Hello Turkey, China, Ukraine and Russia and welcome to the blog for the second time today...deadset, I was blogging myself stupid this morning...(ooh aah-Ed)...at first quite happily, but then it got really hard...(fnargh chortle-Ed)...and then it just dropped off...(nyuk nyuk nyuk-Ed)...and try as I might I just couldn't get it up again...(wheeeeezzz-Ed)...Interweb connectivity is crap in Mt Gambier... (**actually finished and posted 29th May 2014**).
Deadset, you can just about set ya' watch 'cos as everyone gets to school and work, starting about 0800ish, my connection starts dropping out, then you can't get back to the blog, then no connection at all by about 0830...this happens quite regularly and not on weekends...
Bingo, just on ABC Radio (0630hrs 29/07/14), the Truth is dead, and the culprit was Prof Martin, in my ear, with a poe-full of very expensive piss...(sorry what?-Ed)...Prof Martin has been paid a small fortune by Mt Gambier City Council to repeatedly come to Mt Gambier and tell Council what they told him to tell them, and is now still clearly in Council's employ, going into the media to praise up Council for the wonder of their 'Public Consultation Processes'...(deadset?-Ed)...not a word of a lie, according to the Prof, Mt Gambier Council's PCP are an innovative, Australia leading example of how to do PC...(may I?-Ed)...certainly, and may I join you?...(please do-Ed)...
Ahahahahhaaaaahhahahahhhah...(ahahahhaaahhahahhhaaahaa-Ed)...ahahahhahaaah...(aaahahahaha-Ed)...ahahahaa...(ahahaa-Ed)...ahaa ahaaa...(ahhh-Ed)...ahhh...(ah dear-Ed)...ahhhh oh boy...(ohhh goodness-Ed)...yesss indeed...(I think I wee'd a bit-Ed)...me too, me too...(*A Touch of Cloth even-Ed)...LTIS in fact...(sorry, LTIS?-Ed)...Laughed 'Til I Shat*...(*sorry, couldn't help myself-A Touch of Cloth is a hilarious parody, available Interwebbily I believe-'touching cloth' is a euphemism for when you're busting to pooh, aka, a Turtlehead Sweater)...(it's all so very 'ighbrow on this 'ere blog, innit' guvna'?-Ed)...
Ooo and he's on again, he's on again (0730)...going on again about this amazing initiative from Council and how everybody has been consulted...(ahahahaha-Ed)...and this exciting Plan has 4 focuses apparently, People, Location, Environment, and Natural Resources...(so focusing on everything then-Ed)...I think so, gourd knows, and it's 'not just for the city' and 'not just the Chamber of Commerce' that have done this, 'over 600 people have been involved', apparently, blah, blah, blah...whatta' loada' bollocks...
Mt Gambier City Council does not now and has never listened to anything that anyone has said...Council does what it wants, when it wants, and almost without exception, there's a profit in it for a Councillor and/or their family and/or friends and/or someone in their tight-knit 'Vested Interests Bloc'...Council has again burned $10,000s of Ratepayer's money on multiple spurious workshops, paying a man to tell them what they want to hear...(that or the Prof is genuine in his praise because he's just got no idea what's actually happening, having been deceived by Council with yet another faux PCP-Ed)...
Fair call but the fact remains, Council could get a 10-page essay from everybody, can spend as long as they like, talk to whoever they want, 'cos it's all bullshit, they have absolutely no intention of listening to anyone about anything other than that which benefits them...(the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter is a perfect example-Ed)...well quite...Council completely ignored the definable majority support for a Terminal at/on the Old Rail lands because it compromised their ongoing plans for a massive Retail/Commercial expansion of the Lakes Plaza (Centro)...
Again, all due respect, but the Rail Lands Retail Agenda is not up for debate, this is what Council has been doing with that site, it's why the Terminal/shelter is way out on the Jubilee Hwy with no services, instead of adjacent the Plaza with all it's services, and it defines just how much Council is prepared to lie to Ratepayers to get what Councillors want...I dropped someone at the LNBS early one day last week and it was approx 2C (35F) and dropping, the open metal seating was absolutely freezing and the chill wind was just gusting through, no shelter what-so-ever...and when it rains and it's windy it's even worse, and when it's hot, you're stuck out in the middle of a baking car park.
