Sunday, July 20, 2014

LTGATMHB - Part II - There's A Mayor In There

Hello y'all and welcome to post 549 approx, over almost 18 months, and it's an unplanned co-incidence that these anniversaries should fall pretty much right on the day that I gave evidence to the Teachers Registration Board in 2004, one week before I was diagnosed with a 16cm x 12cm Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma'll excuse therefore my rather ripe tones and fruity attitude across a few posts...

Cheers: to the top 5 'TMGI availees' of this 18 months, who, according to the blog statistics page are, at no 5, Ukraine, Russia at 4, then Germany third, second for the USofA, and of course at numero uno, li'l ol' Oz...

Apologies that when I pooh-poohed the whole Carbon Tax and Mining Tax pantomime I stated that the Mining Tax Repeal Bill had passed, but it hasn't...yet...I maintain my Pantomime Predictions's a matter of time before the Liberal/Nationals and Clive Palmer both get exactly what they both want for themselves, via a process of maximum self-aggrandisement for Clive...and we'll wear the fall-out...

I am deeply cynical/concerned about statements of fact re who is responsible for the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines MH 17 as it offers just too many opportunities for Western leaders like PM Tony Abbott to clamber onto the Moral High ground and make all manner of claims, stick it to Russia, etc, whilst the wreckage and passenger's bodies remain in the fields of Eastern Ukraine...(how was anyone allowed to flyover that area when it has been reported for months that 1) planes have already been brought down, and 2) there's Russian heavy armaments there?-Ed)...a question being asked I'm sure...

You don't have to go far on the Interweb to find very comprehensive 'Conspiracy Theories' on pretty much anything and I have covered several times in this blog the very unsettling events that have often immediately proceeded the USofA entering a major such as the sinking of the Lusitania that saw a non-combatant, unwilling USofA join World War One as a righteously aggrieved respondent rather than a reluctant participant, the Pearl Harbour attack in 1941, the 911 attacks, etc...

There is clear evidence, multiple eye-witness accounts, etc, indicating that missiles/rockets brought down the TWA flight off Long Island, but the official report was an exploding fuel tank...the French Airforce accidentally shot down an Italian airliner whilst going after Gaddafhi, the USofA Navy an Iranian airliner, etc, do we know who fired what at whom from where?...(or even that it was a missile-Ed)...indeed...did it collide with a spy drone? was there a bomb on the plane? etc...

Just watching PM Tony Abbott right now (earlier today) on the ABC with his carefully rehearsed outrage, yet another Western leader playing solemn states person, and abusing/criticising Russia without any proof of who is definitely responsible, etc...who the shreck is Tony to be holding forth about who's responsible when the official line is nobody knows...and when asked the specific question, PM Tony went off on a long waffle about 'a high degree of confidence that it was a missile' and that 'it was probably Russian supplied', etc, etc...

(Sorry, 'we're pretty sure and it probably was and definitely maybe but nobody knows because it's absolute "chaos" but yeah it was them'...that sort of bollocks wouldn't fly in a Used Car Yard, let alone the Australian PM stating this in the Media-Ed)...and he went on about 'genuine remorse' with other cases, but got stuck into Russia for a lack of decency and humanity and their apparent hand-washing "not acceptable"...this bellicose chest beating from PM TA is entirely inappropriate and unwarranted.

Compare it to the official line from the Netherlands government and people, who lost nearly 200 citizens, where they are saying it's too early to go accuse anyone of being responsible for anything because no-one knows...but in Australia our PM is slinging accusations, abuse, and direction at Russia...this is a terrible event, and yes it is highly possible that this was Russian supported troops of whatevs description using Russian supplied equipment, but it is also possible that it was someone/thing else...were the Ukrainians after Russian President Putin's aircraft and picked the wrong plane?

And it just gets better and better with rabid Right-Winger and slavering Tony Abbott groupie Gerard Henderson on the ABC's Insiders program, and surprise, surprise, whatevs it is that he's praising-up Tony for today (it was the Carbon Tax repeal) is yet again 'the greatest thing in Australian political history'...(deadset? it really is quite scary just how righteous pricks like our mate Gerard can be...reality is not something Gerard lumbers himself with on the way to maintaining his glorious White Rightness-Ed)'re such a bloody expert Gerard, run for Parliament yourself...which ironically is often Gerard's advice to others.

