Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Just Some Random Shenanigans

Hey y'all in Peru, Poland, France and Ukraine and welcome to the blog for Wednesday 4th June 2014 and a series of issues stemming from Council decisions/planning...and I partially apologise for being a little blinkered and parochial in some of my recent posts, but I would beg indulgence in that in some instances I have been the news...(only it's news you won't see or hear in Mt Gambier-Ed)...not likely to, no...

Nature's Wonderland: again baby...found a mushroom in my garden (on the far-side of the compost heap) about the size of a dinner plate...and yes it's definitely an edible mushroom, but it's obviously been up for a few days and has been well chewed so I ain't touchin' it...(that must be some good compost-Ed)... 

Feedback: that apparently I need to cut back on the sarcasm...for example, yes I was referring to myself as 'the cat out of the bag' yesterday, but no I don't think that WIN TV has re-instated their minimalist 90 second news service jammed into an ad break during the usual news, just to 'get' me...however, I do believe there is some ulterior motive attached to this sudden display of alleged community focused altruism...

Similarly I don't think that certain legislation I probably can't mention...(well you can but you probably possibly shouldn't-Ed) really is ridiculous isn't it?...anyhoos, I don't think that this legislation/Authority was created specifically to get me, but it is clearly about getting people like me who speak out about the institutionalised corruption in South Australia...the fact that this legislation was recently enacted against me is just proof of this Agenda...and someone had to be the first to be threatened I mean prosecuted under this 'law'...

And finally...I wasn't contradicting myself at all with statements re the SAPol 'raid' of my home that 1) I had it foremost in my mind that these 2 detectives were likely the decent cops sent by the other kind, but that 2) I may well be wrong and was about to get some drugs or a gun, whatevs, planted and then subsequently an unknown situation all is possibility, all is potential...but I digress...

Last night alleged Child Protection Expert Emeritus Professor Frida Briggs was interviewed as part of a story about children abusing other children...Ms Briggs is yet another in the long list of alleged Child Protection experts/professionals in South Australia who knows all about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and has done absolutely nothing about it...gets her own post soon...(ouch, doesn't sound good-Ed)...well that's 'cos it ain't...

Not long after that was a story about the increasing problem of Catastrophic Wildfires that burn-out areas rather than through areas because we humans have interfered with the natural cycle of yearly small fires that clear undergrowth, fallen trees, etc, and therefore have created massive bonfires just waiting to go up in uncontrollable conflagrations that kill entire ecosystems including the adult trees that then never recover...and a big part of the story was the complacency of the many Australians living in semi-rural suburbs often adjoining bushland, eg, Hobart, capital of Tasmania.

Bottomline, this ground fuel feeds and intensifies any fire, also allowing the fire to get into the canopy, and then it's virtually unstoppable, it becomes "like a Tornado or Hurricane"...this fuel buildup right on the edge of town is exactly what I've been identifying in this here blog...Mt Gambier City Council's practice of felling but not removing trees around the Lakes Area has created a massive ground fuel load right on the Cities' doorstep...and it's only going to get worse...

Now Council is stating that Tree Removal programs will possibly be cut because of the impending but as yet undefined/unknown cuts to Local Government funding off the back of the Federal Budget...(but aren't those trees, or at least some of them, badly diseased and falling over by themselves?-Ed)...apparently and/or allegedly...(so what's your problem? they're ending up where Council leaves them anyway-Ed)...I ignore your sarcasm-soaked logic and re-state that there is a massive fire hazard sitting right there and it's only going to get worse with Council's increasing inaction...

In contrast Council apparently has the funds to go ahead with the ludicrously extravagant Solar Lights for around the Blue Lake...(and yet more concrete pavers for the Rail Lands this time-Ed)...I know, more on that tomorrow...

And Like Being Pole-Axed: when it was put to me, not least of all that I didn't spot it myself...that the 'Diseased Tree' issue is a farcical nonsense and that those trees around the Lakes area are dying from 'known reasons' and it ain't disease...(I'm not with you...the trees aren't dying?-Ed), they're dying alright, but it's not disease...(why not disease?-Ed)...well, those are allegedly 'diseased' Pine trees right...(yep-Ed)...and are there any other Pine trees in the South East?...(derrr obviously, the SEFE is Pine trees, Pinus Radiata or somethin'-Ed)............(oh-Ed)...yes, oh...

