Hello the USofA, France, Mexico and Latvia and welcome to the blog, and a special welcome to Turkey whom are no.1 on the blog statistics page for views today, more even than here in Oz or the USofA...cheers...it's odd because I've not been to Turkey and yet I feel a certain affinity with y'all...(I reckon it's the ANZAC/Gallipoli/Birth of a Nation thing making Turkey part of the collective subconcious-Ed)...yeah, and acknowledging that we were invading a Sovereign nation on behalf of the British Empire...
If One Plants A Tree: does that mean one trees a plant?...went to the Planting day at the Valley Lake Wildlife Park on Sunday, and it's looking fantastic, with the plantings of the last 2 years all well established, a new front entrance, re-vamped ponds, etc...there's been a lot of hard work gone into that site, largely by volunteers, and all involved are to be congratulated...(what, even Greg Muller?-Ed)...ah yes, it's always funny to see Greg and his exuberant greeting, 'Hello Nick, how are you?...look everyone, I'm saying hello to Nick Fletcher, no problems here'...
(But aren't you constantly bangin' on about the $344,000 that Greg Muller 'misappropriated' from the Main Corner Project, as raised by Councillor Penny Richardson and as yet still unaccounted for and/or recovered, leading you to use language like, and I quote, "fraud" and "theft"?-Ed)...yep...(and he still greets you amicably?-Ed)...yes, but it's a very forced, faked politeness solely for the benefit of others present, Greg maintaining his 'in control' public persona...me and Greg know what's really goin' on...
(Is he still on the Ratepayers dollar as a highly paid 'Consultant' with Council-Ed)...according to their staff records, currently available on Council's website, that's a big fat yes...under Organisational Structures-Chart for August 2013 Mr Muller is Manager Projects (1.0) working directly in the office of CEO McShenanigans...(and 1.0 means full-time-Ed)...yes, thankyou...in fact, while you're there on the Organisational charts check out just how many people are employed by Council, but particularly in high-level positions, some of which seem quite 'spurious'...
(Wow, you're right...it's almost like they're just creating cushy jobs for their mates and building a foundation of vested interests who will work to maintain their personally profitable positions in the status quo-Ed)...yeah, almost exactly like that...PS...my knees were bloody sore on Monday, but it was that 'I got something done yesterday' hurt, a good hurt...
A New App: for mobile phones from Mt Gambier City Council, following on from the interview on the ABC last Friday 24th July 2014 with Council's Michael Silvy re the Palm trees on the Rail Lands...this App helps locate all the Palm trees in Mt Gambier that Mr Silvy claims are infesting our Parks and Gardens...(sorry?-Ed)...he said that Council had stuck 18 mature Palm trees (costing $3,000+ each) on the Rail Lands because Palm trees are a theme, historically planted throughout Mt Gambier in parks, etc...(really?-Ed)...
So I went for a bit of a drive...(of course you did-Ed)...and if one also counts the 2 Palms near Badenoch's Deli on Bay Rd, I counted 2 in Vansittart Pk, 2 in Umpherston Cave, 2 in the Cave Garden', etc...there are maybe 10 Palm trees scattered throughout Mt Gambier...(don't forget all them Palms in the Library/Civic Centre carpark-Ed)...Council planted those 3-4 years ago, and it was said in a previous interview that they cost more than the Rail Lands ones...Mr Silvy maintained in this latest interview that people who were critical of the Palms completely changed their minds when he explained it to them...
Palm Palm Pilot App: will help you find your way from one stand of $3,000+ vertical rat's nests to the other...and Mr Silvy reckons that the Rail Lands Palms are all about gravitas and there are great examples of
Palm-lined promenades in parks in Victoria, etc, and that they won't block the 'sight lines' through the site, and when asked about using Native trees on the site Mr Silvy actually stated that they were 'either too big or too small and we are using native grasses in the fake Creek thingy' (paraphrase)...
And no disrespect to the 'work experience girl' that the ABC sent to do this ridiculous interview, its not her fault, but it's a load of bollocks that she would've been largely oblivious to...it's been put to me that the blog has had it's say and that that say has made it's way to the light of day and the 'a lot of discussion' referred to in the intro to this actual interview, is in fact everyone Hating on the Palms and saying that Council chose $3,000+ mature Palms because 1) it gives the impression that Council's actually done something, but that 2) it's a something that can simply be moved when Council proceed with the Rail Lands Retail Agenda.
