that's about to happen re the Old Rail Lands...(sorry? you're responding to a report that hasn't happened's that done then?-Ed)...the ABC just 'promoed' a story so I started this post, ready to go when it comes on and tries limply to justify how it is Council has come to spend over $4million getting flat, clean ground back to flat, clean ground, with some lawn on it...(how's that done then?-Ed)...exactly...

And now today's The Border Watch has blown the cat right out of the bag with official confirmation that Council is trying to get the Rotary Market that has operated at the old Fletcher Jones building for over a decade, to get it to move to the Rail Lands...(where on the Rail Lands? there's no bloody shelter-Ed)...well apparently it's going to go in the Old Railway Station and on the platform...oh, and the $700,000 drainage pond is apparently an exciting playscape for the kiddies...(super-Ed)...this means several posts over the next week...

(Hang on, on the platform? there's no shelter...and the Old Station is riddled with decaying Asbestos so half the building is closed off and unusable...and Council knows that...and there's still no money mentioned anywhere for any Station renovations...the whole thing is absolutely farcical-Ed)...indeed, and why? the RLRA...and I have known about this attempted move for a while but was asked not to mention it...more tomorrow... 

And Thanks For Asking: my SAPol Raid Diet is going swimmingly after some serious yo-yoing...lost 6kgs in those first 3-4 days, stacked it on again in 2 weeks with poor eating, too much sleeping, etc...this is a fairly typical Chronic Depressive response to a major traumatic event, and have somewhat restored equilibrium, deliberately losing a few kilos, now down to 105kgs...(and it's not like you couldn't afford to lose a few pounds-Ed)...approx 10 thus far...and 4 weeks after 'The Raid, Man' and I still ain't got not no idea what the shreck is hap'nin' about the "expect to be charged" stuff...

(So you've not heard from the two SAPol Anti-Corruption detectives who 'raided' your home on May 8th 2014, seized your computer, etc, or anyone else at SAPol?-Ed)...nope...(the Director of Public Prosecutions for whom SAPol were apparently 'collecting evidence'?-Ed)...nope...(the particular Authority involved that I'm unsure I can even mention by name?-Ed)...nope...(not nuthin' from no-one?-Ed)...nope, not nuffin' from no-one...

(Have you had any legal advice?-Ed)...yep...(could they help?-Ed)...nope...(because this is the first time this legislation has been enacted against anyone?-Ed)...yep...(so there's no precedents to refer to-Ed)...nope...(it's all quite ludicrous-Ed)...yep...

Saving For A Raidy Day: I have also been asked to explain the "Search Warrant" thingy from those hazy, raidy days of May...when I asked to see the aforementioned Search Warrant the female detective produced a piece of heavy paper approx half A4 size, folded just said Search Warrant on top and then went into a spiel about how the detectives could go anywhere, do anything, seize whatevs, effectively on a had a scribbled signature and was dated as valid from January 2014 to June 2014...

(So it didn't have your name on it?-Ed)..nope...(or your address?-Ed)...nope...(or a specific date?-Ed)...nope...(so it was an open-ended, 6 month long license to go anywhere do anything?-Ed)...yep...(did you ask for a copy?-Ed)...yep...(did they give you one?-Ed)...nope...(this, sir, is an outrage-Ed)...and that's exactly what everyone has said...and several people have expressed deep concerns that South Australian police would have such sweeping powers...the word 'totalitarian' has come up a couple of times...

Irony Clad Result: broke a thoroughly knackered back tooth off at the gum-line Monday, but because it was already a 'dead tooth' there was no pain...Irony 1- no pain due to pre-rooted tooth...then I lucked into a cancellation at the Mt Gambier Hospital Dental Clinic just earlier today, where I was thrilled to get a filling not an extraction...once the dentist did a quick x-ray he decided that the old Root Canal was still good and could just re-fill that and not wrench the tooth out...result...

