Wednesday, June 11, 2014

More Bravehearts Stuff

Hello Philippines, USofA, UK, and Aotearoa (New Zealand)...and welcome to the third and probably final 'stop-gap' post in this brief series of Braveheart letters, and lack of or at best lacklustre responses from various authorities...across the period September 2006- April 2007 Child Protection group Bravehearts, by their own definition "Australia's leading child protection advocate", had a crack at the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...but first...

Once In Every Lifetime: I don't often do RIPs but Rik Mayall and The Young Ones (BBC TV) were a defining part of my comedic childhood...(childhood? you were 15/16 when it first aired in 1982-Ed)...yeah, well that's still sortta' the unlikely event that you haven't seen The Young Ones, please avail yourself of one of the only 12(?) episodes...(yeah 12, series 1 in 1982 and series 2 in 1984 I think-Ed)...checkout episode 1 in series 2, Bambi...hilarious...

The National Broadband Network has been switched on along the Coorong...(the Coorong? the sparsely populated wetlands/lake area where there's few people and very limited sometimes no mobile phone reception?-Ed)...that's the one...NBN coverage from Tailem Bend across to Tintinara and Meningie...and apparently there'll ultimately be 150+ towers with about 250 people av per tower across these less populated areas...(who's next?-Ed)...'broader South East and Limestone Coast' apparently, and that's from Yankalilla down to Lucindale and around Mt Gambier...           

I'm not entirely sure how this addresses phone service issues around the 'Rong , and I believe that Mt Gambier itself is actually still 5 years from getting NBNed...(Meningie always makes me think of oiled Turkish wrestlers-Ed)...sorry, what?...(you know, traditional wrestling, where they oil-up...Men-in-gee-Ed)...oh sweet baby cheeses...(gee, the oily cooking fat stuff? get it?-Ed)...unfortunately I do...

It's a bit like I have a cheap pun chip or something installed in the deepest, dankest recesses of my brain, eg, every time I go through that premium wine country and the township of Padthaway, in my head I'm singing "Padthaway uh huh uh huh I like it uh huh uh huh, Padthaway uh huh uh huh I like it uh huh uh huh dooo doo dooo do do dooo do doo doo's been a long week...anyhoos...

Had more legal advice to the extent that I'm still not sure what it is I can and can't say re why SAPol raided my home now 5 weeks ago (Thursday 8th May 2014) and seized my laptop, etc...nor do I have any further idea what's happening re SAPol's statements of "expect to be charged" because I've heard nought from no-one not about nuffin'...

Please find attached Ombudsman Eugene Biganovsky's response to Bravehearts and their letter to senior Lutheran Adrienne Jericho, a copy of which also went to Education Minister Jane Lomax Smith (as per Mr Biganovsky's advice)...again, these are only some of many documents from this one small part of the whole process re parents lobbying to try and get action about Glyn Dorling and St Martins.

Bravehearts emailed me in April 2007 and said 'sorry, it's not that we don't believe you, but obviously no-one and no department is going to review this so there's nothing we can do' (paraphrase)...

Tomorrow: Back Onto The Rail Lands

Rounding out the recent review re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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