Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Shaving For A Raidy Day

Howdy Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, and Denmark...yo' y'all and welcome to the blog...just short post due to Interweb dropping out...apparently a few people were having Interweb problems around town today...I'd be more paranoid about the problems I keep having, but clearly I ain't Robinson Crusoe.

It's the same with the gross mishandling of my health issues in Mt Gambier...and whilst I will be pursuing the clear issues of political bias and bigotry that have clearly encroached upon my personal treatment re my knee, resulting in what can only be described as gross malfeasance, overall it's just one disaster story after another...patient after patient, with only the occasional tale of triumph, to the extent that there's no particularly spectacular or individually biased aspect to the failures I've experienced...please review previous posts re my experiences with the Health System in Mt Gambier. 

I have been exercising my Socialistic Solidarity by not watching the Soccer (Football) World Cup and it's not difficult, irresponsible, or inappropriate to make a direct comparison between what has been happening in Brazil and here in Sow Straya (South Australia) because Labor are dismantling Regional SA, axing it's public service jobs, Social Support programs, etc, because of an alleged lack of funds, yet miraculously they have $700million to flatten the Adelaide Oval and then rebuild it...right where it had been already...

It was best summed up for me by an interview on SBS/ABC(?) with a woman in Brazil whose home in a favela was flattened to build a stadium...she was standing at a wire gate looking into the nearly completed arena, lit-up like a bay of beacons, and pointed to the pitch area, saying 'that's where my home used to be' and made the observation about the cost of the project that 'every seat in that stadium could have been a home for a family'...that is, for what it cost to build that stadium of 40,000-45,000 seats, the government could have built 40,000+ homes...

In SA, Labor sold off a highly profitable state asset, the South East Forestry Estate, via a '3 Rotation Lease', for less than 2/3 it's value, and then blew every cent on a $90million bribe to the SA Cricket Assoc, and the Toilet Bowl stadium that now blights the site...(you know, with the net $40m per annum net profit from the SEFE pre the Lease debacle, you could build a pointless bridge across the Torrens, itself a fake lake, build a new bridge every year-Ed)...hilarious...     

And I apologise for my ignorance in that I thought that the Railways and SA Water were the last Public Assets left for Labor to sell, I had foolishly thought that Homestart and the Motor Accident Commission were government departments, which they sort of are...but my ignorance aside, Labor is going to pocket the $500m+ sitting in the MAC fund, and dump SA motorists unto the tender machinations of Insurance companies...super...I note that the MAC financed the new $400,000 pedestrian crossing at the Andami Shopping Centre...does this MAC sale mean no more crossings anywhere?... 

Well Bite Me: because speaking of the World Cup, apparently there's not enough grub in the Uruguayan camp, forcing start striker Luis Suarez to chow down on a little Italian mid-match...(well you'd have to be famished wouldn't you, to go the nosh on an opponent's shoulder whilst 1/4 of the world's population is watching-Ed)...indeed...but apparently Chewie Suarez has "form with the fang" and has bitten a couple of times before, and was banned for 10 games in the English Premier League (last year?)...(Chewie Suarez...classic...perhaps he was having GI issues and mistook his opponent for a giant gummy bear-Ed)...possibly... 

Your Numbers Up: is just a quick reference to the 'rumour' that Mayor Steve Perryman has allegedly won a small fortune on Lotto, one of 2 or 3 recent local winners...again today, I've heard 2 new versions of this rumour, and it was also put to me that those winners are already identified and that therefore it ain't Mayor Perryman...I don't know who has done what, who has won what where and when or why, but the issue clearly needs resolving...I'd have thought that the Mayor having such a 'genuine' windfall would be front page news in The Border Watch...

John Madigan Goes Mad Ag'in:...(whilst wearing a cardigan?-Ed)...well it is the fad agi'n...anyhoos, the Democratic Liberal Party Senator (Federal Upper House) has used his Budget response speech to have a go at the Liberal Party/PM Tony Abbott, saying "stop using families as a punching bag"...(go you good thing-Ed)...he went on to say that Australians deserve better/more than this Budget and he simply ain't gonna' support it...

SA Attorney General John Rau was at Berri Courts talking about getting 'the accused' to enter an early plea of guilty, a decision based purely on expediency, and actually sounding like he was telling lawyers to tell people to plead guilty...(sounds like it-Ed) help Labor sort out the basket-case Judicial system, eg, where Regional services/Circuits have just been cut to save costs...typical Labor strategy...  

Today's title refers to what little legal advice I've managed to avail myself of re theSAPol raid of my home on May 7th and 8th 2014, namely, that the legislation that I was repeatedly told "expect to be charged with" but probably can't mention, is so vague and untested that nobodies got any real idea what's goin' on...

The closest thing to solid advice I've had, is that the general legal practice is to try and attach precedents, etc, from other legislation, and that in this/my case that's likely to be Defamation Legislation...(with associated Criminal Liability as you have been repeatedly threatened with by the Crown Solicitor, the Lutheran's lawyers, etc, etc?-Ed)...wouldn't surprise me, but I don't know...but then again, nobody does...

So, not only am I 'Saving for a Raidy Day' to pay for another computer when SAPol 'seize' this one, and/or bail, but given that there's likely an attempt to attach gaol time to this ludicrously Fascist legislation, that I'll need to shave my head...ain't goin' to gaol with long hair...(damn straight-Ed)...

For information re the super dodgy, folded-up, anonymous, open-ended 6 month long, go anywhere, do anything, take whatever, SAPol Search Warrant thingy, please check out the website for Dewar Lawyers and their brief explanation of SAPol General Search Warrants...basically, these extraordinary documents with their outrageously Fascist powers, are handed out by the Police Commissioner, when he feels like it...that's right, not by the Courts, by the bloody Police Commissioner...absolutely extraordinary...

I'm going to finish here because I keep dropping out...

Tomorrow: All Stuff About Stuff All

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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