Hello and welcome to a second post for today given I basically fell asleep on the couch last night...apologies but no excuses beyond snoozing...anyhoos, welcome and away we go...
Self-Censoring Feedback: re the 'Japan Free Trade Deal' stuff...I don't care 1) who that deal is with, it's a disaster for Australia, and 2) with all due respect to all who served and/or suffered, whatever did happen or didn't happen in WWII, other than there are still senior Japanese, including politicians, who defend Japan's conduct...and whilst I'm slinging stones in my glass fishbowl, there's plenty about our 'history' that we as White Australians conveniently edit out of our history books...
And forget Nationalism, Racism, whatevs, it is simply a statement of fact that both of my grandfathers fought the Japanese in New Guinea...different times, different places, one as a foot soldier in the Oz Army, one as a fighter pilot...I understand that my grandfather was an Airfield Commanding Officer flying combat missions in fighter-bombers with the NZ (Aotearoa) Air Force or seconded to the US Airforce or some shizzle...led not from a desk but from the front...
Ironic really that circumstance would have my family constantly at the front where the bullets fly yet even I supposedly not at war still bear the scars of so called friendly fire after being dragged into a conflict not of my doing...in this context I have no problem having a good hard whinge about what I and other parents have been deliberately subjected to by South Australian authorities like SAPol (police), the Crown Solicitors Office, the Labor Party...(with the complicit capitulation of the Liberals-Ed)...indeed...and of course the Lutherans and the then local Member Rory McEwen, etc, etc, in their undeniable collusion re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.
And just now cutting crook on Channel 10 about a New South Wales magistrate Garry Neilson who has said that 'Incest and Paedophilia are ok and now basically as publicly accepted as Homosexuality'...I couldn't and didn't read the whole article in the Sydney Morning Herald, but it's there Interwebbable if you wish...I guess I am wrong, it's not just South Australia...(and what a great start to the day-Ed)...indeed...
I have tried to remain objective re the ABC because it is a vital South East media organisation, but this is a very serious responsibility rarely disturbed from it's slumber, and the interview yesterday with this weeks Labor Forestry Minister Leon 'Do You like My T-shirt?' Bignell, was an absolute howler that let Neon Leon flop into the ABC for a carefully scripted stroll down 'Dorothy-Dixer St' to Unaccoutabilityville...(sorry, what?-Ed)...it was a tepid interview that allowed Mr Bignell to say a bunch of vague crap that's patently untrue, and then just walk away...
The interview opened with Mr Bignell praising up Labor and the whole Forestry SA debacle, etc, comparing FSA to an old car that was great in it's day but we've moved on...(you mean like General Motors have moved on from Elizabeth and there'll be no new cars out of there?-Ed)...not quite, but good point...it was all about Labor responding to "changed circumstances"...(but it was they who changed the bloody circumstances when they sold off the SE Forestry Estate-Ed)...well exactly...
Then it was on to Fire Protection and who's going to pay and/or provide that FP that is/was provided by Forestry SA, who have just had about half their Mt Gambier staff 'Voluntary Redundancied'...I thought that the ABC was going to hammer this home, but no, the question was asked 'who will do the FP?', and the response as such was 'Contractors'...(what? Contractors? what Contractors? FSA Fire Crews are highly trained units using highly technical FireKing (BushMaster) vehicles in well coordinated unison with the Country Fire Service, how are 'Contractors' going to manage that?-Ed)...indeed, and it's the question that was only half-asked and never answered.
Minister Bignell stated that some former FSA workers were 'in the forests already as Contractors', and the next question should have been exactly as you say, 'who are these alleged Contactors? who's going to train them?' etc, but it all just went through to the keeper and on we stroll...I'll make the point that Labor/Liberal/Adelaide/whatevs, they don't give a damn, they've sold the SEFE and got their new Adelaide Oval and now the forests can burn to the ground for all they care...and if hundreds of South Easterners are killed and thousands left homeless, etc, there'll be a whole bunch of wailing and moaning and eventually a very protracted Inquiry held on North Terrace and it will all have been terribly unfortunate but nobody's fault...
(You know, sometimes I just want to give you a linguistic caning for being such a cynical bastard, but the truth don't care who airs it, and unfortunately that rings true...Adelaiditis is a fundamental political reality that we collectively whinge about but don't seem to do anything about-Ed)...what would you suggest?...(secede as an Independent Territory united with the geographical reality of the region, eg Western Victoria-Ed)...top idea champ, let's have a protest on North Terrace...(what says the cynical bastard-Ed)...what?...(exactly-Ed)...
So in a long discussion about the Fire Protection issue, Minister Bignell reckons that a bunch of highly trained but currently anonymous Independent Foresters are just gunna' leap gaily outta' the trees and save us all...(oh look, a Unicorn-Ed)...and the closest thing to detail was the acknowledgement that the State government is relying on hiring back the people it just sacked, to do the exact job they're currently doing...and I don't want to hear any bullshit about 'Voluntary Redundancies' because those were straight out Redundancies thrown at FSA workers, loaded with threat and intimidation and 2 weeks to decide...absolute bastardry...
Labor is supposedly planning to hire back people it just sacked, and other unidentified 'Contractors', and no explanation of how they intend to pay for it all given it used to be FSA duties, paid for from the profits FSA generated...and there was some discussion about the possibility that FSA won't exist by the time it's initial 5-Year Management agreement with 141 Plantations is up for renewal, and/or 141 don't re-hire FSA and what then, but Leon was all vague assurances with no detail whatsoever...and again allowed through to the keeper.
If there was any specific mention of the loss of Intellectual Rights established by FSA over 100 years, and/or loss of the local workforce's personal experience, etc, or the Glencoe Nursery Sale, I apologise because I missed it, but that interview is not yet on the ABC's Interweb site...(actually it is, I just found it...go to the ABC South East SA, then Programs, hit Mornings with Stan Thompson, scroll down and there in 'Reloaded 9th July' is the bit about Bignell-Ed)...excellent, good work Ed...
Check it out if you can, and I'll give it another listen too, just not today...(oh thank goodness for that-Ed)...and I'll cover the rest of the interview in a Part II,
Tomorrow: ABC FIJ 92014: Barking Mad About Bignell
More hilarious shenanigans from Labor and the ABC...priceless...and a quick Raidy Day Update...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...as always, pleased to have your company...cheers and laters...
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