Thursday, June 19, 2014

Saving For A Raidy Day

Hello Russia, Canada, Belgium, and Moldova...why a bunch of people in Moldova would be interested in this blog remains a mystery to me, but cheers and howdy...and welcome all to the blog...and for what it's worth, according to my little stats graph thingy, there's been a sharp spike in 'post views', particularly of posts re the SAPol raid of my home on May 7th/8th 2014...apologies for missing post yesterday, stopped to watch the State of Origin Rugby and never got back to it...sorry , means 2 posts today...

But it's not the actual 'Raid' posts that have garnered all the attention, there have been heaps of 'views' of the still active but possibly allegedly offending posts about the allegedly Independent Authority that I'm not sure I'm even allowed to identify...(it truly is the most stupid thing I've ever heard-Ed)...indeed, but not so much stupid as Fascist...(I'd like to say 'don't be so melodramatic', but you have a point...a shady Uber-authority whom's dealings are steeped in such secrecy that one cannot even discuss them when they're over...and sending the foot soldiers (no offence) of SAPol to do their bidding-Ed)...but first...

Feedback: apparently the National Broadband Network Roll-out monitor tracking thingy website says that the NBN is coming to Mt Gambier real soon, like within 6 months...I'm not sure how this relates to the repeated media reports/discussions that the NBN was many years away (5-8) from getting to Mt assumes that this sudden acceleration is at least part due to the different service delivery method being installed by the Liberals...there's certainly been a lot of activity with new towers, cabling, etc...

One Last Statement: re my declared support for Medicinal Marijuana...I happened to catch a bit of radio announcer Alan Jones show yesterday where he was re-stating his support for MM and talking to a bloke who runs a (I'm assuming) research company in Tasmania...(where we happen to also grow half the world's crop of Medicinal Opium-Ed)...indeed...and this bloke was saying that they could have a mass-produced product on Australian shelves within 100 days but they just can't get the political support for MM...

Apologies that I don't have the details...(I do, just Interwebbed this...reckon it's Tasman Health Cannabinoids who have been trying for a year to get a license...and there's a bloke Tony Bower of Mullaway Medical Cannabis in New South Wales who has been (is) making a low THC tincture that is being used by 150 families to treat children for epilepsy, other seizures, pain relief, etc...THC is TetraHydroCannabinol, the psycho-active constituent in cannabis-Ed)...thankyou...

(Mr Bower has been doing this for nearly a decade, producing and giving away a tincture (oil) that doesn't cause a 'high' and clearly works, but he has recently been charged with cultivation, and so this supply is under threat-Ed)...yeah, I've been trawling through the Interweb too, GoogleSearch is fantastic...(isn't it-Ed)...and there's many articles re both companies...check it out...there's stuff about the NSW Nurses and Midwives Assoc (59,000 members) officially supporting Medicinal Marijuana...the NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner agrees with a trial, but wants it held in Tasmania, etc, etc...
Medicinal Marijuana: I believe the evidence is irrefutable that MM does work in particular applications, and it beggars belief that such a simple step toward helping often otherwise 'unhelpable' patients, is a step too hard to opinion is irrelevant, but I've earned it...I have stood in that doorway, quite literally straddling the threshold between life and death, for a period of months, and I'd rather do it a dozen times over than watch one of my own suffer...we all an adult patient I made that choice for myself, I chose to self-medicate with marijuana, but as a parent/child/whatevs I would immediately make that choice for others...

Off The Rails: Yesterday it was mentioned on ABC Local Radio that an Old Red Hen passenger train was seen on the back of trucks at Penola, headed out of town...this is one of the 4 (possibly more-sorry, but the interviewee talked of a 3-car set-up and I'm not sure if he meant that as 1...whatevs), but the lot has been purchased by SteamRanger for the Victor Harbour/Goolwa 'Cockle' tourist train, and another tourist train near Mt Barker...some will be restored and the others scavenged for sad...

I recall as a youth (early 1980's), catching the old Red Hens from Blackwood station, maybe Belair, etc, and rockin' and rollin' and rattlin' down to Adelaide and going to Downtown to play the video games, etc...we'd often have the old latch lock doors wide open, particularly on the way back up the hill on hot days...even through the tunnels...and I remember playing in the small exhaust tunnel (for steam engines) immediately above the main tunnel on the section of track that passes through Belair National Park...(the Adelaide-Belair rail line is apparently one of the steepest rail gradients in the world-Ed)...fascinating, do tell...(I just did-Ed), fair enough...

