Saturday, June 7, 2014

Yesterday's Post Today

Hello Brazil, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Japan and welcome to the blog...sorry for no post yesterday, lost track and forgot, sorry, but I don't apologise for the Nationalism of wanting my country to be strong and successful and a generous global citizen and for all of it's peoples to prosper in a healthy environment, not just middle-aged white men standing in a big hole that used to be full of Coal or Iron ore...Carn Straya!...(that's Ozzie for 'come on Australia'...just take the 'mo' out of 'come on' to get 'carn', and chuck a 'Straya' on the end-Ed)...ripper...

Today's post focuses again on very local issues so yet again I do seek availees indulgence but don't apologise for railing against the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council and the toll their greed and selfishness have taken on the City...(all delivered with a sickening slab of sanctimoniously self-righteousness self-congratulation-Ed)...certainly...

One completely rejects any assertion by anyone else...(or anything-Ed)...that anybody...(or anything-Ed)...has done anything to hold Mt Gambier City Council to account for their extraordinarily blatant corruption and so thusly this one shall continue to ride them like one's pet pony...giddyup beeatches...

For what little I know of the situation with the old Fletcher Jones (Rotary) market, I'm absolutely confident in calling it an act of outright bastardry from City Council, whom for reasons I'm not entirely sure about, are clearly determined to destroy the business person involved...just another case of a thuggish, corrupt, Council attacking people it doesn't like whilst concurrently pouring rate-payers money into the pockets of fellow Councillor's and their all make me sick...

I'm sick of looking at a raft of corrupt public officials rooting it up for everyone else, eg, Mt Gambier and Grant District Councillors who have done a series of dodgy land re-zonings relative to the Bunnings development at Calula Dve, bizarre re-zonings that specifically profit former Councillors Brenton James and Tony Pasin, and particularly in the case of Brenton James's land (Calula Dve) which has destroyed controlled planning for the entire city by re-zoning Light Industry land to retail/Bulky Goods and Residential...

Not an accusation, not a complaint, not a defamatiously scurrilous slanderisationing, it's a stone-cold fact...and I'd be more than happy to discuss with either gentleman the finer details of their rank corruption re these re-zonings...(cheers-Ed)...  

(I'll have a stab at the FJ motivation-Ed)...go on...(well Fletcher Jones is a prime Retail site and Bunnings and I think maybe Aldi were looking at it, but Council, so insanely obsessed with the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, have deliberately hampered any development applications that might challenge that, eg, Bunnings at the Penola Rd site, and in blatant retaliation, have blocked even basic attempts to utilise the whole building as an indoor market...they are petty thugs and gutless crooks-Ed)...damn straight ...

Mt Gambier is in a prime position to be the centre of the known world, at the heart of a massive, profitable Forestry Estate established over a century, with lush pasture, relatively abundant fresh water, relatively pristine seas relatively chockers with fishy food sources, with a brilliant -2C to 45C 'Mediterranean' climate...take away people and our pollution, environmental degradation, etc, and it's bloody Nirvana...I apologise, do put some people back there, the people who lived here before my people stole it off them...(ooo, controversial-Ed)...the truth often is...

We've got an International port only 100kms away that is currently being utilised very nicely thankyou very much by 141 Plantations to ship our futures offshore...and this is the ultimate criminality of the Forestry Estate Sale...even if we as a state were doing zero value adding to our Forestry product, just shipping it all as logs straight outta' Portland, then at least we'd still be getting that income and it would still be a profit, a healthy profit...but Labor had to have that money immediately for the Adelaide Oval and had no qualms about selling off the South East of the state.

News that log harvesting and export is at a 30 year high, and harvesters are struggling to get enough workers to fell the trees and get them to Portland for export, is further proof that 141 Plantations...(whom, remember, are so committed to the Region that they haven't even opened an office in Mt fact, do they even have an office in Sow (South) Straya?-Ed)...I don't think so, I think they're an international conglomerate with an office in Melbourne...(charming-Ed)...141 haven't any plans for the future of Forestry, they are merely stripping the South East Forestry Estate ...

