Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Christian Cuddles All Round - Cuttin' Crook About Crooks

Hello Spain, France, Saudi Arabia, and Moldova...and welcome to what I'm predicting will be a very angry blog, a dot point revision of some of the many, many corruption issues that inevitably surface when dealing with the fundamentally corrupt organisations/authorities in South Australia, mired as they are in the Pro-Paedophile Agenda of both major Parties, SAPol, and the Judiciary...and I can only apologise to those availees whom are not responsible for what I'm cutting crook about, apologise for being so fractious and aggressive...

Julie Bishop Cries Fowl: about some brief good news as prime Minister Tony Abbott's Budget shys at the first hurdle (the Upper House), refusing to pass, and thus presenting the Liberals with the 'Double Dissolution Trigger' they need to call a new (Full Senate) Federal Election...(but why and/or how has Foreign Affairs Minister Bishop cried fowl?-Ed)...oh, well she said the government doesn't have to call an election just because they can, "just because you've got a trigger, it doesn't mean you have to pullet."......(is that pay-back for yesterdays 'the eyes have it/the ayes have it' effort?-Ed)...yes, yes it is...

Word On The Street: has it that our illustrious Mayor Steve Perryman has had a spot of luck lately and is waving a big wad of cash around town, looking to spend-up on some seriously expensive trinkets...I have been hearing versions of this 'rumour' for weeks, but it has congealed into a fairly specific tale, namely, that Mr Perryman has had a substantial lottery win, approx $1million...(well that explains the big wads of cash-Ed)...well, not quite, because the Ute of Public Opinion has pulled up on those Words and observed that it's bullshit, that this is an excuse to spend otherwise inexplicable funds...(you cynic-Ed)...no dude, that's what others are stating to me...(deadset-Ed)...

Deadset, not a word of a lie, before I can help people to a better understanding of the Universe by enlightening them as to the wisdom of my opinion, they're saying this to me, that it's ill-gotten gains being splashed around with a lame explanation...given the breadth and specificity of these 'rumours' and the extraordinary list of Conflict of Interest business relationships displayed by Mayor Perryman, etc, I feel it is incumbent of him to make a public declaration re this widely 'rumoured' windfall...soon...

It's hammering down outside between persistent 60-70kph wind gusts, peaking over 100kph, and I was standing out there just earlier (0530hrs) in the dark, clasping a hot coffee and watching the trees surge and sweep and roll and return in ways that defy snappage, whilst I luxuriated in the calm afforded by my freezing little house...and I ain't exagerating, well maybe a bit, it's about 10C (50F?) inside...and my thoughts turned to the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter and what a farcical waste of money that open Shade Sail piece of stupidity truly is...and a direct illustration of the rank, self-serving corruption that defines Mt Gambier City Council, particularly when it comes to the Rail Lands...

(Ah of course, City Council completely ignored years of unanimous support for a central Bus Terminus on/at the Rail Lands because that would compromise the all conquering Rail Lands Retail Agenda...please see previous posts-Ed)...indeed, the LNBS was deliberately conceived and constructed to stop it compromising Council's ongoing plans for a massive Retail Expansion of the Lakes (Centro) Plaza on the Rail Lands site...$250,000 for a pointless Sail structure that is an abject failure at the most needed times, kilometres from anywhere...

Apols for going through this again, but the RLRA is what it is, a comprehensive synopsis of the selfishness and corruption that defines Mt Gambier City Council. 

Where To Start?: (well I thought we already had, but why not open with the rank Fascism of the Wind Turbine Legislation that was jammed into law by former Premier Mike Rann in October 2011, and that quite deliberately denies citizens access to the Courts and the right/ability to oppose or even appeal Wind Turbine Developments...call it what you like, but what it is, removing access to alleged justice, is a fundamental cornerstone of Fascism-Ed)...you're absolutely right, the Wind Turbine legislation is irrefutably Fascism, and Fascism exercised with a direct financial gain for Mike Rann's family...

The only question, is it Corruption so absolute that it has become Fascism, or just the corruption inherent of Fascism?...whatevs, Democracy's dead in a ditch somewhere far behind us... 

But seriously, one need go no further than the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up for a clinical study in the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines the South Australian Parliament, indeed, all 3 levels of government, the Legislative (Parliament), the Executive (SAPol), and the Judiciary...and don't come to me bleating bullshit about Contempt of Court or contempt for whatevs...render unto Caesar...my contempt finds it's own justification, seeks it's own succour, roosts where it feels most at home...

