Monday, June 16, 2014

Forget You Jack - Why I Support Medicinal Marijuana

Hello Taiwan, Turkey, Canada, and Ukraine...and even with the recent 25th Anniversary of the Tiannanmen Square Massacre and the 70th of the D-Day landings, it's still the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up 12th Anniversary on the June long week-end that puts them all on the back-burner as far as I'm concerned...if you're new to the blog, please review any of the many posts that cover the reality of the St Martins case...but I digress...

I completely reject PM Tony Abbott's ludicrous statements about his/the Liberals decision to refer to East Jerusalem as 'Disputed Territory' not the Internationally recognised 'Occupied Territory'...Mr Abbott has tried to wave it away as merely "terminological clarification"...(dead set?-Ed)...his exact words...this is clearly a very specific and extreme adjustment to the official language, and the very words themselves do that regardless of the specific reference and/or intent...'Occupied' indicates/acknowledges that the original occupant has been displaced, usurped/replaced by another...'Disputed' means that someone occupies whilst another complains about it, and ignores the original displacement...

(I can see where this is're going to make comparisons with your own personal situation and/or experience, and probably the 'occupation' of Australia by non-Aboriginal peoples, and maybe a couple of other things-Ed)...deadset...I see a specific parallel between this language and the 'complainer' and 'allegor' labels that have been used against me, where my factual reporting of actual events to the appropriate authorities, are routinely, deliberately denigrated and dismissed as being "complaints" and "allegations"...

(I get it...'Occupied' is 'Reports', and 'Disputed' is 'Complaints and Allegations'-Ed)...exactly...and it completely shifts the onus of legal responsibility of the Israeli government as the Occupying Force...(yeah, but only in the eyes of Straya, because everyone else on the planet is still calling it 'Occupied East Jerusalem'-Ed)'s one thing to get out in front and be a leader, it's entirely another to deliberately smear oneself in shizzle and then run back in the opposite direction to that which everyone else is travelling...

Get Stuffed Joe Hockey: and yet at the same time thanks Smokin' Joe for the declaration of support for me and my well-earned entitlement to Unemployment benefit or, currently, the Disability Support Pension...(sorry? get stuffed, then thanks...and support? from that angry sociopath? I doubt it-Ed)...yes, I can see how that might be a bit confusing, please let me explain...

Late last week I saw and heard our darling Treasurer desperately vilifying Unemployed people as he continued to cement the selfishness and 'age of entitlement' that he and PM Tony Abbott are supposedly furiously trying to dismantle...(you mean dismantle the stuff where we give a damn about our fellow citizens, our fellow human beings?-Ed)...yeah, that's the one...if you're relatively poor you're a parasite, but if you've got plenty then it's not just alright but indeed compulsory to be bigoted, selfish, and a fellow sociopath...

And that's what we've got...a Federal government of rabidly Right-wing Sociopaths and career incompetents whom I wish were actually just half as good as they clearly think they are...(what a coherent yet abusive rant-Ed)...ta...and furthermore, these self-important, self-satisfied Sociopaths are doing everything they can to turn Australians against each other with this constant dialogue about 'leaners' and 'lifters'...(what about liars and deceivers? like Tony Abbott?-Ed), no that's fine, 'leaning' so far Right that the truth is irrelevant, that's not just acceptable but obligatory, that makes you a 'lifter'...

(You don't like the Liberals much, do you?-Ed)...not much...and there's nothing much happening in South Australia that makes me any more enamoured of them...but Joe Hockey was very angrily running the line that 'every worker works one month in 12 to pay someone else's Unemployment Benefit', a deliberate vilification and demonisation of people to justify his Budget Bastardry...but it's a huge statement of support for me, from Joe...(how?-Ed)...well I have worked full-time for many years before being rendered unemployable and winding up on the Disability Support Pension...

(So what?-Ed)...well if you apply Joe's viciously bigotted Math, then for every year I've worked I get 12 on the Dole...(that sir, is're golden for decades-Ed)...and here was me feeling like a near worthless burden on the society I live in, driven to achieve apparent un-achievables out of a distorted sense of social obligation, but I was wrong, society owes me decades...(hilarious...but that Joe Hockey, not so funny-Ed)...

Saw an excellent show where a youngish lawyer (a partner in a firm though) stated that the current proposed Budget measures would hammer low income earners but hardly touch high-earners like himself, and that that was quite wrong...he stated that he would lose approx 1% of his disposable income, where-as a low-income wage earner would lose 12-15%, and that this was clearly inequitable...says it all really...  

