Sunday, June 29, 2014

More DeBelle Debacle Deceits From Labor

Hello Taiwan, Czech Republic, Poland, and Ukraine and welcome to the blog...I really was going to do 2 posts yesterday, but by the time I'd finished watching our massively man-scaped Premier Ray-Jay Weatherill (ABC TV?) shrilly whinging about the Federal Liberals, whilst spewing carefully rehearsed indignation in defense of the traitorous Martin Hamilton Smith, well I'd just about had enough, so instead I didn't...(ahh, fair enough-Ed)...

Rather angry post today because I'm just furious about the language that continues to be used to vilify people like myself on the Disability Support Pension and/or other Support Payments, particularly whilst Corporate Criminals like the Commonwealth Bank and the Australian Securities and Investment Commission just keep on getting their bonuses, etc, Liberal Arthur Sinodinos walks away unsanctioned for a $20m corrupt deal re Australian Water Holdings, etc, etc, etc...and I'm the burden on my society...bollocks...

Just In Review: the South Australian Electoral system is so corrupted that Labor continuously wins Elections on sub-majority numbers, and when that's not enough they bribe alleged Independents, eg, Rory McEwen and Geoff Brock, and/or other apparently moralless, selfish, and corrupt/corruptible people like the National Party's Karlene Maywald (2002) and Liberal Martin Hamilton Smith (2014) the March 2014 election it was 47/53 to Liberals on Two Party Preferred, but 23 Labor seats to 22 Liberal with 2 alleged Independents, one of whom immediately jumped to Labor (Geoff Brock) and the other (Bob Such) went on Sick Leave without supporting anyone...

Both of those 'Independent Seats' are recognised as Conservative (Liberal) but ended up supporting yet another Labor minority government...(but Bob Such's seat wa...-Ed)...hang on, I was going to explain, one Seat directly to Labor and one unaccounted therefore cementing that position...(fair enough-Ed)...and Geoff Brock is a Labor stooge supported into government by Labor in the first place...(also fair enough-Ed)...not fair enough, simply true.

Never forget that Marty was the 4th Liberal that Labor tried to bribe across to sure up their numbers in an otherwise hung parliament...and Bob Such has just disappeared again with further 'leave' granted and without announcing whom he supports re forming government, meaning that his electorate didn't have a say in who formed government after the March 2014 state election and is currently unrepresented at is it appropriate?'s a dog's breakfast...

Liberal Ian Evans, himself approached by Labor initially, refused that offer and has instead announced that he'll retire soonish to allow the Libs to reform for the 2018 listen to Weatherill bleating about what's happening with disunity in the Liberals, retirements, etc, is just laughable...let's have a look at Labor's Patrick Conlon, 'Part-time Pat', who semi-retired whilst an elected Member of Parliament to go work as a lawyer/consultant...(that's right...and of course Rory McEwen  identified Pat Conlon as being the Paedophile Politician 'Terry'-Ed)...indeed Rory did...  

And in 2011 the Rann/Weatherill Labor government immediately dumped their then Acting Police Minister Bernard Finnigan when he was arrested on 2 dozen Child Pornography charges (April 2011?), by the SAPol he was Minister of...dumped him out of the Labor Party whilst screaming "innocent until proven guilty" and Bernard continues to just sit there in the Legislative Council, receiving a full parliamentary income, superannuation, etc, whilst his lawyers and the Courts conspire to do everything they can to deliberately cock-up the case by running it in and out of different jurisdictions, repeatedly changing the charges, etc.

Meanwhilst, the Weatherill Labor government is yet again manoeuvring to try and use the abuses it originally Covered-up at the 'Western Suburbs School' to give itself credibility where none has ever existed and none ever is my personal experience that the SA Labor Party is effectively a Pro-Paedophile Criminal Organisation and Premier Jay Weatherill is a critical, repeat player in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse much as disgraced former Education Minister Grace Portolesi was incompetent, she was an incompetent sacrificed to cover-up and protect Jay Weatherill from his clearly definable role in the WSS Cover-up.

Yesterday he trotted out the same ol' vacuous rhetoric re the DeBelle Inquiry, namely that everything was done 'according to DeBelle' re the latest charges against the WSS worker already jailed for raping an 8 year old...that man has received a hugely trivial sentence and however you try to argue it, it's a sickening disgrace, whether it's a genuine sentence from a borderline insane Magistrate, or it's a set-up for Labor to challenge so they can then hold forth about what great work they're doing protecting the kiddies...and John Rau is already quietly positioning himself in that space, and the Liberal's are furiously tut-tutting like enraged pigeons, and it's all bollocks because they're all on exactly the same page...
But Jay-baby always likes to finish with a joke, and yesterday's was a doozy...apoplectically foaming at the gob, JJ cut crook about what a rabble the Liberals are because 1 is retiring, and 1 is a traitorous, selfish coward who clearly belongs in Labor with the rest of the corrupt scumbags...(but Jay's just the powerless front-man from the Left Faction, everyone knows the Right is running the Labor Party but that they're individually so unpalatable with the electorate that they need someone else to be the front man-Ed)...indeed.