My relentless contempt has been beaten into me over 12 years of watching everybody in this very sick State of Decay cover-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier...former local Members Rory McEwen and Don Pegler, local Mayors Steve Perryman, Peter Gandolfi, Richard Sage, federal Member Tony Pasin, Labor candidates Viv and Jim Maher, etc, etc, etc...all knowing, all condoning, all responsible, all complicit, all corrupt...(not to forget the local media-Ed)...oh yeah I hadn't forgotten...

It's clearly not much better anywhere in Australia, but South Australia is wholly consumed and effectively run by Pro-Paedophile Corruption, and it starts from the heart of both the Liberal and Labor Parties, the offices of the Premier, the Police Commissioner, the Attorney General, et al...it is my personal experience that everyone in the state is terrified of crossing the Paedophiles and losing their precious shreckin' jobs...(or worse-Ed)...well indeed...anyhoos...

I Make No Apology: for the seething fury and fathomless sorrow that consumes my life as I flounder in the foaming torrent of South Australia's Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption...we live in a state run by Paedophiles and your children are Officially Sanctioned Prey...good luck with that...and the whole thing for me is an illustration of just how piss-weak and/or selfish people can be when it comes to unpleasant realities that don't directly affect them...set fire to Rory McEwen's chair and see how quickly he moves to address it before it affects him, but present him with the irrefutable proof of the abuse of a class of 7 year old children and the Cover-up of that abuse, and he get's straight on board with the Cover-up...

**I have removed a paragraph about Guy Fawkes, etc, from just here following feedback that I received post posting earlier today (now 2230hrs)...my choice...I didn't particularly have a problem with the paragraph, but respect and appreciate the specific feedback, so out of respect, I've just removed it...cheers and laters** 

Go Frome Geoff Brock: because we don't want you anywhere near the South East you grubby little stoat with your relentless rhetoric and motor-mouthed propagandist platitudes that at the first test are shown for the vacuous lies they are...'I'll protect SA Regions, hooray for me'...and then emphatically supporting the State Budget which sells off the Motor Accident Commission and guarantees open slather Fracking with it's guaranteed massive pollution, etc...what a prick...

Just listening to the latest absolute bullshit spewing out of the federal Child Abuse Royal Commission as they continue to criss-cross the country reviewing cases that are already resolved and studiously ignoring the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...in the 18+ months that this Circus has been circulating, has anybody heard one single word about the Lutheran Church?...nope?...anyone?...come on, one word...(dude, you are fired up today-Ed)...and again they've gone to Perth to look at a case where a teacher was gaoled in 2010 after 10 years of ignored complaints, etc...

(Well there you go, you said that they were only looking at old cases-Ed)...yeah, one case that gives them the out to say exactly that when the obvious criticisms are made, 'oh no, we did a recent one from Perth'...(wow, that is being cynical-Ed)...the case is already resolved but the school 'can't be named' and still doesn't address Grooming in it's policies, and the school rep was the new Principal not the one responsible for what is a text-book cover-up that demonstrates a clear desire by school hierarchy for those children to be abused...(yeah fair enough, that's a fairly piss-poor effort-Ed)...it's pathetic...

The CARC is just another plank of Pro-Paedophile Corruption designed and executed to give the very false  impression that some-one is doing something about Institutionalised Paedophilia in Australia...bollocks...and now they're trotting off to Swimming Australia to paw through an already resolved case from decades ago with an already dead perpetrator...and all while resolutely ignoring the St Martins Case...makes me spit!

And Your Funding Is...Cut: that's a massive take, thankyou people, break for lament...because the Something Film Festival has been axed?...sorry, missed the first bit of the Federal Budget interview with Member for Barker Tony Pasin blaming the National Film and Sound Archive for axing whatevs Festival it is/was, and Tones reckons contact the NFSA because it's their decision made in April, well before the Budget, not the Liberals fault...(but there's been heaps of discussion for months about all sorts of massive cuts and the NFSA clearly knew this was looming-Ed)...absolutely, it comes down to who you believe. 

Gonna' finish up here but plenty more tomorrow...(wow, that is one angry post-Ed)...ahh, yes and no...I actually find it really cathartic to deal with what is for me a daily reality that I cannot avoid, by putting it on the page and looking at the genuine realities of what has and hasn't happened re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and then presenting it to others...after I've gone back and politened it up a bit of course...(this is politened? dude, get it on-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Such A Raidy Day Today

And the umbrella-made of-cobweb legislation that I'm not sure I can mention...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...all going nowhere fast...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is a blog, my blog...check me out...cheers and laters...and do yourselves a favour, watch The Mighty Boosh (BBC TV)...

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