Saturday, July 19, 2014

Lock The Gate After The Mayor Has Bolted

Hello and welcome to the blog...what does it say about the world when I feel that I need to bring a bit of brevity to the services plunge from the downing of Malaysia Airlines MH17, through the latest killing of Palestinian children by the invading Israeli Army, a brief mention of the 300 abducted Nigerian schoolgirls still missing, back to the ongoing conflict in Iraq...(gee, thanks for all that brevity-Ed)...indeed...

But there is a degree of brevity to be gleaned from the title of this post, the merest suggestion that the Universe has an ironic sense of humour...'tís as though 'twere meant to be that we have a saying that means 'it's too late to act, the damage is done'- shutting the gate after the horse has bolted - and the apparently pointless Polite Protesting recently conducted in Adelaide against the Fracking that's happening right now around Penola...opposition that centres on the catchphrase/Movement, "Lock The Gate"... the self-perpetuating irony of this name is obvious given the behaviour of the Weatherill Labor government and Minister Koutsontonis...

Labor have 1) flagged removing all 'Green Tape' from Development Applications, Mining, etc, and have appointed their rank hack Mia Handshin to the head of the Environment Protection Authority, so it's go go gadget for all Gas Fracking...2) given Beach Energy and other companies a 5 year 'No Royalty' free kick at knocking off our resources without having to pay for any of it...and 3) when Polite Protestors attended Minister Koutsontonis's office with their petition, they got the big Tommy Forget You and were left standing in the street...

Life In The OB:...again, I take no pleasure in being right in just how pointless it is politely negotiating with people who don't give a forget what you think, not a forget what you say, not a forget what's happening to you, who have no intention of doing anything other than exactly what benefits them personally...I note that in May 2014 Rawson Resources bought Otway Energy and it's 2 exploration licenses (1 at Penola, 1 between Robe/Millicent) in the Otway Basin...(what is where we is-Ed)...indeed, this whole area of the South East is the OB, including off-shore.    

Can't Believe I Know This Stuff: but there's an excellent site, energy-pedia news, that has extensive reportage of the 'investment' being made in the OB by Beach Energy (who have expanded their operations by purchasing a company called 3D Oil), Rawson Resources, etc, and has some great resource material, eg, maps of proposed exploration, licenses, etc...check out their (energy-pedia) news for June 16th 2014, under Australia: Beach Energy aquires interest in off-shore OB permit T/49P from 3D Oil...

We're Knackered: because whilst the bolt is the horse's natural enemy, the Weatherill government has not opened the gate for Fracking so much as ripped it clear off it's hinges...and Stevie's had the nod...our illustrious Mayor Steve Perryman had to excuse himself from the Mt Gambier City Council meeting when it came to the 'Fracking Moratorium' vote because he 'has a business agreement with Beach Energy'...which segues inappropriately well into his farcical statements recently in The Border Watch...

Whilst announcing his intention to run for a position on Council rather than as Mayor, Stevo stated that he was looking forward to getting to vote on all the things he missed out on by being Mayor...(what the? he's not there half the time and spends most of the time he is there pogoing in and out of his seat with a relentless parade of 'Conflict of Interest' business agreements-Ed)...well quite...

Prospect Mayor and Local Government Assoc President David O'Loughlin was interviewed on the ABC yesterday about his 11.5 years in Local Gov, 2 terms as Mayor, etc, and his advice re making sure y'all are   enrolled and eligible to vote...and something that caught my attention, votes are apparently allocated as per property, ie, more than one property, more than one vote...(so the Landed Gentry with Rental Properties, etc, get more say than than some poor gimp in Public Housing?-Ed)...exactly...anyhoos, the roll closes 8th August with nominations for Councillors/Mayor open Sept 2nd, closing on the 16th at 12 noon.

What really concerns me is that 1) this is a voluntary vote, and then 2) only a postal vote that runs from 20th Oct I think, closing Nov 7th...I'll check exact details and post...but Mr O'Loughkin advises candidates to start campaigning, and ahaha, that there are only 3 criteria for people wanting to nominate, aha, that one needs to be at least 18, an Australian citizen, and, aha, have a big ego...(I can see why you're laughing, I guess that's what passes for humour in the LGA-Ed)...well he is partly right in saying it takes a certain amount of ego to say vote for me...

(Well that or a desire to engage in the Institutionalised Corruption of Public Office in South Australia-Ed)...well quite...(or driven doubled-over before a cold howling wind of torment in a lunatic stagger bent on vengeance and retribution-Ed)...look, no, I told you already, I'm not running for Councillor...(taboomtish-Ed)...because there's just no point...the vested interests currently running the show will make absolutely sure that they've got this all buttoned down before anybody registers let alone votes...and once on Council I would be gagged by their various self-imposed restrictions...  

(Yes, but if you don't get on Council and displace all the cronies and collaborators, how can you affect change?-Ed)...that, is an excellent question...(do you happen to have an excellent answer-Ed)

Mr O'Loughlin further advised that a single issue ticket isn't enough reason to run because you'll quickly become frustrated and there are over 300 different areas that Councillors must vote on so they must get educated and there are training courses available through the LGA...and of course you can't run for Councillor and Mayor although with some Councils elected members choose Mayor, but it's better to be elected City wide because the Mayor could have peer support but not the community's...   

It was noted that 2 non-Councillors standing for Mayor will need to quickly learn new skills, eg, read the Local Government Act now, and that being Mayor is not a dictatorship but mostly being Chair of the Council meeting, occasionally having a casting/deciding vote...they apparently need to be able to work with people, to be 'a good team player'...Mr O'Loughlin's advice was to talk to your relevant Council's CEO and/or a friendly member...(hah, good luck with that!-Ed)...well obviously he didn't mean Nick Fletcher...(well obviously-Ed)...anyhoos, if you're going to get involved, get started...

I'd like to close with Council's latest deceit re the Rail Lands, as again being played out in The Border Watch, as attached below...not a word of a lie, I've spoken to many people about this Market business and I am assured that nobodies going nowhere no time soon...note the article makes a big song and dance about how Council has organised it, then states it won't happen for a year...(and also acknowledges that Council has no plans for the largely unusable Asbestos-riddled Old Rail Station, despite telling the Market stall holders that they'd renovate it for the Marketters to use-Ed)...unbeforgettin'lievable...

Tomorrow: More LTGATMHB

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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