I note that the latest Israeli invasion of Palestine (Gaza) with the resultant deaths of 340 Palestinian people, including dozens of children, including 4 children shelled by an Israeli warship whilst they were collecting scrap/playing on a beach, tanks and troops in the Gaza suburbs whilst Jewish settlers continue to just steal/annex/call it what you bloody like, large chunks of Palestine, all of this horrendous violence against largely un-armed civilians has been pushed somewhat into the shadows, receiving relatively scant coverage...(particularly given how we tend to get the Israeli agenda shoved down our throats so regularly-Ed).

I note that in the Western media the focus is very much on the Ukraine and the Palestine stuff gets a bit of a go, yet elsewhere, eg, on the SBS Aljazzerah feeds, it's pretty much the other way around... 

My Night Mayor: I'm not going to re-attach The Border Watch article from yesterday's post and the latest deceits from Council re the Rail Lands, but do identify the issues there-in, namely reference to some sort of 'amphitheatre' on the site, but I've no idea where that's going...(perhaps it's the grassy swale that fills up with water when it rains?-Ed) mean where Council has homaged the Roman Colosseum that was engineered to be filled with water for Nautical escapades...(yes, that's the one-Ed)...and the acknowledgement that there is no plan to restore/reclaim the Asbestos riddled Old Station... 

Yet Council is proceeding with $700,000 of paving and the $650k+ Fake Lake on the Rail Lands, and approx $500,000 on Night Lights for the Blue Lake, more paving in the Main, etc...

Where's The Joke?: in the Mock Trial held in Mt Gambier last week which I chose not to attend...there are many events that I don't attend because it's just too much bullshit and I won't keep my mouth shut...(lord knows it's hard enough at City Council meetings-Ed)...indeed, and for example, I thought about popping along to lawyer Bill DeGaris's little legal soiree recently just to get in his smug little face, but there'll be time for that...

Dear Billy: people keep asking me what's happening with your extremely dodgy acquisition of the SERDE Building on Penola Rd, a deal that is defined by the gross corruption of appropriate process, particularly for the private sale of a public asset...and that includes the clear Fraud committed by the SERDE Board in deliberately running a false Tender Process, including lying to and ripping off the Realtor involved...and all provable in a let's get it on Billy-boy.

Stop being a gutless, paedophile protecting betrayer who tries to hide his criminality by pulling down the posts that expose your deeply offensive dealings, but do me that favour anyway because people read what I have to say about your shenanigans, particularly your rank betrayal of me and other parents when as my/our lawyer you deliberately manipulated, deceived, and betrayed me/us and therefore my/our child/ren re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...they read that then see you pull that post...then they see me replace it with supportive documents, etc, and that post then remain, and they say to me, Nick they say, because it's my name, Nick it looks massively sus when these posts get pulled , but it's absolute proof and vindication when you replace them and they stay there.

People are also keen to know when you'll action your otherwise vacuous threats to sue me and get me and make me pay, threats made over a year wonder you cross the road when you see me coming...

(I thought the 'Mock Trial' thingy was just another paedophile getting a suspended sentence from a South Australian Court for raping a young child-Ed)...indeed, I can see how you might make that mistake...

Gobsmacked: that Mr Peter Clarke gets yet another long pro-establishment propaganda piece in The Border Watch (Thursday 17th July 2014) inanely praising up current Mayor Steve Perryman, including Stevo's appearance in August 2010 on ABC TV QandA program and the great work Stevo's done for the great City of Mt Gambier...(deadset? I want what he's on-Ed)...more tomorrow...

And my mate Russell Marsh of the Clean Energy Council, the 'Renewable Energy' Industry lobby group, was back on the ABC carefully explaining that the $5.5m government money invested in the recently failed Ocean Power Technologies Portland Wave Energy project will be refunded, and that the other $60m was never paid toward the $230m project...(and a whole bunch of other nonsense that don't bear repeating, other than to mention he barely mentioned his previously much-loved Wind Turbines-Ed)...indeed, there's been a real drop-off in Turbine promotion...

Tomorrow: A Third LYGATMHB

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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