Monday, June 2, 2014

Pariahtisation and Fascocracy Revisited

Hello Poland, Lithuania, Turkey, and Indonesia and welcome to the blog...and I'm still all over the shop with my posting timing, eating and sleep patterns, etc...had a shocker last night, waking up every hour...(I'd suggest that possibly you've over-slept in the last few weeks and eventually you're body-clock has decided that's about enough sleep for now-Ed)...sounds reasonable...

Pariahtisation: is the orchestrated, organised, official vehicle for protecting corruption and the Corrupt by  shooting the messenger...where the Primary Directive is attack the source of exposure not the source of the is the standard Religious Organisation strategy for covering-up Child Sexual Abuse, and has been used relentlessly against me and other parents by the Lutherans, SAPol, former local Member Rory McEwen, etc.

For example, re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, in June 2002 the Lutherans were telling me/parents directly involved how bad it all was and that they would sort it out, etc, but were concurrently denigrating these parents/me to the rest of the Lutheran and/or school community as being vicious rumour-mongers out to make money from the school over a completely innocuous "Christian Cuddle"...(I think you should start Christian Cuddling a few people, say, Rory McEwen for example, so that they may have a proper understanding of just exactly what that meant in Glyn Dorling's class in 2002-Ed)...

Oh it's crossed my mind too Ed as to exactly how authorities would explain charging me for assault, indecent assault, battery, deprivation of liberty, refusal of access to toilets leading to self-wetting and/or soiling...(itself a breach of Human Rights Conventions-Ed)...indeed it is...gross repeated humiliation, denigration, and criticism, etc, they would charge me for doing these things to say for example Rory McEwen, a key player in knowingly covering-up these gross abuses as described, to charge me when they wouldn't even interview St Martins teacher Glyn Dorling in 2002.

SAPol knew the broader details as above of what was being done to our children because I/parents explained it to them right from Dorling's 'removal' from the school on the June long weekend 2002...repeatedly...with written statements that SAPol refused to accept, etc, etc...I re-iterate the insidiously complicit involvement of SAPol in the St Martins Cover-up and the way we parent's have been attacked when I express my unbounded contempt for the latest official Child Abuse Cover-up out of New South Wales...(orr this is a shocker-Ed)...indeed...

Former NSW police officer Peter Fox became famous as the whistleblower who exposed institutionalised paedophile corruption in the Catholic Church and alleged complicit involvement of local police in the Newcastle/Maitland area of essence, a pro-paedophile conspiracy of Church officials and very senior NSW police that protected paedophile priests and potentially other perpetrators, eg, other Catholics, possibly police officers, etc...Mr Fox's efforts spawned a NSW based Inquiry and very shortly afterward was identified as a key catalyst for the National Child Abuse Royal Commission...

Now the NSW Inquiry has handed down it's findings and it's text-book Pariahtisation...the report slams Peter Fox as a "zealot" who is unreliable as a witness, "deliberately untruthful", and condemns 4 Catholics all of whom are already dead yet recommends action against only one unnamed current Catholic, and completely exonerates's a farcical bloody insult and every bit the cover-up it claims to have investigated...Mr Fox has been Pariahtised...(solidarity brother...Strike Up Not Out-Ed)...thankyou comrade Ed...there's tons of commentary and reportage on this issue on the Interweb, check it out...

And with St Martins I have been attacked by people I had called friends as being a "zealot" and being "on a crusade", etc, and the TRB/CSO called me a liar, etc, and SAPol have never been called to any of the alleged Inquiries into Glyn Dorling and St Martins to present their alleged 'evidence' from their 2 alleged investigations...(yeah, but fronting Inquiries would immediately expose that SAPol did no investigation what-so-ever in June/July 2002 and then again with their alleged re-investigation in 2005/06-Ed)...yes exactly...(but just because SAPol is a key player in the St Martins Cover-up it doesn't prove anything in NSW-Ed)...

Drug Testing For Dole Recipients:...(is a great idea because we don't have the cash to blow on low quality drugs so government subsidised testing of drug quality will save us dole-bludgers money-Ed)...I don't think that's what they mean...(and of course there's the health issues re tainted drugs, overdose, etc-Ed)...yeah that's a slightly more sensible point...Ed is of course referring to the latest piece of Fascist bastardry to come spewing out of the Liberal Party about drug-testing those applying for the drastically inadequate NewStart Allowance...

This is yet another attempt/agenda to vilify and demonise the unemployed, mental health patients, single mums, Aboriginal peoples, etc, basically everybody who isn't a middle-aged white man...(and that coming from a middle-aged white man-Ed)...and hence it is doubly my responsibility to address this socio-political bullying bastardry...(double?-Ed)...once as a MAWM and again as a Disability Support Pensioner...

And I'm not the only one to suggest that there should be daily, mandatory drug-testing of police, politicians, judges, bus drivers, pilots, teachers, etc, etc...just think of all the people who should be getting tested before you start attacking the lowest rung of the ladder...(but that's the Liberal's entire strategy...don't fix anything because you can't, instead just find people to blame, particularly people who don't have anyway of fighting back-Ed)...indeed, it is the Fascism of your average private school Prefect...

It's what the Liberal Party are, state and national...incompetent silver-spooner bullies who only have plans that benefit themselves and there mates in business, mining, etc...they are out to re-define the class inequality and inequity and social elitism that makes it alright to blame the less fortunate, those who often have nothing, for the exorbitant price of a new BMW or a bottle of Grange Hermitage...(bloody peasants-Ed)...

Mind you, the Liberals also seem to be running some sort a ludicrous good cop/bad cop thing...(that or they have no real idea what they're doing because they're wholly driven by ideology not reality-Ed)...
fair enough...either way, they are increasingly contradicting each other, often within minutes, eg, recent statements by Treasurer Joe Hockey and Education Minister Christopher Pyne that Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) debts will be recovered from Deceased Estates, statements immediately refuted by Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

(Yeah, but that's just Tony Abbott identifying that he intends to make sure that no-one outside of Sydney's North Shore has anything left to take to the grave-Ed)...always thinking of others and how they can serve him...and that's your modern Australian politician right there, particularly the Liberals but with Labor closing fast...these people consider themselves our rulers not our servants, and they are our servants not our masters, and if that happens it's because we let it, and then we deserve it...

Now the same thing with this drug testing...a backbencher (LNP George Christensen) calls for it and the PM slaps it down...sounds like another round of Bernardis...(Bernardis? is that a cocktail?-Ed)...yes Ed, yes it is, well at least a recipe for manipulation...take one part Christian fundamentalism, one part Liberal ideology, stir publicly, and serve with a big wedge of righteousness...(you're talking about SA Liberal Cory Bernardi I know, but what's your point?-Ed)...point is, you get a backbencher to make an outrageous over-reach statement beyond what the Liberals really want, and it allows PM Abbott to 'revise' back to a comparatively less radical position...

(Which gives the PM relatively clear air with an issue that will still generate opposition but by his own definition is nowhere near the extremes others are canvassing...he's the voice of reason with an eye to compassion...what a thoroughly thoughtful and well-rounded gentleman-Ed)...yeah, right...(sorry, that was my attempt at sarcasm-Ed) no, fair enough, there's just nothing funny about this sort of blatant manipulation...(fair enough-Ed)...and 24hrs after it started the Drug Testing idea is dead in the water at the hand of the PM...

Tomorrow: City Council's Latest Fudget

(You've misspelled 'budget'-Ed)...indeed, I've misspelled 'fudge it' as well...(nice-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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