The LNBS is a perfect example of all the things that Council can ignore, and not least of all because it doesn't affect them, and how any PCP they claim to be conducting is totally bullshit...it quintessentially defines the RLRA that Council flatly refuses the publicly responsible, logical, sensible option (renovating the Old Rail Station as a Terminus) and spends $250,000+ on that ludicrous sun-shade thingy...(and didn't they put out different Tenders and then give the job to a Queensland firm?-Ed)...
Excellent memory Ed, indeed they did...Council put out one Design Tender here that included a huge Limestone 'back wall' then refused to use a local contractor saying their Tenders were all too expensive, then, using the 'lower cost justification' gave it to the Queensland firm because 'they were cheaper', but the Shelter they built has no wall at all, it's a different design...(is it legal to put out different Tender designs to different applicants so as to deliberately manipulate the final choice of Contractor?-Ed)...I would very much doubt it Ed, but hey, this is SA Local Government we're talking about so I'm sure it's just fine...(just fine-Ed)...(just fine-LGA)...just fine...
On Friday 25th May ABC Local Radio ran a superb Dorthy-Dixer interview with Council's Micheal Silvy re the Palm trees on the Rail Lands, but this post is too long already, sorry, so in Tomorrow...
The first 3 stories on Channel Nine News (Adelaide) this (*last*) evening were the resignation of Families SA Deputy CEO David Waterford re his supposed 'misinforming' of the Education Minister Jennifer Rankine over the recent Families SA Child Rape case...(do you think there's a chance that a Labor minister will ever take responsibility for the fact that they have been wholly and fully responsible for this entirely dysfunctional system, have repeatedly lied on the floor of Parliament, Covered-up the Abuse at St Martins, etc?-Ed)...hell no, sociopathic incompetence knows not how to apologise...
And nobody in the Liberal Party is the least bit interested in holding Labor to account for anything, let alone Sow Straya's Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption...(indeed I'd suggest that it's the other way around...it's because they both have so many current and former Members directly involved, neither is going to hold either to account for that or anything else-Ed)...well quite...good ol' South Australia, organised, institutionalised, bipartisan, officially sanctioned paedophilia...call me crazy, tell me I'm a liar, think it's all bollocks, read the blog and know different...just look at the posts re senior Liberal Rob Lucas, a member of the grossly corrupt SARC Inquiry no.54...
I was recently asked, again, if there's a Paedophile Ring operating in Mount Gambier, and I answered that I certainly hope so...(sorry, what?!-Ed)...because at least that would explain the extraordinary behaviours of local politicians, SAPol officers, alleged Child Protection Services, etc, in a context that wasn't just about profitting from other corruption...(ah, I get it, fair enough...if these people were/are acting compulsively to abuse children then that's bad enough, but if they're protecting St Martins, the Lutherans, and teacher Glyn Dorling purely for the profit to be made from engaging with the Institutionalised Corruption that is SA, that is arguably worse-Ed)...spot on......
There's of course a third group who are just weak and compliant for the sake of their precious careers and don't necessarily involve themselves in specific corruption, eg, nepotistic Planning Decisions, but are equally complicit by "averting their eyes or looking away"...
But it's all good, no probs, according to former senior SAPol officer, now Education CEO......(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison...(so we've got 2 cops running the Education Dept, one replacing the former CEO Keith Bartley who 'quit' after the Western Suburbs School Case and the farcical DeBelle Inquiry, and who happened to be in the middle of another Child Abuse scandal in his former position with Oxford Council in England, and now a senior Families SA exec gone, rolling Child Abuse Cover-ups, eg, the Naracoorte student, Mark Harvey the WSS After School Carer, and now this...and everything's just fine-Ed)...just fine...(just fine-TH)...
Besides, when you look at most of these people, Labor and Liberal, it is my extensive personal experience re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up that they seem to want dysfunctional, emotionally traumatised, vulnerable children available, be it for their own personal sexual gratification or just because it's politically advantageous, whatevs...second: a male teacher from an Adelaide high school was arrested on school camp in Victoria, charged with Indecent Assault, etc, of a female student...and third is an old friend to this 'ere blog...Bernard Finnigan's Child Pornography case has stalled again as new charges are laid, which are the same as the old charges...
