Saturday, June 28, 2014

Just Stuff About Just Being And Being Just

Yo' homies and welcome to the blog...apologies for no post yesterday but no Interweb again....and again I'd be more paranoid if others didn't have similar problems...and whilst I live on the outskirts of Mt Gambier, it ain't out in the boondocks, and I can see from my home what I understand is one of these new National Broadband Network towers, less than 5kms away...(one can only assume that is ain't switched on yet-Ed)...

Deadset, if it's raining and/or windy, and the youths are home from school, etc, say after about 1530hrs, I can't get a connection...whilst this is only fairly anecdotal evidence, it does appear that Interweb accessibility in Mt Gambier goes to crap if the weather's a bit I'm just going to tidy this up and do proper post later...

FIFA Bites Back: by implementing it's tough new '3 Bites And You're Out' policy, almost proving it's not a corrupt toothless tiger, and so Uruguayan Chewie Suarez gets 4 Foe-Fangin' free months as a result of his recent epicurean expedition/exploration across the shoulder of Mont Chiellini...(nice...where he chowed down on a little Chiellini al Dente-Ed)...that occurred at 2.30 local time...(tooth hurty...classic-Ed)...

Renouncing My Pacifiscm*: for just a moment, just long enough to slap the purile little pricks who made the following comments. Unfortunately I don't know who exactly they were...comment 1) the other day on the Alan Jones radio show, was actually a series of comments by his guest (?) that started with an Australian that had gone to Syria and/or Iraq to participate in the current conflict, lurched to something about the Disability Support Pension, and then let loose about how all DSP 'Mental Health' recipients are faking...purely blinkered bigotted ignorance cobbling together entirely unrelated issues to justify opinion...

*Whilst I genuinely appreciate the 'instant feedback' of the other day, it's made me acutely aware of being very obvious about what's a joke and what's a threat,'s fairly simple for me, I'm not threatening anyone, never have, never will...but on more than one occasion I've had other people say to me, "how is it that you haven't killed one of these pricks yet?"...(fair enough-Ed)...I'm just a man not a Saint and I don't believe in Saints's why I do the self-deprecating stuff, 1) because it's true, and 2) I ain't no-one special, this is just how I am...

For example, when I was subjected to the Domestic Violence incident at the Lakes Plaza carpark back in March(?) and was left no choice but to intervene on behalf of a clearly terrified young woman, this is how it ran in my head...when the young man involved got out out of the car, I immediately thought 'mistake 1-never let them get out of the car, maintain dominant position with him still seated, should have gone across to the car before speaking'...

I've never done any sort of formal training in anything much, but the moment he threatened me, "I'll smash your f***in' head in", I heard nothing else and was all instinct, watching his hands, eyes, etc, subtly positioning myself closer to the railing where he'd have to cross to get to me, etc, was all a bit 'Bourne Conspiracy' for me who does not spend a lot of time in that mind-set, but ultimately it was just basic survival responses, responses that directed that I may have to hurt this person to stop them hurting me and/or others, eg, the young woman in the car...

This is a vastly different scenario to me choosing to stop and confront our charming former local Member Rory McEwen outside the Polling Booth back in February...I've covered both these incidents at length in previous posts...if they're not illustration enough of how I roll, I don't know what else to say...and while we're on Rory, it's been alleged to me that it's not just the seaweed that stinks out Kingston way when it comes to the $20+million Commercial Seaweed Harvest contract that was recently signed with a Chinese company, a deal apparently involving former Green Phone bankruptor Grant King and our mate Rory...  

The 'Christian Cuddle' stuff is a very specific reference to what the Lutherans/St Martins School were saying to deny the abuses they knew had been committed against our 7 year old children by "text-book grooming paedophile" (Flinders Child Protection Unit-2002) teacher Glyn Dorling, that he was just giving the kids a 'Christian Cuddle'...and that I've had that flung in my face more than once...and that if I were to 'CC' someone like Rory McEwen I'd end up on multiple charges for sexual assault, assault, intimidation, deprivation of liberty, etc...