The faux-fight over the leadership between Weatherill and the Right's Don Farrell not long before the March 2014 election, was shown for the confected farce that it was when John Gazzola (Left) got the arse from the President's position in the Legislative Council and was replaced by that flouncing human beanbag Russell Wortley (Right) and Gazzer went nut-sack crazy at Rusty in the media, calling him a parasite...(hey, no fair, we resent that remark-PCPPC)...the PCPPC?...(the Planet's Collective Parasite Population Collective-PCPPC)...fair enough...

And doesn't Don Farrell just make ya' skin crawl?...(not as much as Mike Rann or Michael Atkinson, but still, there's something distinctly 'unattached' about Mr Farrell...I guess it's what you'd expect from  the real leader of a Party so wholly committed to keeping children vulnerable to abuse-Ed)...indeed, it's what the Labor Party is...and where are the shreckin' Liberals? wallowing about on the cross benches apparently disinterested in governing, and more than happy to be absolutely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up...

Best Opinion Money Can Buy: would be a harsh and potentially inaccurate critique of serial Labor apologist alleged Professor Clem MacIntyre of Adelaide University...1) I don't know whether he's paid by Labor, they got him his position, whether he's always been a rabid Labor man, whatevs, but his capacity to defend Labor policy and/or actions is inexhaustible...I have never ever heard him criticise Labor, the closest he goes to it is to say that 'of course the Liberals would say such-and-such'...

He is a clear example of the rank corruption within the ABC, given that Mr Clem's grossly biased Labor apologising is just about the only state opinion you'll ever hear...even the highly respected Dean Jaentsch (Flinders Uni) barely appears on the ABC lately...2) whatever his motivations/allegiances/whatevs, Clem MacIntyre's 'opinion' ain't worth squat, not diddly, not nuthin''s not insightful objective commentary, it's politically motivated dribble... 

Same crap as on the grossly compromised ABC Local Radio, it's supposed to be an independent and objective observer/reporter, but all you get are these on-message infomercials, eg, the ABC Mt Gambier's clearly definable bias in support of Wind Turbines, eg, the morning where they ran several grossly inaccurate pro-Turbine interviews, but when I and several others rang in to correct the 'propaganda' refused to put us to air, instead reading out 10 second messages, only to then put 2 people to air anonymously to grossly slander those opposed to Turbine Fascism (my words/opinion) with specific allegations of corruption and false motivation, etc, ...

(You're just sayin' that because you're banned off the ABC, and last time you went there Stuart Stansfield called SAPol-Ed)...absolutely...and why am I banned from the ABC and why did Stuart call SAPol?...because 1) they are absolutely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up, flatly refusing for years now to even cover the issue, and 2) they're embarrassed about the reality of what I'm saying in the blog, and it's far easier to hate me and attack me than take responsibility for their own actions.

And whilst on the Turbine subject, I see/hear that Infigen Energy is angling for even more subsidies or even less regulation, whatevs, re their Woakwine Wind Assisted Rotary Turbine Industrial Estate (WARTIE) they have 'approvals' to dump on top of Millicent courtesy of the openly and irrefutably Fascist Development Plan Amendment legislation that denies citizens any capacity to oppose and/or access to the Courts...(yeah, there's no way to pertty that up at all is there? that's Fascism-Ed)...angling by dangling the threat of not proceeding and therefore the South East losing out on exactly 3,675,471 jobs...a slight exaggeration.

(Or possibly angling for a '5 Year Royalty Holiday' and/or other concessions/subsidies to match the insane free-for-one, shreck-the-rest-of-you state Budget measure that guarantees that Beach Energy will make a fortune from polluting the South East with Gas Fracking, and South Australians won't see cent that's not corrupt much is it?-Ed), that's corrupt quite a bit...(nice-Ed)...but I digress...

Whilst the Rann/Weatherill Labor government is ultimately responsible for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the WSS Case, they have only been able to do so with the un-wavering support of the Liberal Party, from Rob Kerin, through David Ridgway, via Mayor and former Liberal candidate Steve Perryman, on and on, through the rankly corrupt Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry, etc, etc, up to and including my recent chat with Rob Lucas where he flatly denied knowing evidence that was presented to him as a member of the SARC, and also flatly refused to raise the St Martins issue at all, not in Parliament, not anywhere, not anytime...whatta' prick...

Tomorrow: More Debelle Debacle Dribble

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...for what it's worth, cheers and laters...

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