Ironies 2, 3 and teeth are so problematic off the back of the massive Chemo treatment I had in 2004/ I2) I'm lucky to still be alive to have these teeth problems, and which also means I3) that I qualify as a 'risk' patient re infections, etc, and we get sort of preferential treatment...and I4) all the pain that I went through with the original Root Canal years ago saved me going through it again just yet...

And I choose to celebrate all of these things...particularly that I live in a society where I received that Chemo, etc, and where the Dental Clinic staff are doing fantastically well to provide the service they do...and I reckon I'll spend a few days getting about with my hair down to celebrate surviving Cancer 10 years ago, and to luxuriate in the wonder of God's creation...(bless her-Ed)...yeah, she's a champ alright...

The Rail Lands Retail Agenda: is respectfully not up for debate, Council has openly planned for massive Retail Expansion of the current Lakes Plaza onto that site, and has re-zoned the site to 'City Centre' which means Retail/Commercial...(Retail/Commercial on a Rail Line? how's that done then?-Ed) that all you're going to say?...'how's that done then?'...(hey, it's my new catchphrase, back off-Ed)...catchphrase? you don't get a catchphrase, you don't actually exist...(yeah I do-Ed)...

Feedback: namely that I'm not being obsequious or sarcastic or evasive or anything other than truthful when I say there is no Ed, there is no person called Ed...Ed is a literary/linguistic device I stumbled on in early posts and found effective (I thought) in engaging readers about issues, raising questions, being 'Devil's Advocate' at times, cracking bad jokes, etc, rather than just lecturing...there is no Third Party associated with this blog...(and for that matter no Second Party-Ed)...exactly...hang on, stop that...availees, there is nought but I.........stop confusing the situation when I'm trying to explain things...(yeah yeah, whatevs-Ed)...

To answer the question 'how's that re-zoning done?' well that's done ultimately with Labor state government approval...(funny, because it would have taken a bit of time and work from Council to get that re-zoning, yet I've never seen or heard it mentioned anywhere, not in Council meetings, not nuffin'-Ed)...yeah, strange that...but then again you've not publicly heard of Mayor Steve Perryman's multiple Conflict Of Interest issues until last week when the many Anti-Frackers present to witness his latest effort made it impossible to ignore...

(I'll do a post soon dedicated solely to the litany of dodgy land re-zonings, Insider Trading, nepotism, and general rank corruption re the Bunnings/Penola Rd Fiasco that also relates directly to the RLRA...)

And yes I know Ed, you think it was because of the hammering I've been giving Council on this 'ere blog, but I reckon that Council/The Border Watch had to acknowledge this COI because there were so many witnesses...and I think it says everything about Mayor Perryman and Council that during a discussion re 'opposing' Fracking, he has to leave because he has a 'business arrangement' with those Frackers, Beach Energy...but I digress sortta'...

It's actually now Thursday 5th May and I was planning to post re the ABC Local Radio interview about the Rail lands with Council's Regulatory Services Manager Micheal Silvy from yesterday morning...I have often been critical of the ABC South East for doing 'Dorothy Dixer' propaganda promotion interviews where interviewees are not challenged in the least but get to trot out their 'official line' without contradiction or confrontation...and so it was yet again in this interview...but I've run out of time already...

Some Brief Facts: the City of Mt Gambier was 'gifted' the Old Rail Lands by the Labor state government in late 2004/early 2005, and immediately a small group of vested interests set their sights on the site and pursuing their self-serving plans for a massive Retail Expansion of the Lakes Plaza...from Council's first 'Public Consultation' session in July 2005, through the February 2006 meetings, the 2009 Re-zoning of the site, the 2009 Commercial Development plan off Council's website, etc...I have presented copies of these plans in previous posts, please to be checking them out if you would...   

Tomorrow: More RLRA And Other Shizzle

(Strewth! on this blog, if it ain't rainin' Rail Land rantings, its drizzlin' shizzle-Ed)...damp straight it is...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters mofos... 

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