Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why Paedophilia Proliferates In South Australia

Hello Bulgaria, India, Indonesia, and Poland, and welcome to the blog...wish I had good news today but it's back to the relentless, Institutionalised Pro-paedophile Corruption of the Labor government and the extraordinary and quite deliberate incompetence of Minister Jennifer Rankine, former SAPol officer now Education Dept CEO......(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-Ed)...Tony Harrison, and our charming Premier Jay Weatherill re this latest Families SA Child Rape case...

Despite their own totally farcical DeBelle Inquiry and Minister Rankine's, Premier Weatherill's, CEO......(nnnHarrison's-TH)...CEO Harrison's constant bleating about how all things must now be done/are being done strictly by the guidelines of The Gospel According to DeBelle, these clowns haven't even followed step One, namely, all briefings, etc, must be done in writing...they have instead been having 'discussions', allegedly without keeping notes or written briefs...

......(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison has lied through his teeth about the charged workers history, and then tried to excuse that by saying that 'I hadn't read the files before commenting but now I know different'...(sorry? he's the Education CEO and he's commenting on cases without even reading the file?-Ed)...apparently...(and that is an acceptable excuse for his deceits?-Ed)...apparently...(and that's all just fine?-Ed)...just fine...(just fine-TH)...

And they haven't kept notes/written briefs because that would show definitively just who knew what when and just how badly they've stuffed this up...(so, from the abject, corrupted DeBelle farce and the paper-trail that led straight onto Jay Weatherill's desk and then allegedly disappeared, to avoiding any future such unpleasantness by ignoring their own guidelines and keeping no notes-Ed)...and this isn't incompetence, it's absolutely deliberate corruption in absolute support of Paedophilia...

Malaysian Airlines MH 17: Just about fell off my chair just now as our Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is in the news stating as though it were a startling revelation that 'we can negotiate access to the crash site with whoevs but we ain't goin' nowheres 'cos there's a war going on'...(what happened to all her bellicose rhetoric about the 'atrocious criminals' and telling Russia what to do, etc-Ed)...gourd knows...(next thing, PM Tony Abbott will be doing a massive about-face saying Eastern European politics is none of his business-Ed)...well, actually...(nooo? you're kidding me?-Ed)...wish I was, wish I was...

And perhaps people are as stupid as I keep saying they aren't because PM Tones' personal approval rating has dragged itself off the floor, up 5 points, to a staggering 30% Preferred PM, reportedly off the back off his vacuous bluster and rancid Nationalism about "bringing them home"...and now it's the afternoon and he's back to calling it "murder"...(is this our charming politicians giving one 'diplomatic' story to the international press and another much more Nationalistic one for domestic consumption?-Ed)...quite possibly... 

And a new book is out about Flight MH 370, apparently outing the disappearance as not such a mystery and more of the result of being accidentally shot down or at least disabled by a missile strike so that it flew 'crewless' until it did crash...haven't read it myself, won't be, but I completely reject the official idea that MH 370 just suddenly turned around and allegedly flew back right over a Malaysian Military base and nobody tried to contact it...missile/hijack/whatevs, it is inconceivable that that plane just flew off anonymously into oblivion...another global conspiracy?... 

If it's a global conspiracy to turn the world against the Jews/Israel with endless footage of Palestinian fathers carrying their injured children into hospitals in Gaza, then I'd suggest that it's a very successful strategy...another day in Palestine, another day where citizens are displaced refugees in their own country, getting bombed in United Nations refuges, etc, and the Israelis justifying these hundreds of civilian deaths by saying 'they shot at us first from near there somewhere'...

Deeply Concerning: to hear the vast number of 'Suppression Orders' currently being utilised in Victoria to keep hidden aspects of Court cases, etc...I note that here in Mt Gambier a high-profile case has been moved to Adelaide, allegedly because of the issues with the jury knowing the witnesses, but given the case involves Child Abuse, I believe it's all about keeping Mt Gambier in the dark about the realities of what's happening in this town...

