Saturday, June 14, 2014

FLADS Part II - Down In A Hole

Hello and welcome to the blog and apologies for no post into some hardcore gardening and was thoroughly knackered and then decided I didn't need to drag myself back to Earth from my exhausted horticultural high with base realities like the disintegration of my community at the hands of a callous and corrupt state government and equally bent local Councils...(fair enough, nobody needs that bullshit in their day-Ed)...

And I have no idea why but I feel some strange affinity for the people of Ukraine and I weep for the violence being played out in their country by largely external powers...and then so do I feel for the families of Iraq, and Nigeria, and a dozen other places that flick across my electronic comprehension of the Universe...and in brief glimpses I understand why I have been drawn to fight where there should be no such need but the need is greatest...when 7 year olds can't get through grade 2 without being molested and abused, and then the state of South Australia covers-up that abuse, someone has to fight even they should never have to...

And just for the record, if any of these corrupt public officials care to publicly discuss any of my "complaints", "allegations", and/or "alleged defamationings", then I'm up for it...and I don't mean send the cops around again to harass and intimidate me (albeit very politely) and steal my stuff, sorry 'seize as evidence' my laptop when I haven't even been charged with anything...(sorry, your property was 'seized as evidence', but you've not been charged?-Ed)...nope...(how is that appropriate?-Ed) idea...because it's South Australia, the Fascist state?...(fair enough-Ed)...

And that's a lovely segue into en email I was sent re a website that explains the SAPol 'Open-Ended Search Warrant' as used here at my home on Thursday 8th May 2014...I'll cover as part of tomorrow...

It's 0545hrs Central Australian Standard Time, it's dark and lightly but persistently raining, about 5mm overnight...(lovely-Ed)...and great that I got at least part of the much needed 'catch-up' gardening done yesterday...and if I hadn't mentioned it, what 1) the Housing Trust has let me do in 2) transforming a bare backyard into an overgrown oasis that 3) I love spending all day working on...these are 3 things that I'm so very aware of as blessings in my life...

1) That I have this extraordinarily lovely little HT house for my home, despite how SAPol may have made me feel about it for a few weeks recently, that has a North facing backyard, gently sloping away from the house, that's perfect for a garden...
2) I can't imagine a private landlord letting a tenant completely landscape, eg, terracing, small ponds, 20 fruit trees, etc, but the HT love my garden...they've described it as an "oasis" and said "looking from the front (of the house) you'd never guess this was here"...
3) That for all my whinging about knackered knees, etc, I'm still physically capable of putting in a fairly decent days work in the garden...bit stiff and sore this morning but it's a 'good' sore, ya. know?...(speak for yourself, I can hardly move...oooo me back-Ed)...

Just last (Thursday) evening on the WIN TV News 90 Second Long Jammed In An Adbreak Dedicated Mt Gambier News segment, it was reported that "at the 11th hour" Council had decided to approve the Solar Lights around the Blue Lake...(sweet baby cheeses, what a horrendous waste of $500,000+...and only this week I think, also "11th hour" in The Border Watch, and last week a long article about the unknown impacts of impending Federal Budget cuts that opens with comments about Council borrowing this $500K, but by the end of the same article 'Council's got the money for those lights'...

And a big shout-out to The Border Watch for their extensive and scoriating coverage of the whole Rail Lands issue with the front page of Councillor Des Mutton gazing vacantly off into nowhere...(the other day you said he looked 'majestic'-Ed)...that was actually sarcasm...and that article was about how Cr Des is concerned, now that it's been passed through Council and 3/4 built, that this ludicrous fake lake is a potential drowning hazard...(hang on, various Council reps have been all over the media like stink on a monkey, promoting the child friendly wonders of the artificial creek and water feature-Ed)...exactly...

And that's what happens when you tell different fibs, you're bound to contradict yourself...and I completely reject this farcical carry-on promoting Des Mutton, oooo Des'll save us from the Bike Lanes, Des'll look out for the kiddies, etc, in the lead-up to the November 2014 Local Government Elections...(ah, of course-Ed)...yes, and everybody's a "Council stalwart",'s about lending credibility to those whom are otherwise lacking...

And that's exactly why it's a concern that TBW is the feed source for the WIN TV 90 Second Wonder definition TBW is on a good day a Propaganda newsletter on behalf of the company that owns it and by default that's what you're going to get on the 90 Seconds of Relevance on WIN TV...and that means business as usual with the pro-Council agenda, etc...(and no Nick Fletcher reportage because you're banned out of TBW-Ed)...indeed...(and off of and from the ABC-Ed)...indeed...(and even when you get your home raided that's not news-Ed)...well quite...

(So you're saying that because a company owns TBW, that therefore TBW is at best, on a good day, all things being equal-Ed)...get on with it...(yes, get on with it-KAAFMPHG)...sorry, what? KAAFMPHG?...(yeah, we're King Arthur's Army From Monty Python's Holy Grail movie-KAAFMPHG)...of course you are...anyhoos, TBW has fully embraced Liberal Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull's Media Ownership ethos, namely, you own a paper, etc, so that you can run your opinion, and that's perfectly appropriate...(that's perfectly propaganda, that's what that is-Ed)...indeed...

TBW has also included a long article explaining how the farcical Palm trees that Council has payed $3,000 each for (?ABC Radio interview-possibly more than that)...(strewth-Ed)...that are destined for the Rail Lands, are continuing a long tradition of Palm trees in Mt Gambier, eg, at the new Library carpark...(where? that's bollocks...the carparks the only ones and a few scattered around town...what about some bloody natives?-Ed)...Council's got that covered with native grasses getting planted along the Fake Creek and on various bits of scrap ground around town...

(So putting a few Native grasses around somehow addresses none at all on the Rail Lands?-Ed)...that appears to be the strategy...'oh don't worry about no Native trees there because we put grass here'...and it's all borderline irrelevant because Council is laying out that site to accommodate the carpark that they'll have to build to service the Retail/Commercial Expansion of the Lakes Plaza that Council and it's mates have been pursuing for going on a decade now...

The $10m Parklands Concept Plan, released by Council with great pomp and pageantry in November 2011, was an outright lie designed to distract from the rank corruption of the disastrous Main Corner, and completely contradicted every plan they had presented at that stage...I have put up copies of these plans in several previous blogs, including last week...Council's relentless deceit of the community re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda is undeniable...

For example, the Site Deed was repeatedly proffered by Council across years as being an insurmountable hurdle until they suddenly decided to ignore the exact issues they'd been previously obsessed with, and, whilst openly stating that they have no idea whether or not Council/Ratepayers will be liable for the cost of replacing all the tracks, etc, ripped it all up...(and then spent millions moving dirt in circles-Ed)...exactly... 

And in more good news, it looks like another massive drain across the South East to drain off vitally precious surface water, was it 26 gigilitres...(yeah, sounds about right?-Ed)... to help lower salinity in the Coorong...and another massive drain will likely be accompanied by another levy,  with over $80million in maintenance works overdue and locals are likely to be paying for that as well...Labor has for over a decade stripped the Regions to pay for Adelaide's baubles and party treats, and if we want basic medical services out here in the boondocks, we have to have bloody raffles and print's a bloody outrage...

Tomorrow: Saving For A Raidy Day

Lots more hilarity trying to discuss a whole bunch of stuff that's critically important to the blog, and I would suggest of some certain concern elsewhere, what happened here, but what I probably can't talk about even though it hasn't happened...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters and 'ron and later Ron and cheers to all...

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