Hello Turkey, France, Poland and Japan and apologies that the first part of this post because I started it yesterday, ran headlong into the latest South Australian Child Abuse Case/Cover-up and related vile hypocrisies from Premier Weatherill, then tried to do some more post, and it was all rather a very angry disaster, as you'll see...(is Large Angry Hippy Down that darling little fuzz of baby Orangutan fur that grew back between your shoulder blades after that shizzle-load of Chemo you had?-Ed)...no, no it isn't...
When Jay Weatherill is sprouting his faux outrage, he's clearly forgetting that he has acted repeatedly and officially to block investigation of the gross abuses committed against our 7 year old children at St Martins Lutheran School, has refused to meet me and/or other parents, and that his government, with the absolute and unquestioning collusion of the Liberal Party used a Parliamentary Inquiry (SARC Report no 54) to try and bury it all...epic fail...so here's the bit from yesterday and then some other stuff...
*** and welcome to the blog and I'm sorry that I didn't get more of this post done before I heard the news just below, but I didn't...and now I'm just a very, very angry man who would very much like to get his very, very angry hands on the grubby little man who is directly, irrefutably responsible for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and that man is our charming Premier Jay Weatherill...
And I can talk like that because I'm just a man, just a father, just a parent who has been under attack by this Paedophile State for 12 years and I've had plenty of people say shizzle like 'given what you've been through, how is it that you haven't killed someone yet?'...and I can say it because in the moment I do have absolute control of my temper...as hard as some people find it to believe, I've never punched anyone in my life...
Ask Mt Gambier City Councillor Penny Richardson what a Large Angry Hippy looks like when It lets fly at corrupt pro-paedophile politicians like former MP Rory McEwen...ask her what it's like to be feet away from a Large Angry Hippy as It peeled the paint off Rory's chair with a blistering tirade of very specific, very coherent speaking volume abuse...and ask her if she felt at any stage that her personal safety was at risk...
And when Jay's not covering-up Child Abuse, he's busy corruptly flogging off state assets like the SE Forestry Estate, doing dodgy land re-zonings for his mates, etc, etc...and to hear him today bleating out his vile hypocrisy about this latest Child Rape case and how 'horrendous' he finds it 'as a father and the leader of the state' and straight into 'we're having a Royal Commission'...forget you buddy because you've clearly forgotten the role you've played for a decade and more in protecting and perpetuating the Institutionalised Paedophilia that defines South Australia...
I think today I experienced what others might describe as unmitigated rage when I heard that a 32 year old employee of Families SA working as a Carer with pre-school aged children, has been charged with Possessing/Producing Child Pornography yet it took SAPol 'some time' to realise that it was him in the porn, with at least 7 of the kids he was entrusted with...and he was also working as an After School Carer...and this news was immediately followed by Premier Weatherill...
I make no apology for just being a man and a father and that in that brief moment when this news broke, and Weatherill stated 'as a father and the State leader I'm horrified', that I was so upset I may well have lashed out...had this charming slice of buttoned down Politic been standing right in front of me and spewed that trite bullshit, that crass fake empathy right in my face, I reckon I might have had a little something for his face...
And that's not a threat, not a prediction, not nuthin' but an indication of exactly who I am and how I felt...it traumatised me to the extent that I feel like I've been pole-axed. ,***...and we're back...twenty four hours later I still feel a bit ill from the massive surge of
whatevs that put a grinding knot in my stomach and a pounding headache
in my, well, head...24hrs later I still feel sick for it, physically impacted.
Yet Another South Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission:...forget me...what a load of bullshit...(obviously there's a clear paper-trail of responsibility that leads straight onto Jay Baby's desk that needs to be gotten rid of, ala the farcical DeBelle Inquiry-Ed)...exactly...and the department is apparently now called the SA Dept for Education and Child Safety...(deadset...is that the one run by 2 Police Officers not Education specialists?-Ed)...I reckon, including our mate......(Tony-TH)...Tony......(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison...(Mighty Boosh-BBC TV)
UN-Australian Behaviour: is a popular, clearly Nationalistic criticism used often affectionately but also often in derision, but always without specific definition...(one assumes that 'Australian' is the opposite to what is perceived to be 'Un'-Ed)...well good point, but how often does one act/belief/whatevs have only 2 clear sides, let alone a definable opposite?...(good point yourself-Ed)....but there's an absolute mystery to me that leaves me yet again urging caution...the apparently Australian led United Nations Security Council 'Resolution' to 'condemn the downing of MH 17'...
I note that the term 'shot-down' was changed to 'downed' at Russia's request, but our charming PM Abbott and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop immediately resumed using 'shot-down' and getting stuck into Russia/Vladimir Putin about how it's their fault...and then today I heard Ms Bishop stating that we don't know who did it...deadset...straight into it slinging abuse and accusation and direction, and then days later it's all 'we don't know'...(why do I get the feeling that we, Australia, are being led by the nose whilst being pushed out in front of someone else's agenda-Ed)...because you're an intelligent and empathetic being...
