Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Holy Instant Feedback Batman

Howdy and welcome to a special, short extra post re what I'm calling Instant Feedback because I grew up in an age where you left a message if they had one a' them new fangled answering machines and they'd get back to you maybe tomorrow, etc, so hearing back already about today's post is Instant to me...

In today's earlier post I made a series of jokes re Guy Fawkes, but apparently these jokes are considered to be not necessarily in bad taste, but just inappropriate, and I genuinely apologise for any offence that may have been caused...what I've said earlier today is, I thought, clearly an angry man venting by making bad jokes, but I appreciate and acknowledge that my specific language was considered inappropriate and again I can only apologise ...

In My Own Defence: I'd like to think that I've established a reputation for being a genuinely Massive Passive and that my comments would be considered in that context...I admit that the paragraph still reads to me somewhat differently to the feedback, but that's just me...and despite that, and although I've not been specifically asked to, because it doesn't detract from the overall post, I have gone back and removed that paragraph...as soon as I post this.

The point that I was trying to make is that the GF plan is clearly not any resolution to anything and that the people I hold responsible for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up should be held to account in Court and the entire system reviewed and restructured, and I have covered these issues repeatedly in previous posts...the title about 'Christian Cuddles' is a 'joke' in itself, being a phrase used by the Lutherans et al to play down the St Martin Abuse issues, that I have 'joked' should happen to people like Rory McEwen...but it hasn't happened, ain't going to happen. 

Regardless of what I think though, someone took the time and effort to express their concerns that what I've said is inappropriate, and that's reason enough to address that situation...genuine feedback, specific critical observation supported by rationale and evidence is a world apart from the dross that appeared in 'Comments' by Dick Stretcher, and is very much appreciated.

Thankyou to that person for proving this angry old man wrong, that someone else does give half a damn...I also appreciate other aspects of this same feedback that are more about me looking after myself, etc...point taken and again thankyou...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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