Friday, May 23, 2014

500th Post - Yay

Hello y'all in the USofA, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Sweden, and Indonesia and welcome to the blog...and a sense that the dingy dinghy that is this blog has righted itself somewhat even if both oars aren't quite yet back in the water...(were they ever?-Ed)...fair enough...and apologies that today's post is a bit of an indulgent whinge about stuff with very few and inevtably lame attempts at humour...and 500 is a fairly arbitrary number given various 'no post today' posts, the halfish posts in the last couple of weeks, etc...

I do still feel deeply traumatised about the raid 2 weeks ago that made me feel like a stranger in my own home, but I've made a point of spending a couple of beautiful days in the garden trying to retrieve it's overgrown is not uncommon for people to feel violated and invaded in these sort of situations, eg, after a burglary, but in my specific case it's effects are compounded by the fact that the implications and inferences are that it will happen again some time soon...(or later-Ed)...well indeed...

But because I haven't even been charged with anything, and lord knows ('cos I sure don't) but apparently I "probably shouldn't" (SAPol-8th May 2014) blog about what it is I'm not even charged with, up to and including mentioning the actual legislation because that would tend to identify the 'authority' involved...sorry, I've lost my place...(probably can't talk about the charges you're apparently going to face-Ed)...yeah, yeah, I've no idea what's going on and the best advice I've had is "probably don't mention it"...farcical...

Just Offensive: and somewhat disturbing is our Prime Minister Tony Abbott's apparently infinite capacity for lying...sure, I don't like him, but that is irrelevant given that my opinion doesn't influence his intensely deceitful conduct...lie after lie, moralless redefining of cuts and new taxes as 'heavy lifting', job losses are 'liberation', if you cop it due to his class-structure Budget, then you're not even a person, you're an inconvenient fence that Tony 'Fire-Trucked' Abbott has to mow down to get to the Budget Crisis fire he has created ...(ffwhat an arsehole-Ed)...quite...

'Not gonna' touch pensions, no new taxes, trust us the 'mature government with adults in charge'...on and on and on...lie after lie, deceit upon deception, crass wordsmithery attempting to deny and redefine realities, usually written for him by someone else...I have genuine concerns that his vanity and arrogance is a confected mask for a deep seated insanity mired in religious sycophancy and moral deficit if not absolute absence...

But of all his lies and hypocrisies, yesterday's little effort re politicians keeping their families out of politics was a new low from someone who is either insane, high or suffering the 'Manopause' and associated forgetfulness...(not that there's anything wrong with any of that-Ed)...well sure, but yesterday Tony outright stated that it is his personal code that he never involves his family in his politics, never has...(so who were those cute young women he kept pushing out in front all through the 2013 Federal election campaign?...Liberal groupies? Amazonia Security Services? Escorts perhaps?-Ed)...

Now steady on Ed, you're being very irresponsible, Escorts indeed, you know that they were Tony's daughters...(can't be, Tony says politics sans family has always been his highest priority...and he wouldn't lie-Ed)...straight in bed, couldn't lie straight in bed...(so that was his good lady wife and daughters that he constantly pushed into the spotlight to try and suggest that he has 'respect for women'?, look I respect women, I married one and fathered 3 more, tell me I don't respect women will you-Ed), yep...(so his statement yesterday to the absolute opposite extreme is a crass lie-Ed)...from a crass liar.

And don't get me started about the relentlessly condescending language of prize tools like Liberal Education Minister Christopher 'Tidy Gentleman's Perm' Pyne.."now that adults are in charge", "when Labor want to have a mature debate"...on and on talking down at everybody who disagrees or questions because the rightful rulers, the Liberal Party, won't sanction they idea that they are not completely infallible, and let's face it, just better than you and I...(I Peasantus-Ed)...  

And the gutless pricks won't even face a handful of grubby students protesting...last night Christopher Pyne snuck in the back door at an event to avoid protesters...and just watching some charming footage of a young woman protester standing there when a cop steps out of their line and violently shoves her to the ground, narrowly missing a stone pillar...charming...turning out the cops to assault protesters you don't have the balls to face yourself...pathetic, piss-weak, and reeking of Totalitarianism and outright Fascism...

