Sunday, June 22, 2014

I Know I Random Before - The Rail Lands Retail Agenda

Hello and welcome to a very brief pseudo-day off post re the RLRA's all about context...

Feedback: re the Medical Marijuana stuff...yes there was a program recently (ABC/SBS?) featuring an United States psychologist and she was opposing legalisation stating that the majority of her younger clients had smoked marijuana and had issues of depression, psychosis, etc...there are issues of potential permanent 'damage' from early exposure, itself a potential result of 'legalisation', but this is all a completely different argument to MM, eg, the regulated production of low THC (the 'psycho-active agent'* in marijuana) oils,  tinctures, etc, specifically for medicinal use......

I am not a doctor, clinician,, *'psycho-active' is a term I use, it may not be the current recognised medical and/or research terminology...I'm just a former Chemotherapy patient whom chose to MM self-medicate during treatment, with what I believe were direct and excellent results...this is only anecdotal evidence not a clinical trial or anything like that...please research this for yourself, but I maintain my support...

The RLRA: yes I know, but like I say it's almost a day off for me and I've wanted to include these maps and the related articles from The Border Watch in recent RLRA posts that just got way too long...I know that I have posted several of these maps before, I 'ran them before', but it bears review in comparison...

For those of you whom cannot avail themselves personally of this here hole, here's a picture what TBW done Wednesday 11th June 2014 of the excavator in the fake lake which shows perfectly the scale of what Council promotes as a piece of Socially Interactive Playscape or some shizzle, but is actually an Industrial Drainage Sump planned, designed, engineered, and constructed to deal with the run-off for the roof of the still being pursued Retail Expansion on the site.

Please note that in the second picture/plan, taken from Council's 30 page Design Plans as presented in February 2006, under Advantages, dot point 3, the critical statement;
       "Reduces risk of competing centres being developed at the city fringe"
This is what I've been saying about how Council blocked Bunnings at Penola Rd (where Woolworths, Big W, etc, is now) which led to Bunnings on the furiously re-zoned Millicent Rd site that belongs to a then serving Grant District Councillor Brenton James, etc, etc, etc...and the extraordinary damage this cross Council greed, corruption and incompetence has done to Mt Gambier.

I completely reject this farcical alleged debate about the risks this lake may pose and how Councillor Des Mutton is deeply concerned, etc...blah, blah, blah, this is purely promotion of Cr Mutton leading up to the November 2014 Local Government Elections...where was this debate before Council proposed, voted for, passed, and have 3/4 constructed the $700,000 shreckin' fake lake?...lie after lie, deceit after deceit, it's all about the RLRA and there's no denyin' it...   

Tomorrow: More Budget Shizzle

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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