Originally arrested in April 2011, then Labor Acting Police Minister Bernard Finnigan (based in Mt Gambier) was facing nearly 2 dozen Child Pornography charges, which have since been reduced, re-instated, reduced again and/or changed, repeatedly, in and out of different jurisdictions, for over 3 years...and his lawyers continue to argue that this just isn't fair on their precious bloody client, and again are trying to get everything thrown out...and that's exactly what's going to happen, guarantee it...it'll take another year maybe, but that's exactly what will happen...
Multiple horrendous Child Rape cases with associated Cover-ups and ludicrous Royal Commissions, the entire SA Child Protection system in disarray, the Economy collapsing, etc, and Premier Jay Weatherill shrecks off to the Tour de France...I lied sorry, do hurry back Jay because we're all waiting to see you champ.
Feedback: please excuse my lack of 'Netiqette' re answering specific Notifications, etc, but I definitely appreciate the efforts, ideas, and support that I continue to receive...again, I don't blame some people for wanting to contact me off-blog, and many for wanting to remain blog 'availees' without making any contact at all...I do also receive quite a bit of third party feedback ...it's all good, just ask Oscar Wilde...(sorry?-Ed)...you know, 'the only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about'...(indeed-Ed)...you all will understand that I however remain reluctant to approach others...
Recent Discussions: have included that again someone thought Ed was a real person, not a linguistic construct I use to argue opposing ideas/positions/whatevs, and to set up jokes, etc, but that even knowing that, they still find themselves getting drawn into reading it as though it were 2 separate people...(willing suspension of disbelief-Ed)...honest to goodness, it's only me...(I note that the 2 Anti-Corruption Detectives who visited your home on Wed 7th May , then 'raided' your home the next day Thursday 8th May and "seized" your laptop as "evidence", etc, they didn't ask who is me-Ed)...no, no they didn't...
But that's because they've read (are still reading?) this 'ere blog and knew exactly who was doing this 'ere blog because I put my name on every post...(and they knew exactly where to find you, and when-Ed)...indeed...they stated outright that I had supposedly transgressed the first Law of Club Go Go Bananas by talking about Club Go Go Bananas, but were unable to say exactly what that was, they were just here to 'gather evidence for the DPP' (Director of Public Prosecutions), and that I should "expect to be charged"...
Club Go Go Bananas: is the high-tech, high-brow Double Super Secret Probation Nomenclature that I'm going to use here-on-in for the Authority that I probably can't mention by name although that's just a guess because SAPol didn't know the day they raided me and I've heard nothing since, and I've written to the Lord Of Bananas, via a lawyer, seeking clarification of what exactly is going on and the response was 'you figure it out lawyer and you tell him'...this in reply to the question, 'is Mr Fletcher allowed to speak to a lawyer?'...(deadset-Ed)...
So, the Lord of Bananas oversees issues to do with bananas and, via Club Go Go Bananas, will sort out all the bananas, but nobody else is allowed to mention the bananas or the fact that the Banana Lord has looked at the bananas...(ludicrous-Ed)...oh it gets better...by definition of the Banana Lord's own legislation, nobody can talk about any bananas anytime, ever, because the Banana Lord might possibly look at those bananas at some point in the future...and so it is that my legal advice has had to write yet again to the Banana Lord asking further and even more ludicrous but necessary questions...(sounds like the system that's 'Bananas' quite frankly-Ed)...indeed, quite Bananas...
Emergency Services Minister Tony Piccolo is furiously back-peddling away from comments he made in Mt Gambier on Sunday night that Labor were considering amalgamating the State Emergency Service, the Country Fire Service (both largely volunteer), and the full-time Metropolitan Fire Service...(so he lied-Ed)...wellll...(no, he came to Mt Gambier and said one thing, and then goes back to Adelaide and withdraws that saying 'I said something else'...that's lying-Ed)...well, deceit certainly, but possibly just standard Labor stooge incompetence, it's highly possible that Mr Piccolo is just another of these semi-functioning 'puppet-Ministers'...(yay-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Hey Let's Go To Club Go Go Bananas
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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