The SA Transport Depts 'Whatevs Road Safety Grants Program' is being widely advertised again through the ABC, The Border Watch, etc...(is that the program that says 'come up with good ideas to get people using Public Transport and we'll give you some money'?-Ed)...that's the one...(here's a crazy idea, actually have some Public Transport available on weekends and public holidays in Mt Gambier and people might use it...where's me money?-Ed)...slow down champ, firstly, you don't get that money...(ahhh what?!-Ed) goes to the project, and secondly, that's a perfectly reasonable, socially responsible idea, entirely achievable with the least little effort...(so it ain't gonna' happen?-Ed)...ain't gonna happen...

And it is entirely reasonable to suggest that City Councillors, whom voted to remove Council funding from local Public Transport several years ago, directly shutting down the weekend service, might in future consider the $10,000 cheaper option when voting to get each other new cars, and by my calculations each year that would provide the funding needed to re-instate Weekend Bus Services...(nice-Ed)...

It is entirely appropriate to point at the relatively vast sums of money burned, lost, and/or stolen on the ridiculous new Library and Main Corner Projects, particularly given that Council unilaterally voted to spend over $2.5million on a Commercial Kitchen, multiple ludicrous projectors/lights, and the truly, stupendously self-indulgent $700,000+ Volcano movie, etc, setting up a Commercial Function Facility with Ratepayer's money, and then handed it all free to Councillor Des Mutton's is entirely appropriate to point at all that and suggest that a small percentage of that money would provide something resembling a reasonable Public Transport service... 

Why does the news that Karen Prelc (Upper House Independent candidate) has now become a Liberal member warrant nearly 5 minutes on the ABC local Radio this morning?...(she's a Councillor's sister or something similar?-Ed) idea, but it might be that she's being promoted as a Mayoral candidate for Wattle Range Council, to replace current Mayor Peter Gandolfi...and apparently Karen's 'all about the important issues, and was only an outside chance in March (at the 2014 state Election), and will be a strong advocate for Disability issues, water protection, and the environment but with a view to development'...

Ms Prelc is absolutely correct that the South East has suffered at the hands of an Adelaide-centric Labor government, but she didn't explain how Liberals would have done/made anything different...(indeed, one could argue quite strongly that their abject failure as an Opposition makes them equally culpable for the disastrous state of affairs in South Australia-Ed)...let's make it 2 arguing 'cos I agree with you...and when it comes to the truly contemptible state of Child Protection in SA, the Liberals are absolutely complicit...

Just this morning on ABC Local Radio I heard 2 senior Liberals who are absolutely complicit in and directly involved, directly responsible, for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...Mayor Gandolfi was on bangin' on about the atrocious lack of Drug/Alcohol Support Services in the SE, with only 1 full-time worker who does no 'Outreach Service' to local towns...I missed the interview (on the phone) but it's a bloody disgrace that shows the Weatherill Labor government doesn't give a stuff, in fact it appears they want us to suffer...

Shortly there-after David Ridgway was on re the Forestry Water licenses February 2006, approx 6 weeks out from the March state Election, another father and I met with Messrs Gandolfi and Ridgway for over an hour at Liberal candidate Gandolfi's Ferrers St Electoral Office...we explained at length the multiple systemic failures re the St Martins Lutheran Case, particularly the pro-Paedophile behaviour of alleged Independent Rory McEwen and the Rann/Weatherill/Atkinson Labor government...we literally handed them not just Rory's head on a platter, but the entire Labor Party, indeed the entire Election...

And not one word...not one shreckin' word...we handed them everything they needed to bring down the Labor government and not one word...the Liberal Party is absolutely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up and entirely responsible for the rape of those Families SA toddlers, absolutely as culpable as Labor...this is what South Australia is, one big Paedophile boys club being run from the floor of Parliament...

Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi, Mt Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman, David Ridgway, Mitch Williams, Martin Hamilton-Smith, shreckin' Rob Lucas, Rob Kerin, etc, etc...they all know about St Martins and have chosen to help Cover it all up...(that's right, you bailed up Williams and Hamilton-Smith in the old Mt Gambier Library carpark when Marty was briefly leader some years back-Ed)...yep, sure did, and Mitch just stood there frowning and grimacing because he clearly knew all about it...and again not one bloody thing said or done...

May you all rot in Hell, because it's better than you deserve...

Tomorrow: Kickin' Off  'Bout Sumpin'

Just one very large, very angry, very hippy looking for somewhere to happen...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...get it down ya' mofos...cheers and laters...

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