Perhaps I'm wrong, perhaps my disposition and resultant dissertations are drastically distorted because every time I see/hear/whatevs Minister Bishop I'm reminded that right there's yet another Federal politician who has officially acknowledged that they are aware of the St Martins cover-up, but has written back to me saying 'gee whiz, how terrible, so sorry, not my responsibility'...to go with the plethora of South Australian politicians who have refused to act...
(Bloody disgraceful...it's almost an exact pre-play of the Sri Lankan Refugee bullshit-Ed)...sorry, not with you...(well, we're scooping up people fearing persecution fleeing a State, etc, saying 'forget you you dirty sea-hippies' and sending them back-Ed)...yeahhh, and?...(and you wrote to Julie Bishop (in 2006?) explaining the rank paedophile corruption of the State and the persecution that you and other parents were being subjected to by the State, eg, then Front-bench Minister Rory McEwen attacking you on the front page of The Border Watch, the Crown Solicitor threatening to gaol you if you don't shut up about the St Martins Cover-up, etc-Ed)...
Ohhhh, I get it...I/we identified these Child Abuses, the Labor government's corruption in covering it up, and the persecution I/we have suffered at the hands of the State, and (then) Minister Bishop acknowledges these things as fact, 'so sorry to hear about it', but then specifically directs me/us straight back to the same pack of pricks who are responsible for this institutionalised bastardry...(exactly, you're being persecuted by the State, and she washed her hands of you and sent you straight back there-Ed)...
Actually it's worse than the Sri Lankan stuff because they're not Australian citizens (apols for the Nationalism) and the Liberals say there is no problem in SL...but with the St Martins case, these are Aussie citizens (again apols) and the Libs/Minister Bishop have acknowledged that there is a problem, many problems, yet sent us back there...(a slightly facetious point but one well made...I hate it when you do that-Ed).
Dryer, Dryer, Pants On Fire: on Monday(?) in Mt Gambier when someone's laundry did it's bestest doggy impersonation...(sorry, what?-Ed)...you know, it's the very old, very distasteful joke about 'how to turn a cat into a dog and/or a dog into a cat'...(distasteful enough to get a guernsey in this blog?-Ed)...oh absolutely...but just not today...fortunately, when a dryer caught fire at a Mt Gambier laundromat the other day there was very limited damage and no injuries...
Jay-Kitty HACs Up Accountability Furball: with an insipidly obvious red-herring, namely, deliberately focusing on concerns for the future of the Health Advisory Councils...(hang on, Labor introduced HACs after dumping local Hospital Boards, and the first HAC 'Chair' in Mt Gambier was serial business destroyer Grant King-Ed)...exactly...I completely reject this unmitigated bollocks from the Jay Weatherill Labor state government about axing Boards and Committees because the HACs were put there by Labor with a very specific if dual purpose...
1) To maintain absolute control from above, whilst 2) blocking complaints, feedback, responsibility, etc emanating from 'below' in the hospital, the patients, etc...the HACs are all about unfettered control with zero accountability...nothing else...the ABC ran an interview with a lady from the Penola HAC who repeatedly if politely stated that they (Labor/SA Health) just don't listen, 'ít's good that we're here for people, but the government don't listen'...(so what's the point then?-Ed)...that is the point, total control, no accountability.
Ranger Danger: as yet more jobs are axed from the state's Parks Services...I worked at Cleland Wildlife Park 20+ years ago and there were far more office staff than actual Rangers then, and all the senior Rangers ended up at their desks full-time doing budgets and rosters, etc...cutting these positions whilst Ray-Jay maintains his personal army of spin gropers and media slugs...what a disgrace you are Jay...
In closing, I'd just not like to have to say but I do, that you Jay are absolutely, directly responsible for the rape of those children...you and Rory McEwen and every other bastard because for over a decade you've had a group of parents fighting tooth and nail against this 'system' that you, Rory, described to me in August 2002 as "dysfunctional" and promised to help us "fix", all as part of resolving the St Martins Case...having to fight this 'system' to get something done about the the teacher who abused our children...it's a bloody disgrace...
And instead of fighting with us Jay, you have fought against us...you, sir, are the problem...
Tomorrow: Forget Knows 'Cos I Don't
Nah nah, go' bless, go' bless..it's called Fighting Tooth And Nail, inspired by yesterday's sickening experience...it's about the massive toll on my health due to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and the name of my new political party, Forget-Up...(nice, very nice-Ed)...Forget-Up, Not Out perhaps could be the slogan...(in Oz there's an 'Activist' organisation called Get Up)
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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