Fascinating story on 60 Minutes or Sunday Night (?sorry) about legalising Medicinal Marijuana use, particularly for those having Chemotherapy or related hard-core treatments, and/or patients that are terminally ill...and there was notorious Right-wing media commentator Alan Jones interviewing a terminally ill young man...can tell you I was openly weeping...(I call it 'lettin' the crazy out' ...'cos you try and keep all that shizzle inside, and it's gonna' drive ya' real mad, real quick-Ed)...fair enough...but there was Alan Jones fully supporting the call for Medicinal Marijuana... 

And a lovely graphic of every state Health Minister showing that every single one is opposed to legalising Medical Marijuana, including our very own prize piece of work, Jack 'The Rat' Snelling...forget you Jack and forget the authorities and forget what you think as individuals is right and wrong...and so it is I go quite deliberately where before I have been very careful ne'er to even tread, in effectively promoting, condoning, and even encouraging what is technically "illegal" behaviour...(huh!...what isn't illegal in South Australia? it's an absolute Fascist government that's got the state buttoned down tighter than Mary Poppin's bonnet-Ed)...indeed...good 'ol Sow Straya...

Forget You Jack: because there is no question that Marijuana has multiple therapeutic applications and benefits, and these properties/outcomes are very well documented relative to addressing side-effects of other drugs, in particular drugs related to Chemotherapy and like is an act of the most fundamental bastardry to deny this cheap, plentiful, completely natural therapy to people who are suffering...forget you Jack...

In 2004/05 I did 8 series of CHOP Chemotherapy regime...(and that CHOP, that's the good stuff...a progressive cocktail of 4 drugs over nearly 2 hrs via an IV drip in the back of the hand, including one drug they administer wearing smocks and goggles...and that shizzle's goin' in ya' body!...rrrrrrrryuck-Ed)...yes, thanks, I was there, remember?...(of course, sorry-Ed)...anyhoos, 8 rounds of CHOP and a month of Radiotherapy (20 zappings) all across 9 months, to treat the 16cm x 12.5cm tumour in my chest...and yes that's 160mm x 125mm...(dude that's massive-Ed)...

During my treatment, I was encouraged nay directed by a (the?) senior clinician/nurse to use Marijuana because it addressed the issues of nausea, appetite loss, loss of taste, overall stress, etc, basically all of the side-effects of Chemo...and I did...and even though I had enough Chemo to kill an elephant to kill a tumour big enough to kill a horse, I never vomited or was ill or even nauseous directly related to treatment, and retained my appetite and sense of taste and started putting on weight again, was also extremely relaxing...

I acknowledge that I am a relatively young, strong, healthy man...(am? you mean was, it's now 10 years ago, you're now 47-Ed)...strewth, 10 years, fair enough...I was still quite young and healthy and therefore was potentially likely to recover from any successful treatment reasonably well, and that all happened, but the fact remains that I had huge quantities of very powerful even toxic Chemo drugs and not one side-effect...

I have no reservations in admitting to attending Chemo with a joint in my pocket and then meandering next door from the Royal Adelaide Hospital into the glory of the Adelaide Botanical Gardens, finding a quiet corner away from peoples and such shizzle, and getting stoned...and by stoned, I mean baked...and then hugging a few trees and shizzle...and then going to have something to eat, heading home, whatevs, knackered but alive and grinning...(you bloody hippy-Ed)...couldn't do it as often during Radiotherapy because some days I'd go up to Parliament House, but later in the day, still hugely cathartic...

This Post Is My Opinion, Not Medical Advice: but it was stated to me directly and repeatedly by a senior clinician of 30 years (and others), and was my direct personal experience that Marijuana can help to address and may even negate side-effects associated with hardcore Chemo and the all stages in my very lengthy treatment regime I notified doctors, clinicians, nurses, et al, that I was smoking Marijuana re the Chemo, and not one person said stop and several acknowledged the benefits...I consider it essential to make similar notifications to any treating physician before you start either...

I don't care as to why it's 'illegal', Marijuana can and does help suppress, address, even reverse the worst side-effects of some medical don't have to do anything stupid, dangerous, or wildly anti-social, but you do what you have to do for the ones you love, and if you think that this is something that will help, and I believe it can, then you do what you have to...just ask a friend, they'll know love and best wishes to all those suffering through treatment, and to your families, and join me in saying, forget you Jack...

Tomorrow: Trying To Be Even More Controversial Than Today  

(How? Compulsory Heroin for Pregnant Women, the Homeless, and Puppies?-Ed)...fair enough...and possibly that means whatever it is that I can muster re the Raidy Day stuff about SAPol paying me a visit several weeks's hoping...and some more Medicinal Marijuana stuff, you know, recipes and stuff, you don't have to smoke anything...(oh why the shreck not-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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