Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sowing Secede Of Dissent

Hello and welcome to the blog the Philippines, the USofA, China, and again is not my place to tell Ukrainians what is happening in their country, but to the handful of people who are regular blog availees, may you and your country-folk resolve quickly and painlessly this terrible situation where it appears that yet again global superpowers want to use someone elses country as the chess set for their posturing and power plays.

Apologies for somehow managing to miss a day then 2 posts today but there are several pressing issues to address plus the SAPol Raid final post thingy...(final? I doubt it-Ed) is a slightly different ballpark to Ukraine to be sure, but the future of the South East of South Australia lies apart from the state because we sure as shreck have no future if we remain a part of it...(a horrendous political reality poetically presented-Ed) is not alarmist to merely see the reality unravelling in front of you...

There is the commonality that our relative parts of the planet are currently under seige from foreign interests and under attack from our own government, but Ukraine's is a physical military presence, here in SE SA we residents are an unfortunate inconvenience for the entirely corrupted Adelaidecentric state government and business interests foreign and/or local who see the profit to be made in the SE but not the people who are affected...450kms from Adelaide, who gives a fat dead rat's festered clacker? sure as hell ain't Adelaide...

Feedback: I received an email to let me know that someone tried to reference my blog on an ABC Interweb Online Forum Chat thingy, but that my blog was "blocked"...and the ABCs alleged political experts Matthew Abraham and David Bevan are apparently not interested in the fact that I had my home raided re legislation that no-one knows how to define and that I probably cannot/should not name, probably... 

(You know, I thought you were a paranoid idiot, but it really is about you, isn't it-Ed)...absolutely, it's what guilty cowards and corrupt politicians do...can't possibly address the realities of what I'm saying, can't possibly accept responsibility for their own corrupt actions, must find a scapegoat, he's big and ugly, he'll's a big part of why I do the blog...please see post re Pariahtisation, shooting the messenger, etc...

If I am the problem then here I am, if I am the problem then I'll be damned, if I am the problem then that'd be great, but problems I have but the problem I ain't...(bloody hippy poem boy-Ed)...thankyou...

What saddens me is that for all the stoicism and alleged sense of community, etc, nobody in the SE seems to give a damn beyond the occasional polite protest...nobodies going to step out outta' line, get outta' step...and polite protests get you nowhere when you're dealing with corrupt liars who just don't give a damn about you and your community...not my opinion, just look at the reality of what Labor/Rory McEwen did with the Forestry Sale in completely ignoring the huge public protests and gross multiple socio/fiscal failings and doing it anyway...

I'd love to see a full list of the various shadowy companies involved in the 'consortium' of companies who, along with Plantation 141, were sold our $1billion plus Forestry Estate for only $680million approx...and I remind readers that the Glencoe Nursery was thrown into the deal for $2 right at the end of the process, indicating that 141 Plantations has no interest in re-planting and's 100% Cut and Run with the valuable Forestry commodity that it took South Australians roughly 100 years to establish but was sold in 5 minutes by the rancidly corrupt Labor Goverment.

Said it before, say it again, Labor is not a political party, it is a Criminal Organisation stealing SAs assets
for themselves and their mates, eg, the Forestry Sale...lies, deceits, manipulation...and all spent on an Election whim (the Adelaide Oval) plucked out of thin air only weeks before the March 2010 State Election...then the Wind Turbine corruption, then the Mt Barker corruption, now the Gilman Land Sale corruption...(and all the while the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up corruption-Ed)...indeed, it goes with much saying...

The Labor Party is not a political movement, it is a Criminal Organisation fleecing the state via a corrupt Electoral system in an entirely corrupt state with a clear goal of self-advancement and promoting institutionalised any cost...citizens be shrecked, I'm a Labor politician, indeed a South Australian politician, and therefore by definition much more important than you...bloody peasant...

And it sickens me to see the Judas Goat of South East Forestry, NF McDonnell and Sons Timber Mill, trotted out yet again in The Border Watch as a beacon of success and what great work the Labor state government has done...(yeah, well if I had been part of the completely farcical Forestry Camelot, Sir Spicious Laborfundin...and then received super-special extended log supply contracts far exceeding any other mill, and then received $millions in taxpayers money from said Labor stooges, then I'd be doing alright too I'm sure-Ed)...