Killer Disease? Have you seen Forestry SA officials all up in it's grill and shizzle?...or anyone else all over it madly testing this alleged Pine tree killing disease rampant in the middle of the SEFE?...(no-Ed) you haven't...have you seen these trees, supposedly ravaged by a Pine tree killing disease, removed entirely and thoroughly destroyed to protect the SEFE?...(no-Ed), no you haven' it's a killer disease that affects Pine trees right in the middle of the SEFE and it's just been left to it's own devices...disease, bollocks...

And I apologise profusely that I missed this fundamental truth even whilst ploughing through the issue...this is why I talk to people, 'cos I don't know and/or see everything...which relates directly to Council shenanigans because if I as one person manage to expose what I have, then how much more remains undiscovered?

(I really want to argue with you on this one, but, but I got nuthin' what then if not disease? are you suggesting they've been deliberately poisoned or something? is this more sarcasm or more paranoia?-Ed), no, I agree with the teller of the tale that if those trees were diseased and dying, and remember they're Pine Trees, that if they were 'diseased' then Forestry SA officials and numerous other boffins, etc, would have been swarming all over it because of the incredibly valuable South East Forestry Estate...

(I...well...I...that's true but......poisoned you reckon-Ed)...whatevs, but it ain't no disease because if it was those trees would be a massive bio-hazard to the entire SEFE, and ain't nobody doin' not nuffin' not nowhere...(I suppose Forestry SA and the CFME Union, et al, might have somehow missed that point, you did-Ed)...true, but I'm not in Forestry, and I'd assume that anyone vaguely focused there would immediately identify the implications of a stand of diseased Pine Trees dying off in the middle of the SEFE...

(Oh my Gordon's just so, right...if those trees were diseased then they wouldn't have been left there to die...why have they just been left there to die? why haven't they been removed? are they different Pines to the main SEFE species and therefore it doesn't count? head hurts-Ed)...welcome to my world...moving on...

Minister Tom Koutsontonis announced that Labor will be forced to react to the Federal (Liberal) Budget and supposed Health funding cuts...(Libs say the funding wasn't there in the first place-Ed)...indeed...but either way Tommy K is using the excuse to declare that Labor in SA is going to axe 100's of hospital beds...and you couldn't wipe the smile off his face when he proudly declared that Labor would do nothing, absolutely nothing, to buffer SA residents from those alleged cuts...and you just know those closures won't be in Adelaide where the votes are...

Player Sacked: is the best headline thus far this week...(please explain-Ed) refers to an AFL footballer (Carlton? whatevs) who has been dismissed by the club for putting nude photos, presumably of himself, on Social Media on the Interweb...(ah, I get it, a scrotum joke, witty Wilde, witty-Ed) does what one can...but I can't help feeling that it's perhaps a somewhat hypocritical and massive over-response to a stupid act...(apparently he has a 'history' of issues-Ed)...whatevs...on to real news... 

Former Liberal leader Isobel Redmond has responded to calls to apologise to the Electoral Commissioner Kay Mousley for referring to her under Parliamentary Privilege as "utterly corrupt", by repeating the claim because 'Ms Mousley's bias is so profound that it equates to corruption' (paraphrase)...(yeah, I don't think Ms Redmond has quite grasped the fundamental Principles of Apology-Ed)...go' bless 'er, go' bless...

And in closing I'd just like to say how great it is to see/hear that City Council is attacking a private citizen for not paying his rates, and that this includes expensive repeated Court actions...that rate-payers pay for...great to see that Council's got it's priorities sorted...on one hand for example, there's the massive corruption of the Main Corner Project and 'free leasing' to Councillor Des Mutton's son, all done at massive expense to ratepayers, yet the same Council are trying to kick someone out of his home for a relative pittance...

(And why can't they just ask the Court to garnishee his income?-Ed)...or defer as they do with other cases? no idea...perhaps Council doesn't like him? perhaps Council are just thugs and bullies?...and seen through the lens of Council's outrageous expenditure on the most retrograde of projects, eg, the entirely pointless Main Corner again, hiding the beautiful Kings Theatre behind a recycled aircraft hangar, and oh my god, concrete pavers up The Main...these are the things that Council needs to pay my head's starting to hurt... 

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands Stuff 

The Rail Lands Retail Agenda, as covered in many previous posts, is the Agenda that Mt Gambier City Council and it's mates, eg, former CEO Greg Muller, have relentlessly, unwaveringly pursued for a massive extension of the Lakes Plaza out across the Old Rail Lands site right in the centre of town, a site 'gifted' to the City of Mt Gambier by Labor back in late 2004/early 2005...

Just because it was in the news again this morning and a natural follow-on to more shenanigans stuff re Council's Budget Fudging...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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