Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Child Abuse Royal Commission Interim Report

Hello Albania, Indonesia, Algeria, and Bangladesh and welcome to the blog...apologies for no post yesterday, did some in the morning then sat down in the afternoon to finish it, and just couldn't...just couldn't do it...a whole day of the crass manipulation of the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission exacerbated by the latest referrals to the Debelle Inquiry farce...I just sat there staring at the screen for a little while, then switched it off and walked away...if you'll excuse me further, they'll be no attempted humour in this post...

Is it just me, or was the Federal Parliament's Mid-Winter Ball a huge "shreck you plebs" to the people of Australia from our highly salaried, generously entitled, supposed representatives? many questions in one...firstly, yes they are supposed to be our representatives, our employees, paid from our taxes, not conduct themselves like self-fulfilling Messinaic Prophecy personified...2) yes they get massive entitlements on top of their $200,000+ per annum wage, eg, an extraordinary Superannuation fund, plus immediate access to it...

Finally, I can see how one might find that Knees-up Balls-up, at taxpayers expense, to be grossly inappropriate, particularly given that the theme was 'The Great Gatsby'...(sorry, what? the middle of an alleged Fiscal Crisis, where Support Services, the Unemployed, young Students, Pensioners, people like myself on Disability Support Pension, etc, we are all being targeted so that people like billionaire Mining magnate Gina Rinehart don't have to pay any tax and PM Tony Abbott and his Liberal colleagues can unleash their Ideological Bastardry on average Australians, in the middle of all that they have a big tax-payer funded ball?-Ed)...yep...(on the Great Gatsby theme?-Ed)...yep...

(And The Great Gatsby is essentially about the avarice and greed and self-important self-indulgence of a select few utilising wealth largely 'stolen' from average citizens, whilst the vast majority suffered through Unemployment, Poverty, etc...actually, when ya' look at it like that, it seems quite appropriate for our Federal pollies to be having such a ball-Ed)...shreck them, shreck every last one of many people slept rough that night in our nation's Capital whilst these clown's Balled The Night Away?

I wish I knew how to attach/link/put a sound file thingy on the blog...(welcome to 1982 folks-Ed)...but failing that, please avail yourselves of AC/DC's 'Big Balls' from the Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap album, and be prepared, it's quite rude...("We've got the biggest Balls of them all"-Ed)...yes, thankyou, no need for that...moving on...  

CARC: after 18 months of operation/hearings, has handed down it's First Interim Report but it will be at least 12 months more before the first recommendations might be forthcoming...and the CARC also has it's metaphoric hand out for another fiscal hand-out of $100million over another 2 years...and I was relatively pleased to hear someone raise the issue of all the things this Commission isn't looking at, eg, the actions of Governments, state and/or federal, etc...

I acknowledge that there are many people who are praising the Commission for giving them a voice and making them feel listened to, etc, including an interview on right now (actually yesterday ABC TV24 0700hrs 01/07/14) with Chrissie and Peter Foster who's daughters were assaulted/raped(?) as young girls by the local priest, and one daughter subsequently suicided...people who were then forced to fight tooth and nail against the rancidly corrupt Catholic Church...

It's simply not my place to tell people like this, who have been through this sort of trauma, what they should and shouldn't be feeling about the Commission, and if they get some small positive from it, then that is the very least they deserve...but I have been through this myself, been deliberately put through this by authorities, with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and not once, but over and over, built up and given hope that something would be done only to have that person/authority turn on us and protect the paedophile and the school.

Former local Member Rory McEwen in particular is guilty of this, carefully manipulating us parents with repeated lies about helping us (Aug-Nov 2002), telling us how "brave" we were, and how he would help us, how together we would fix a "dysfunctional" system...and all the while carefully negotiating himself a position on the front bench of the Labor Party...the moment he achieved this (Dec 2002) he didn't just dump us, but began openly attacking us, eg, on the front page of The Border Watch in May 2005 (previous posts)...

However, I do not, cannot share the Foster's "great faith in the Commission", and I maintain that this genuine sense of semi-resolution is being quite deliberately generated and very carefully manipulated and utilised to paper over the massive gaps in what the Commission is doing, and achieve the ultimate gaol of the entire exercise, to make it look like something constructive is being done to address the chronic abuse of our children...and it's all smoke and mirrors...  

It's also a massive Dorothy Dixer for the Catholic Church to wash it's hands of everything it's been doing ...just watching George Pell makes me physically ill, quite literally sick in the stomach...not a  joke, not a melodramatic metaphor, an actual physical reaction...the Church doesn't care about a few uncomfortable questions in a powerless Commission...false mia culpas and then it's business as usual.

And despite me/parents presenting the CARC with irrefutable proof of the St Martins Cover-up, and all of the gross failings of the alleged Child Protection System, and the extraordinary lengths that I and/or other parents have been forced to go to to get any sort of 'Official Investigation' into the abuses committed against our children, 'OI' that have repeatedly protected the teacher Glyn Dorling and the Lutherans...despite presenting this evidence to the CARC 18 months ago, not one word about the Lutherans and CARC ain't comin' to Mt's a sickening farce using people's trauma and desperation against them... 

It's the DeBelle Inquiry on will be utilised as a wall between genuine justice and what the reality continues to be, eg, the Catholics continue to use the Ellis Defence that the Church isn't a legal entity that can be sued, a clearly corrupt precedent that can be wielded against all comers and only on Monday 30th July 2014 was used yet again...('oh we're so sorry, sob, sob, we didn't realise how bad it all was, sob, sob, it's all terribly unfortunate and we've sorted it all out now, sob, sob, and if you don't believe us, here's our lawyers to royally screw you over'-Ed)...nicely put Ed.

In closing, another story on the ABC about how great Tom Brinkworth is for the 'historical significance' of marching thousands of his cattle across barren, drought-ravished Queensland, effectively stealing those local grazier's meagre feed, and all to save himself the cost of trucking and feeding them...and that's not my opinion, that's his own words from an ABC Radio interview, to save himself money...and credit the ABC that they raised the 'controversy re the drought', and the recent interviewee, a photographer (sorry, missed her name) said that yes apparently some cattle were trucked out when no feed was available, and I think she said some were given away to locals...

I don't particularly begrudge this photographer or any of the others who have chosen to involve themselves, but let's not have any illusions about what this was, and it wasn't 'an echo of a distant world', or 'a great Aussie tradition', or anything other than a very selfish and greedy man doing what suited him, what saved him money, with a complete disregard for how it would affect others along that route...this bullshit about trucking out some cattle from some areas where there wasn't enough feed, giving cattle to locals, etc, it's all vacuous bullshit...that 'drive' was about Tom Brinkworth profitting, end of story, and should never have happened in the first instance.  

(Do you think that some of these questions get asked, these approaches are taken, because of stuff raised or covered here on the blog-Ed)...up to a point, yes, because I've watched a number of issues featured here then appear days later in The Border Watch, eg, the issue of Sexual Offenders at the Mt Gambier Gaol about which I contacted TBW numerous times without success, but days after I 'blogged it', there was a TBW front page story about a Sex Offender being released, but that will be in Adelaide, etc, etc.

And I know that various people, authorities, etc, are monitoring the blog, eg, the ABC wrote to me and told me, the Education Dept has pulled down a post, etc, but there's also the obvious likelihood of coincidence in discussing current issues...others have mentioned it to me 'off-blog' that there's a fair bit of discussion about the blog about the traps...(comin' outta' some traps around the traps-Ed)...indeed, people are speaking of it on occasion...enough for today though...

Tomorrow: Council Elections Loom

Yay...just yay, I got nuthin' to say about this that can't wait...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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