Sunday, June 8, 2014

Ask Not What Your Council Can Do For You - The RLRA

Hello Poland, France, the USofA, and Indonesia and welcome to the blog...and I'd just like to talk right down to pushing Earth needlessly around in circles to create 'billable hours' re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda what I might possibly have mentioned in previous posts...(all the time...well certainly at least often-Ed)...yes I know I bang on about it but it is the critically corrupted conduct of City Council in pursuit of said Agenda that has dominated alleged Planning and Development around Mt Gambier since 2004/05...

Just For Laughs: heard don't know who (sorry, a Union rep?) talking about the Adelaide Submarine Corp, the latest contract for Patrol boats, buying not building 2 large Supply ships, the 7 boat 'Future Frigate' program, etc, and how these things all tie together in maintaining a strong, skilled ship-building industry into the future...he passionately explained why that 'future' needs regular government contracts...(yeah, he said "we have to have a future, frig it, for Australia"-Ed)...orr hey, that's my joke, you bastard...

Feedback: as per my previous claims that at least 2 former (but at the time serving) Councillors, Grant District's Brenton James and Mt Gambier's Tony Pasin received inappropriately preferential, intensely questionable, highly profitable, clearly unacceptable Land Re-Zoning approvals concurrent to the Bunnings/Penola Rd disaster that saw Bunnings end up on the re-Zoned Millicent Rd site, a site belonging to Brenton James...

I understand this to be true and as stated previously I am more than happy to be corrected by either gentleman, and given that Mr Pasin is now our Liberal Member for Barker it might be considered that he should respond...not that he responded to my emails re the St Martins issue...(so you did contact him then?-Ed)...yep...(and not even an acknowledgement?-Ed)...nope...(but he already knows all about it anyway, yeah?-Ed)...yep...(has known for years-Ed)...yep...(we'll come back to this-Ed)...damn straight we will...

I have re-posted (below) some of the various plans that Mt Gambier City Council has presented since 2005 for Expansion of the Lakes (Centro) Plaza and/or other major Retail/Commercial development on the Old Rail Lands...respectful apologies but the RLRA is not up for debate, it is an undeniable reality that sits at the heart of local politics in the same way the Lands used to be the heart of a thriving Region...whatever the motivations, the RLRA ain't nuthin' but a thang...

And I'm not forgetting other issues like Wind Turbines, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, the criminality of the Forestry Estate Sale, the lunacy of Fracking, Public Transport or Health issues or both, eg, the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme, Mayor Steve Perryman's personal raft of Conflicts of Interests, the corruption of the Old Hospital Demolition Tender, Fire Prevention for the Region, responsible water usage, etc, etc, etc...

Start At The Beginning: in that I'm relatively new to Mt Gambier and the Rail Lands in the centre of Mt Gambier...(Google Earth it or whatevs, mofos-Ed)...mofos? really?...(just dialin' with me peeps-Ed)...sorry what?...(dialoguing with my people-Ed)...well say that then...anyhoos, the Rail Lands were the beating heart of Mt Gambier and it's branches the arteries of local industry, agriculture, etc, with passenger services to Adelaide, etc, but all was shut down and sold-off...

It happened shortly before I moved to Mt Gambier, but is my understanding that Rail Services were deliberately undermined, stopped, and dismantled by a trucking company determined to force freight onto the roads where they would make all the profit...I have spoken to many people on this issue and the description of events has been unanimous...

In late 2004/early 2005 the City of Mt Gambier was gifted those lands and the attached plans show exactly what Council has been trying to do ever since, build a massive expansion of the Lakes Plaza...because of the plans I'll finish this up here and do some dot point posts to try and clean up a few issues like this one...

Please bear with me as I struggle through what I feel are a few 'going-through-the-motions' self-distractive posts designed to keep me from more self-destructive projects...(you mean because this June long weekend is the 12th anniversary of the removal of "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling from St Martins Lutheran School?-Ed)...indeed...(followed by 12 years of the Lutherans, SAPol, the Labor and Liberal Parties, etc, engaging in the institutionalised Cover-up of the abuses committed against 7 year old children-Ed)...indeed...

When I get my shizzle back on track I'll deal with that stuff...

Tomorrow: Saving For A Raidy Day

More SAPol Raid stuff...and I'm thrilled to see that individual Goethermal units are being installed around the Canberra area utilising the heat in the top 5km of ground...seasons may come and go, as does the sun and wind, but the Earth's temperature remains fairly constant...the spokesperson for the company (?names-sorry) said that at any given time Australia had 26,000 years of 'stored energy' in geothermal sources, usually 'hot rock'...(super-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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