And I'm only human...(just-Ed) when I see these legally sanctioned Fascist thugs assaulting people like that, it stirs in me a burning desire to show up to one of these demos and start throwing my not inconsiderable weight about...let's see how the hard man who shoved that young woman violently to the ground, let's see how he fares mano et mano...gutless prick...

The news is full of horror stories about one-punch assaults where people hit their heads and die, and here's some gutless Fascist bully-boy going within a hair's-breadth of doing exactly that to a young woman for the heinous crime of effectively just standing there...(gutless bloody prick-Ed)...I said that already...(it bears repeating-Ed)...fair enough...gutless prick...  

You'll excuse me for being a tad sensitive on the issue of government using the Police to attack protesters or any other kind of dissenter, given the SAPol raid of my home and seizure of my laptop and all the associated harassment, intimidation, etc, that comes from having the representatives of a legally sanctioned criminal organisation like SAPol force their way into your home and steal your stuff...the polite behaviour of the 2 detectives aside, it is/was an act of retribution and a direct threat to further harass me.

Hopefully you've had an opportunity to avail yourselves of the Mt Gambier City Council Minutes for Tuesday night 20th May 2014, particularly Motions Without Notice item 3 right near the end, and the article on page 6 of The Australian 22nd May 2014...following and/or pending further legal advice...(and/or?-Ed)...had some advice, will be getting more...(fair enough-Ed)...I'm still no closer to understanding if I can even talk about what it is I'm allegedly expecting to be charged with and can only allude/direct to these specific articles/items.

I re-iterate: that SAPol Anti-Corruption detectives came to my home on Wednesday 7th May and then returned to execute a Search Warrant on Thursday 8th May 2014, when they also siezed my laptop (and password) as evidence...I was repeatedly told that they were gathering evidence with a view that I should "expect to be charged" re this blog and my comments re a particular 'authority'...and 5 days later Attorney General John Rau and the relevant Commissioner were on the ABC Radio stating that they were going to change that exact legislation because it was a bit strict...  

And not just legislation in the same ballpark, not even in the same grandstand, not even the same row, it's 'excuse me ma'am but you're in my seat'...and earlier this week John Rau was on again as part of a debate about changing Whistleblower legislation because it doesn't protect said Blowers properly and perhaps we should pay them, etc...(what a joke...did he sound like a bunny in the headlights the way he did last Tuesday 13th re the legislation stuff?-Ed) not this time...

OMG: Just saw on TV News the Aussie Women's Football (Soccer) team defeat Korea (South Korea presumably-Ed)...not sure...but there was a penalty awarded to a Korean striker who took 2 steps past an Oz defender and then threw herself to the ground 2 feet outside the penalty area...and was duly awarded a penalty...(I thought you had to be fouled inside the box for a penalty?-Ed)...exactly...I thought the Korean was about to get booked for diving as occasionally happens, but no...

Also yet another attack reported in Nigeria as bombings, kidnappings, and other Sectarian fueled violence threaten to completely de-stabilise the country as each attack undermines the authority of the government, who are apparently powerless to stop them...the world community has been prevaricating profusely about the kidnapping a month ago of approx 300 young women from a school, yet nothing much seems to happen...I'd have thought that purely on a 'resource security' level Nigeria was of a high priority.  

I note that Mayor Steve and his wife Jamie Perryman now apparently host the Cancer Council's main Morning Tea fundraiser at their accommodation establishment...just sayin'...

And in closing, Uber Premier Shakin' Jay Weatherill has put his little foot down and is refusing to attend the Parliamentary Inquiry (Upper House) into why he went against the relevant department's specific advice, and then did no Tender Process at all, when selling $400million of prime land at Gillman (just outside Adelaide) for only $100m...and where's the shreckin' Inquiry into the rank corruption and gross malfeasance of the Forestry Sale Process?...and where's the Parliamentary outrage about the Fascism of the Wind Turbine legislation? me a favour...

Tomorrow: Shizzle

(That's it is it? shizzle-Ed)...ya, whatevs...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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