Friday, July 25, 2014

Hippy Of The Down - Fighting Tooth And Nail

Hello y'all and welcome to the blog...apologies for no post yesterday, but it was late, I was very tired, and after the emotional and physical trauma of the last few days, I was quite hippy to doze-off early on the couch, again, because tired sleep is sleep well earned...(you bloody happy-Ed)...and then ping!, 0430hrs and I'm wide awake and blogging...welcome to my world...

(Oh gord, is this going to happen every morning now? that you've discovered there are TV News replays from the USofA and England and WAFL footy, etc?-Ed)...oh you mean the PBN, NBC, BBC, and WAFL?, no, most of this would be available Interwebbily...I'm not going to get fixated with theses programs the way I do with local stuff...I mean, what sort of idiot is up at 0430 watching Aussie rules replays from Western Australia?.........(moving on?-Ed)...I think it best...

Just watching the evening newses (1800hrs), and there's Premier Jay Weatherill, and he's still just like so outraged about the latest Families SA Child Abuse case that he's leaving the state...(you are shreckin' kidding me-Ed)...nope, the country in fact, he's off to the Tour de France if you don't mind...(well actually I do bloody mind, what's it to you matey-Ed)...and when asked the question 'are you still going?', Ray-Jay replied "Why not?" and then just stood there...that was it, 'why not?'...what a you go Jay, don't hurry back...

Fighting Tooth And Nail: is not a metaphor or a quaint saying or whatevs, it's a specific physical reality that has visited itself upon my life...and such sweet irony that I should suffer such affliction in order to save me that I lived to suffer such affliction...I lied, sortta', when I said I had no side-effects from my Chemo treatment back in 2004/05 (in posts re Medicinal Marijuana, etc), because during treatment I lost all my hair except eyebrows, my toenails which fortunately grew back, and nearly lost my finger nails, both are still quite 'brittle'...I've also lost several teeth since...

And that Chemo was for a Lymphoma Tumour that I believe was the direct result of the extraordinary events of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the stress and frustration and anger, witnessed this week these impacts on me are very real and very extreme and most unfortunately very'ry a day goes by that doesn't bring me the joy of Institutionalised Paedophilia in Australia...and so I don't even brace for the impact anymore, I just let it some point in any given day, in every day, it's going to run me down and that's just the way it is...   

I've not stopped watching the frenzied blizzard of MH 17 coverage, but I've stopped believing any of it...I particularly don't believe the very voyeuristic obsession with exploring every passenger in detail...yes it is a terrible thing that has happened, but it is another plane crash and there are many plane crashes, including several in the week since MH 17 and why was that plane allowed to fly over a war-zone?

Why I Hate Being Right: Because it leads to headlines like "Send in The Troops", referring to Australian soldiers being used to 'secure the crash scene' of Malaysian Airlines MH 17...(but that's in the middle of a war-zone where fighting has intensified as the Ukrainian government pours troops into the area to try and reclaim it, and 2 Ukrainian fighter jets have been shot-down, one allegedly by a Russian fighter-jet-Ed)...yep, and the Ukrainian President has just quit along with the government.

I find it deeply disturbing the language being used by PM Tony Abbott, eg, yesterday it was 'no-one left behind', which is effectively the catch-cry of the USofA Military, and today again 'leaving no-one behind' and he's sending in probably armed Oz Federal Police and potentially Defense Personnel...(no, sorry to interrupt, but that was just reported as a certainty-Ed)...and now it's Operation Bring Them Home...(um, I don't think you should be making jokes-Ed)...I'm not, that's what he's calling it...(bullshit?!-Ed)...not a word of a lie, Interweb it...

(Oh, your,'s true, it's called Operation Bring Them Home...that's just crass...and why is it being called an 'Operation'?-Ed)...because Tony's a militaristic nutjob?...(a rhetorical question as an answer, nice-Ed)...and very much hoping but not confident that the extraordinary statements I heard (I believe it was Australia's Angus Huston at a MH 17 memorial service, sorry) about what we are going to do to remember those killed, get them home, etc, hoping it was an unfortunate Freudian Slip when he ended with lines that were directly referenced from The Last Post, as played at ANZAC Day, etc...he closed with something about 'the start of the day, and as the sun goes down, we will remember them' (sorry I was in the car, no notes).

And yes, I do think that the same people who were capable of lying to the world about 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' to justify opening the Gates of Hell on Iraq...invading, occupying, and then just walking away, all in the name of World Peace but really all about the Oil...yes I do believe that these people are more than capable of deliberately shooting down a Domestic Airliner to create an International Incident ripe for the Moral High-ground picking...and every month an MH 17 of civilians are being killed by bomb attacks in market-places, near Mosques, etc, in Iraq and it gets 20 lines on page 10, but more often 10 on 20...

Look at we have done to the Middle East to suit our own purposes, eg, the apparently Über-evil former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was a 'Western Allie' for decades, supplied and supported by the USofA, Germany, France, et al,  to provide a physical barrier to the Islamic state of Iran, support that 'saved Iraq' from certain defeat...but then when it didn't suit us, he's the biggest bastard in the history of bastardry...(well where does that leave you?-Ed)...not trying hard enough obviously...