This is a clear explanation of what the realities were that the Lutherans, Rory, et al,  knew they were/know they are covering-up...but I digress...

As rabidly Right-wing as he can be, I force myself to listen to Alan Jones because on occasion he does stray into humanism and activism, eg, he is a vicious critic of the clearly corrupted Newman Liberal government in Queensland , where they've just retrospectively changed laws to benefit a major party donor, a Mr Wagner, seeking to operate his illegally constructed airport near Oakey Airbase, illegality that has been facilitated by the direct involvement of the local Mayor et al...Mr Newman's corruption is so absolute that this is what they'll do for their mate...the laws don't apply to start with, and change them to suit afterwards anyway...

(And isn't Mr Wagner also responsible for the murder of 10+ people in Grantham back in January 2011?-Ed), that's a big call, can you back it up?...(well apparently, the 'flash-flood' that destroyed Grantham was the result of a tailings dam collapsing upstream, sending a wall of contaminated water through Grantham, and that dam was illegally constructed, and that dam/mine belonged to Mr Wagner, whom promptly sold it-Ed)...but surely that would have been discovered during the exhaustive forensic processes that duly follow such a tragedy?

(Well you'd think, but Mr Newman's corruption is so absolute that the 'collapsed illegal tailings dam', belonging to his mate Mr Wagner, that caused the flash-flood through Grantham that killed 10+people, that 'dam' managed to not quite make it into any official reports and was duly ignored-Ed)...oh, how unfortunate, unless of course you're Mr Wagner or his mate Mr Newman.

Is this where I don't make a joke about getting away with murder?...(yeah, I'd reckon, because if there's one time you don't joke about getting away with murder, it's when someone gets away with murder-Ed)...again I digress...

The second comment was a Liberal Senator (?sorry), in Parliament, on Thursday 26th June approx 1600hrs Canberra time...this prick, mid rant against the Labor Party, made the extraordinary comment that '6 years ago we had a Sorry Day, well we need another Sorry Day for what the last Labor government have done'...(you're kidding me?-Ed)...wish I was...I don't know where to begin with just how offensive this statement is, other than sling some purile abuse again, whatta' prick...(what a disgrace-Ed)...indeed...   

Incompetence, laziness, lack of investigative rigour...comments from a whistleblower about ASIC and the   Commonwealth Bank...(more like the Robbinwealth Bank-Ed)...exactly, but I don't imagine they're any more corrupt than any other bank...but I can imagine that the vacuous threats of a Royal Commission will have senior CB executives laughing all the way to their massive bonuses...public exposure of what's already known with no repercussions, sounds like the Child Abuse Royal Commission. 

I Try With My Little Eye: to spy some positives in the world and so genuine kudos to ABC Local Radio for their series on 'Crack Addiction' this week...unfortunately I've missed a fair bit of local radio this past couple of weeks due to appointments so I didn't hear a lot of it but it is important that these sort of 'unpleasant' issues are addressed, and from the bit I did hear, this series was objective and empathetic, not judgemental or voyeuristic...I might see if the rest is on their website...

Unfortunately, the ABC has also continued their practice of 'Dorothy Dixer' interviewing of politicians and public officials...recent classics include an interview with Mt Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman blathering on about how great Council's Financial Management is and some alleged surplus and an alleged Financial Plan, etc, and not one word from interviewer Stan Thompson about Council's outrageous Fiscal mismanagement, spawned of malfeasance as much as incompetence, that led to them doubling their own borrowing capacity.

I'm going to stop here and dump the last couple of half-finished paragraphs and move them to,

Tomorrow: The Council Meeting Stuff

Some Heavily Sarcastic Closing can we ask/insist that our children grow up to be respectful and honest and give half a damn about other people?...firstly, we are clearly encumbering them with attitudes that will only hinder them in our current socio-political climate, another climate that the Liberal Party are committed to not changing...(nice-Ed)...but more importantly, we as parents are making ourselves look like complete idiots to our own children, telling our kids to behave in basically the opposite way to the daily examples they see being set by our illustrious leaders.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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