And how many bloody Forestry Ministers have we had (3? 4?) since the Labor government quite illegally avoided Foreign Ownership legislation by referring to the Sale of the South East Forestry Estate as a 110+ year "lease" in flogging off the entire state's financial security for only $660m, less than 2/3 of what it's worth just on the page...and that doesn't include any calculation re the annual gross profit of $110 approx that Forestry SA used to pay many services...(particularly fire protection/prevention-Ed)...I'll get to wages, etc, with and still generate a net profit of approx $40m per annum for SA.

What has really provoked this post today is the announcement by this weeks Labor Forestry Minister Leon Bignell that 60 jobs are to go from Forestry SA, predominantly from the South East, some in the Lofty Ranges...only 18 months after the SEFE Sale and despite repeated promises from Labor that no jobs would be lost and Forestry SA was safe, etc, now we have these 60 "Voluntary Redundancies"...(what the shreck is a 'voluntary redundancy'?-Ed)...that's telling you you're sacked by offering you the choice to choose...

(But if you're going to get sacked anyway, how is that a 'choice'?-Ed)...exactly...(wahhh?-Ed)...this is the crass politico-redefining of the reality with self-serving weasel're going to get sacked, but we're going to label it your choice by calling it a Voluntary Redundancy...not our fault, your choice...(ok, I get that...that's all that bullshit with Bignell bleating about how Labor hasn't broken any promises, told any lies, because these aren't 'job losses', these are 'VR'-Ed)...exactly...and straight away it's open threats to force the issue...(threats now you say-Ed)...indeed...(do tell-Ed)...I will...(well do-Ed)...I'm trying...(try harder-Ed)...look you...

Threats via the 'You'll get clubbed with the stick if you don't take the pissing carrot and bloody like it bloody peasant' strategy...(ah, the ol' YGCWTSIYDTTPCABLIBP, clever-Ed), yes...offer 'VR' with the proviso that if you don't accept by July 1st I think it is (?-end/start of the Financial year) the offer halves, along with the entitlements of everyone else stuck in what is clearly a dying by the time the Forestry SA 5 year deal to manage the SEFE for 141 Plantations expires, there'll be no Forestry SA left to Tender, at best only a minuscule FSA that simply won't have the capacity to Tender...(it's a bloody outrage-Ed)...

But they're not making anyone take a package, this is all voluntary remember, so workers have to apply and may well get rejected, but I imagine there'll be a polite scramble to get the 'double pay-out' for the pre-July deal...( chances are they'll reject those with the largest entitlements to minimise pay-outs, and then give them half what they've earned when Forestry SA finally carcs it-Ed)...yeah probably...

I fully concur with new Liberal Member for Mt Gambier Troy Bell that Leon Bignell's VR language is just manipulating the reality, but disagree emphatically that Labor is to be in anyway congratulated for this supposed positive in offering the VR now instead of waiting until after July, when Labor's own legislation will carve into those workers entitlements...this early call is purely about trying to hide this massive broken promise about "no job losses" behind the traitorous, corrupt defection of Martin Hamilton-Smith, then presented as a choice not a threat, all prettied up with supposed extra cash that is actually just what those workers are entitled to...

Wake Up South East: these clowns don't give a damn about you, you are what is in the way...forget what I think and have a cold, hard look at it for yourselves...Succession from South Australia is irretrievably the only solution in a context where we as people are irrelevant and inconvenient in our own state...let Adelaide pay for Adelaide and we'll keep our Timber and our Agriculture and our Dairy and our Seafood and all go to our hospital closely linked with Portland and Warnnambool, etc, etc...and we'll keep our irreplaceable Aquifer that is worth immeasurably more than any amount of shreckin' Frackin'...I know, I've been through it all before...

Secede To know it makes no sense in a state where we are all equal, but all things being equal, that's not the state where we are...we don't need to be part of Victoria, we don't need a point on the flag, we can't afford to be part of South Australia, we cannot afford to not be not part of South Australia...

Tomorrow: The SAPol Raid

I promise...already started it...later rons todayish...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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