(Hey, they're things you've been saying on this 'ere blog-Ed)...exactly, and being quoted back to me by someone who doesn't read it because it's been said to them, frequently apparently...I still remember the look on Council CEO Mark 'McShenanigans' McShane's face when he smilingly had a go at me at the Council Budget Consultation meetings in May/June 2013, saying 'no-one's reading your blog Nick', but when I smiled right back at him and said 'yes they are and you know they are' he wasn't smiling so much anymore...(priceless-Ed)...
Club Go Go Bananas: has gone exactly nowhere since last time (yesterday), but it remains the overall situation that according to the Banana Lord's own legislation no-one can ever talk about Bananas not never just in case the Banana Lord decides to look at those Bananas some time in the future...and remember that I've had my home raided, my laptop seized, etc, for merely talking about the fact that the Banana Lord supposedly looked at some local Bananas but didn't find any...
And if you think this Bananas nonsense sounds ridiculous, then please consider that the actual reality is far more nonsensical and deeply, deeply disturbing...and when I contacted the Banana Lord seeking advice, via a lawyer, the response was 'not my problem, you tell him'...for slight clarification of this situation please refer to yesterday's post and/or the various posts re the SAPol raid, etc...more to come I'm sure...
Water Licenses: for Forestry have not been paid before (anywhere on the planet allegedly) and how much they should be is highly debatable...apparently the CSIRO did a report in the 1980s but there's nothing more recent...there's no policy in other states that include all in water and concerns are where's that water coming from? off existing license holders?...limited licenses will make it hard to establish new industry and with less employment people go elsewhere...
There's something about this Labor state government plan that really sticks in my craw, I just don't swallow it...trees capture rainfall before it hits the Aquifer and then draw on said Aquifer in the dry, true, so their overall water use is calculable (according to the CSIRO), therefore a water license can be calculated per tree re rainfall that year, it's size, average temperature, etc...but how does this affect current lease-holders like 141 Plantations, new owners of the SE Forestry Estate?...
Maybe I've got it all wrong, but if all the trees are gone, eg, there's a massive fire due to the untenable cut-backs to Forestry SA, the Country Fire Service, etc...(no no, remember Minister Leon Bignell said that unnamed Contractors will appear out of the trees and shreckin' save us, no probs-Ed)...indeed...if you haven't listened to that interview it should still be available on ABC South East Radio, but if something happens, does this give 141P license to use and/or sell the water licenses they have 'inherited'?...could they for example drop all the trees and then go into agriculture with their new water licenses?
Whatevs, 141 Plantations continue to clear fell and export the South East Forestry Estate ...(well the good news is that employment in the planting sector must have gone through the roof as they scramble to re-plant these record fellings/exports?-Ed)...yeah well that's what concerns me, that there's not the re-planting happening, and that combined with the last minute $2 purchase of the Glencoe Nursery and the extensive log clearing and massive spike in exports via Portland, clearly indicates that 141P has no intention of Forestry for the long term...
Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce: is apparently a self-appointed group of Oz churches criticising Immigration Minister Scott Morrison for Child Abuse re kids in Detention...(sorry what?!-Ed)...oh yeah, the Child-Raping Institutes of Australia have banded together to screech the most abhorrent hypocrisy directly into the public's collectively stupified countenance...(again, what?-Ed)...and 'we're doing it because of our history re Child Abuse' says the ACRT...(and there's that word, History, trying to manipulate the reality and create the very false sense that Child Abuse is a thing of the distant past in Churches-Ed)...indeed.
Some Bits: and the $7million artificial reef just off Carrickalinga Beach, 100kms South of Adelaide, ain't goin' nowhere soon...the Wave Energy unit that sank there months ago whilst on it's way to the SE is not likely to be moved before the end of the year...at the earliest...the old Ambulance station at Frew Pk Centre apparently needs some work before it can be used again, but for what says Mayor Steve Perryman...(ooo, how's about a cafe run by a Councillor's son-Ed)...perfect...enough for today...
Tomorrow: Local Government Elections
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...and there is no App for finding Palms, I made it up, sorry...
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