Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Hello Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, and Ireland, and welcome y'all to the blog...and so sorry to not do the Raidy Day post thing, but there was all this other stuff what done get in the way...and quite frankly I'm not sure there's that much to divulge beyond what I've posted previously...but I guess we'll find out when I do that post Tomorrow...(one shan't be holding one's breath-Ed)...yeah, fair enough...

Yesterday I declared my support for Medicinal Marijuana being available to terminally ill patients, people doing hard-core Chemotherapy, etc, and I re-iterate that support...I am aware that there is a push-back stating that big business is trying to move in on Legalised Marijuana to get kids addicted and buying their product, etc...that may well be true, but 'Legalisation' is an entirely different argument to people having access to Medical Marijuana, a completely natural drug that can potentially not just ease suffering but improve outcomes...

(Improve outcomes? that's a big call-Ed)...not really...any reduction in the often quite violent reactions to Chemo, eg, vomiting, and the general nausea and stress, etc, will help...for example, if you regain your appetite quickly you can get the nutrition you need to fuel your body to repair itself as best it can, actual treatment can be less stressful, etc...again, this is not professional medical advice, it is my opinion and belief...there is a ton of stuff on the Interweb about MM, pro and con, go check it out...

(One could also argue that pharmaceutical companies who make their fortunes supplying the multiple medications prescribed to patients to do what one simple herb does, eg, combat nausea and/or improve appetite, etc, that they would be keen to see MM not happen-Ed)...a very good point Ed, and thankyou for raising it...it is not being conspiratal to suggest this possibility...and of course there's the Politics of Control, religious interference in terminal illness treatment, etc...and obviously regulated access would address all of the issues of variable dosage, potential criminality, etc, and generate income via taxes, etc... 

I am not condoning open slather drug-use or legalisation because that clearly doesn't work...(well nor does prohibition-Ed)...excellent point...and alcohol is a very powerful drug, as is nicoteine, caffeine, morphine, etc, etc...it is atrocious that people like those on the program on Sunday night are forced into pseudo-criminality just to provide a loved one with a basic, natural drug that works... 

Medicinal Marijuana is not the End of Humanity, it is Informed Humanism...

And I use the term 'ínformed', but not to infer stupidity or error in differing opinion...(oh you mean in the manner that the federal Liberal Party constantly denigrate with language like 'adults in charge now', or 'when Labor are ready to have a mature debate'?-Ed)...exactly, I just believe that most people looking at this issue in truly objective fashion would accept the genuine aspects of it and support MM...

And a very quick recipe as promised...just 'mull up' a small quantity of marijuana 'head' and carefully chuck into a packet cake or cookie mix, bake, and get baked...oatmeal or choc mixes help to hide the earthy marijuana taste...no need to mess about with making dope butter or oil, etc, just chop, mix, bake, nice cup of weak milky tea, scoff your cake...(and bung on some Pink Floyd-Ed)...can't hurt...it is not physically possible to overdose on marijuana and I absolutely guarantee you the patient will know when they've had enough, just take it slowly because the effects are less immediate than smoking because you need to digest, etc...more tomorrow...

Me Watching Media Watch: on ABC TV last night, just in case...(and they didn't let us down-Ed)...and there me sees The Border Watch quite rightly copping an extended serve for failing to report a $1.25million fine imposed on Mt Gambier based Scott's Transport for tampering with truck Speed Limiters and other speeding offences...(hey, don't they own TBW-Ed)...exactly...(ah, so Media Watch was suggesting that this rather glaring omission was deliberate because the story cast Scott's in a poor light-Ed)...not so much suggesting as stating...

I apologise that I actually started on but removed this 'fine' item from a previous post and forgot to go back to it, but I have covered this 'omission' pseudo-anonymously in recent posts, eg, reference to TBW and their embracing of Liberal Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull's comments that 'it's ok to be biased, that's why you own media', and I had hoped that Media Watch would follow their previous stories re TBW and it's repeated failures to report re Scott's Transport...and they did...with reference to those stories...

MW opened with the actual story, covered who had covered that, and inexorably ground to TBW with a rolling graphic of the past fortnight's TBW covers...(looked like your kitchen table-Ed)...and lounge-room floor...(indeed-Ed)...according to the ABC Local Radio this morning, a full transcript is available on their website and it's probably available on the ABC Media Watch site too...check it out, particularly the last section that mimics the concerns I've expressed about how this bias contaminates the feed through to the WIN TV News 90 Second Wunder Bulletin...

Take That To The Bank: because Oz Ambassador Sharma has given an interview questioning the use of the term 'Occupied' re the West Bank...this follows on from PM Tony Abbott changing the "terminological clarification" (his words) for East Jerusalem in the same manner...please see yesterday's post for more on this issue...(for a moron on this issue-Ed)...world, if you're listening, I can only apologise, but I don't know these idiots, I didn't send them, they do not speak for me, sorry... 

Here No Weevil: but apparently former SA Labor Premier Mike Rann and current Premier Jay Weatherill and former Member for Mt Gambier, alleged Independent serving as Labor's Forestry Minister Rory McEwen, have snuck into Australia on pallets of Gyprock from China, and have been discovered scuttling about some East Coast Customs warehouse or whatevs...supposedly all the infected pallets have been accounted for...(yeah, except for the pallets that were for some reason, somehow, already on a building site in Adelaide, but as of this arvo, have apparently been retrieved-Ed)...well quite...    

(And what do you mean Rann, Weatherill, and Rory, I thought it was beetles or some shizzle?-Ed)...no, I'm fairly sure I heard it reported that a devastating threat to the state's farmed and Native forests had crawled off some imported pallets from China, and that these 3 critters had the potential to decimate the entire Forestry Industry ...(yeah, that certainly sounds like Mike, Jay, and Rory, I'll give you that, but I think you'll find it was beetles-Ed)...truly? do tell...

(Just Interwebbing the details nowww...it's aaaaa...it's the Asian Longhorn, the Brown Mulberry Longhorn, and the Japanese Sawyer beetles...and they were found at a depot, not in Customs, and the pallets in Adelaide were at a building site already but, yes, have allegedly been recovered, and those pallets show no beetle infestation...allegedly-Ed)...so yes then, here some beetles but here no weevils... 

And in more super-dooper Environmental news, Fracking developer Beach Energy has announced that there's good data coming back from their 4km deep 'test' wells immediately either side of Penola...(well that's hardly a surprise is it, they knew those deposits were there that's why they drilled-Ed)...indeed, and I have always stated that right from the off Fracking has been underway at those sites...test wells? bollocks...all they haven't done is pump tons of toxic sludge underground to fracture the shale deposit for commercial gas harvesting...and most of that gas will go to exports...it's a bloody disgrace...

Now Beach Energy has organised (bought? been granted?) a 20% stake in all Otway Basin exploration...that's South East Sow Straya...given this state Labor government's absolute corruption on issues of development, planning approvals, re-zonings, etc, Beach Energy have certainly done something right to ingratiate themselves with the South Australian Labor Party...also not forgetting that Mt Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman has a 'business agreement' with Beach Energy...(super-Ed)...

Given how long some recent posts have been and how late it is already, I'll pull stumps here with repeated thanks to all valued availees for your ongoing patronage of the blog and support over the last few weeks...

Tomorrow: Not The Raidy Day Post

(Ahhh, reverse psychology, clever-Ed)...indeed, yet another splendiferous attempt to outsmart myself...what could possibly go wrong?...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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