This weeks Forestry Minister Leon Bignell's Forestry SA 'Voluntary Redundancies' close today, with anyone accepting this 'VA' to receive twice the pay-out that anyone in FSA will receive from here on in...(sorry, Leon reckons that employees have to apply and may not be accepted, it's not a forced redundancy-Ed)...yeah, a 'voluntary redundancy' that if you don't accept within a week, gets halved...(and aren't those redundancy payments/entitlements Wage Agreement conditions-Ed)...not sure, but I think so...(so how can the government take that money?-Ed),,,don't know... 

And just when one thought that PM Tony Abbott couldn't really get any more offensive, particularly with his militaristic jingoism re Liberal's current Budget, he's used a speech about the Commemoration of the D-Day Invasions of June 6th 1944 to trot out issues from his political agenda...can't speak to my Papa's political bent, but Pops would have been absolutely filthy about this gross misappropriation of the suffering of his mates and the calibre (or rather lack of) of the misappropriator... 

And some common sense even if I don't particularly like it, that several Burmese refugees have been tried but not convicted for killing with slingshots 3 koalas and a dozen+ possums...the animals had had their fur burned soon as I heard these details, refugees and burnt-off fur, I thought that these people had done this for food not fun, and that is what the Court has acknowledged...I'm not happy about the killings, but at least there's been a satisfactory result legal wise...

Others have complained that this 'cultural misunderstanding' is a convenient lie that migrants and refugees trot out to avoid responsibility for knowingly breaking the law...I'm sure this has happened, but it's hardly appropriate to just lump everyone together and collectively blame Burmese or whoever...and how many Oz born, English speaking arseholes know and deliberately break the law and then mischievously plead ignorance? many transgress in genuine ignorance?...and it's easily done because there are so many petty, controlling laws in's part of the Fascism, part of the definably pro-paedophile Totalitarian structure that exists in SA just beneath this thin veneer of pseudo-democracy... 

Arc Me: because the 'search' for missing Flight MH-370 has now apparently moved to the "7th arc" which I'm assuming is another of these projected guesstimations based on the satellite locating pings received from the plane as it allegedly flew for 5-8 hours after losing contact and changing directions several times over Malaysia...amid ongoing reports that "a plane on fire" was seen crashing into the South China Sea...and following on from revelations that the sonar 'pings' that had been heard weeks ago were actually from one of the other search ships, possibly it's bar fridge...

Pardon my cynicism, but I find it very difficult to believe that MH-370 has 'disappeared' without anyone on the planet having any idea where or this another commercial airliner accidentally shot down by a stray or even deliberate but erroneous's happened before in the USofA, over the Mediterranean, in the Gulf of Iman, over Southern Russia. etc, I can think of at least 4, so it's a distinct possibility..but I digress...

Perhaps I have it completely backwards...(how so?-Ed)...perhaps rail is coming back and the people orchestrating this RLRA have bought up all the land along a potential new Rail Easement just South or more likely North of Mt Gambier so have acted to destroy the City Easement to force that move...(yeah, possible but unlikely...I think the far more obvious personal business interests and profiteering of Mt Gambier City Councillors and their mates re the Lakes Plaza is the main driver-Ed)...

In closing and speaking of which, my mate former Grant Council now Mid Murray Council CEO Russell Peate was on the ABC this week defending as perfectly "legal" his Council's approval of a massive Chicken farm, a project that fire authorities have heavily criticised for having no fire plan what-so-ever...(what, none at all?-Ed)...apparently...good to see Rusty's up to his old tricks...can't wait for an Independent Inquiry into the rank corruption of the Epically Failed Allendale/Acciona Wind Turbine development...(or the gross corruption of the Calula Dve/Bunnings fiasco-Ed)...indeed...cheers Rusty...

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands Again, Sorry

Yes, 'tis true I fear...but other stuff as well so it's not all bad...and it is the pivot point of all that's gone so horribly wrong with planning in Mt Gambier across the last issue, one endless parade of public corruption and self-interest...and they'll throw a little party with rate-payers money and give themselves awards for it all...sickening...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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