I am absolutely confident in identifying the avarice, greed, selfishness, borderline insanity, call it what you want, that defines the behaviour of specific members of the Mt Gambier City Council and a handful of their relatives/mates/associates colluding for mutual profit at the gross expense of the City and it's ratepayers...this is the fundamental reality behind the demise of the SE Tourist Train thingy...

These vested interests have colluded and conspired to force the closure of the Tourist Train service and force it off the Rail Lands because nothing can be allowed to interfere with the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, whereby Council et al have used ratepayers money to get that site ready for a massive Retail Expansion of the adjacent Lakes Plaza (Centro)...but I digress...

Percussive Repercussions: is what one gets when one strikes an object with a hammer or such, and one's timing isn't quite what it could be, and the force/energy is therefore not transferred smoothly but at least in part feeds back through the aforementioned Wielder...and so I'd like to acknowledge the Universe for the vaguely unsettling coincidence of circumstance and analogy that provides me the meat for a series of metaphorising and self-praise...(sorry, what?-Ed)...

Using A Sledgehammer To Crack A Walnut:...(strewth, I see what you mean, a dozen metaphors in one line-Ed)...indeed, where to start...(always start with the Nut-Ed)...the Nut?...(always the Nut-Ed)...on the blog I have repeatedly talked about the Mental Health issues that have affected me for years now, not least of all to address both 1) the specific campaign of character assassination carried out against myself and other parents to perpetuate the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and 2) how that entire situation has traumatised me...

This includes the post, 'Nick Fletcher - The Nut That Wouldn't Crack' (150th Post May 29th 2013) so any metaphor with a nut in it is a good one, and I've also posted the 'Which Tree Did You Fall From' chart (post February 2nd 2014) which has me falling out of a Walnut Tree...(so it did, classic, the Walnut Tree..."strange, unrelenting, full of passion"-Ed)..."not always liked but often admired"...(often egotistic-Ed)...yes, happy days...

I've also used analogies and/or self-referenced as being not the sharpest tool in the shed, much more likely a mattock, but possibly an anvil...(I reckon you're a hoe-Ed)...yes thankyou very much...(just sayin', you're always hacking about in the dirt and muck and stuff-Ed)...that's not what you meant and you know it...but I have made these references, used these metaphors, etc, and then I find myself roughly at the centre of a situation that is perfectly encapsulated by the above saying...

It is now 6 weeks since SAPol 'raided' my home (on Thursday 8th May 2014) with a Search Warrant after  stating that they were here to gather evidence for the Director Public Prosecutions re something I've said on this here blog re a state Authority that I'm not even sure that I'm allowed to mention...(and we're back there again-Ed)...I know, I know, ludicrous doesn't begin to describe it...apparently I'm in trouble for talking about a state Authority allegedly doing what it is supposedly supposed to do...(after it's finished supposedly doing it-Ed)...indeed...

Anyhoos, 2 SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch detectives came to my home with a very dodgy looking Search Warrant and "seized" as "evidence" my laptop, repeatedly stating that I should "expect to be charged"...that was on Wednesday 7th May 2014, with the actual 'raid' at my home on Thursday 8th May 2014...I've heard nothing since from SAPol, the DPP, the 'Independent Authority' involved, not nuffin' from no-one...what I have heard is state Labor Attorney General John Rau and the relative Commissioner on ABC Radio, on Tuesday 13th May stating that the exact section of legislation I was told "expect to be charged" with only 5 days before, that that legislation is too strict and/or vague and that they're going to change it...

Beyond that I have nothing new to add...I've had repeated legal advice on this and they cannot advise me because 1) neither of us knows what the alleged charge might possibly be eventually, and 2) of course there's no precedents to refer to because this is the first time this legislation has been enacted...(so where to from here then?-Ed) legal advisor has to contact the various players to seek multiple clarifications re the legislation, potential charges, etc...

(So you've had your home raided and your laptop seized as evidence, and you have to write to these clowns to ask for direction as to exactly how they intend to harass you further-Ed)...not my idea mate, just following advice...I'll finish here and post again probably tomorrow but maybe 'ron today...  

Tomorrow: SFARD Part II

And some other stuff, including some of Council's meeting from Tuesday evening...again apologies for missing a day...oh, and I've 'deleted' to the Spam File 3 recent 'Comments' on this here blog because I think they were ads for stuff, not real comments...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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