It's not Rascist or Anti-Semetic or anything else to merely criticise Israel, other than it compromises and contradicts the Western media's Israel Man-Crush desire to just trot along with whatever they're told and/or gloss over unpleasant realities re Israel's behaviours...for example, 4 hits on known United Nations sites in 4 days, including a hospital and school, and it gets mentioned, then nothing...where's the outrage and indignation from Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop? does Israel's alleged justification that they are just exercising their right to defend their own people justify plowing through Palestinian suburbs killing hundreds of women and children?

I'm absolutely over Israel and being force-fed Holocaust guilt whilst being constantly subjected to the rank self-righteousness and bigotry of Judaism...I know that the Holocaust happened, my fighter-pilot grandfather explained it to me when I was a young lad about his hard-as-heck friend the American Marines Captain who used Military Police to disarm his own troops at gunpoint and literally force them back into the Concentration Camp they had 'liberated' the day was so horrific that Pacific Campaign veterans had to be forced at gunpoint by their own side... 

It is a horrendous reality that the Jewish Holocaust was one of several of the 20th Century, eg, Stalin in Russia, and only another one in the Human Race's long and inglorious history of slaughtering one another for the least little was horrific but nothing justifies what is happening now in Gaza...MH 17 is a terrible incident, but as yet it hasn't even been established exactly what happened...

I've been watching ABC TV News for 10 minutes (early this morning) and thus far about 6 mins of that have been about MH 17, a brief mention of the Taiwan and Mali plane crashes, a discussion about a stray dog in Darwin, and not a mention of the latest atrocities being committed by Israel in Palestine, but oop, no, there it is at the end of the headlines bit, another dozen civilians killed in an attack on an UN Refuge, and then straight back into MH 17...for another 5 minutes...    

Just watching Foreign Minister Julie Bishop now, 'remember there were 80 children', and "it's an atrocity", "it's a crime"...(but I was watching stuff last night where various alleged experts were saying that it's still not known exactly what happened and it's highly likely we won't ever know-Ed)...yeah I know...that's what I mean about the rank Political Bastardry and Soulless Self-serving posturing and prevaricating from our illustrious does goin' off like a two-bob watch help anybody?  

She's apparently over there to negotiate access to the site, etc...(what? we've got no hope...she's been hurling abuse and accusation at Russia and the East Ukrainian 'Rebels' for a week, and then expects those same people to do her favours?...negotiate with me you atrocious criminals...not gunna' happen-Ed)...well exactly, the whole thing is a bloody debacle.

Language no longer needed because I choose to self-censor...I still type in all the 'effin and jeffin' that's goin' on in my head...(and often out loud-Ed)...indeed...all of that goes on the virtual page and then I edit it out at the end...(man, you should've seen the post from the other day, the one about the Families SA Child Abuse stuff-Ed)...I did see it, I wrote it... anyhoos, just how shreckin' stupid does Mt Gambier City Council think we are?...yesterday a Professor Martin was on ABC Local Radio (might be on the ABC South East Interweb site Reloaded thingy) and was in The Border Watch today...yet more self-funded pro-Council propaganda...more tomorrow... 

I completely reject the potential/proposed/whatevs amalgamation of the Country Fire Service, the State Emergency Services (largely volunteer organisations) and the Metropolitan Fire Service as identified in the Holloway Review...(that's not the former Labor Minister Paul Holloway by any chance, just another state politician intimately involved in the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...yep, that's the far as I'm concerned this is the Labor government trying to plug up the gaping holes they've gouged in Forestry SA's fire-fighting ability by recently axing dozens of jobs, again, and grossly under-funding the current CFS...

It gives Labor the opportunity to completely fudge the numbers by saying there are X people involved in Fire Protection by lumping in all the volunteers, a cynical number-shuffling  that could become an unavoidable long after this happens will there be funding cuts - and that's the one main justification, to reduce costs of multiple bureaucracies - and then how long until SES volunteers are fighting fires out of a sense of community and camaraderie and necessity?...and that's what Labor is counting on.

The Royal Cormorant: has remained at Balmoral, but Queen Elizabeth's Bittern did arrive safely in Scotland for the opening of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow...but it's not looking good for the Bittern as it apparently contains a 'message' from her Majesty, and it will be opened and read at the Opening Ceremony...(ooo, a bit of Voodoo entrail reading, nice-Ed)...oh no, wait, it's a 'baton' not a 'Bittern', my bad...and we go there now live...

(using your best hushed posh English accent), "...and the baton is passed to the official Crier...he's unscrewing the intricately laced lid and removing the hand-made scroll...the crowd waits in hushed anticipation..the Crier peruses the message and steps up to the microphone...Hear Ye, Hear Ye, I Own Yo' Bitches...oh and it's everything we could have hoped for, the crowd goes's a great day for England, and therefore the world"...are you quite done?...(pretty much-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Just Mo' Me Moanin'

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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