Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I Was Wrong, It is All About Me

Good morning, noon or night, whatever it is wherever you are whenever you're reading this...and welcome to the blog...

**Circumstances have taken a very odd turn since I got this post partly written a bit earlier (it's now 1930hrs approx), and that impacts directly on what I blog because 'it' is about the blog.

Please understand that I'm not trying to be overly dramatic or anything but I find myself yet again in a position where I'm not sure whether or not I'm even 'allowed' to discuss what happened this arvo...suffice to say it happened on my doorstep and following advice to get some advice I did, but am none the wiser as to what exactly is happening and/or why because I couldn't explain it properly because I don't know...(I can see how it might be difficult to advise someone on something if that person cannot explain precisely what it's about because they themselves don't really know-Ed)...well quite...

I can only apologise to regular blog availees for being so vague...but it does relate directly to this here blog and obviously me...(and me?-Ed)...sorry, I only heard my name mentioned...(it's all about you isn't it-Ed)...well in this particular *circumstance*, and my little bloggy...and it doesn't hurt to err slightly on the side of caution when you yourself are the topic...(well that I certainly agree with-Ed)...and that was in effect the advice I received...

So I'm just going to do this bit of stuff now about the thing that happened that I'm not sure I can discuss and I'll have it sorted by tomorrow's post...hopefully...hopefully there is a post...(and if there's no post tomorrow it'll be because you're otherwise 'occupied'-Ed)...well that's one very obscure way of putting it, I'd have used 'indisposed', but yeah that's about the size of it...if I can just repeat that it's about the blog and that's why I'm not blogging about it.

Rest assured, it's an absolute beauty...from here to the end of this post was already part-written earlier but I've just tidied it up I understand it it is appropriate for me to be blogging this evening but I don't know much more beyond that and I ain't pushin' it...and what I do know I'm loathe to discuss pending further advice and clarification.**

And just for the heck of it, some scurrilous gossip...I heard about this a couple of weeks ago but thought it was a joke in very poor taste...the media/Interweb is awash with 'rumours' that the Rupert Murdoch/Wendy Deng divorce is as a result of Ms Deng having a "crush" on and alleged affair with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair...(nooo?-Ed)...apparently...there's some stuff about Tony popping by the Murdoch ranch when Rupert wasn't there, but most reports seem to be more about 'an unrealised infatuation' but certainly enough to cause I say, look it up on the Interweb...

It has slowly drifted into the 'mainstream news' that another 8 girls have been abducted in Nigeria, whilst the government of Goodluck Johnathon continues to operate with what appears to be complete indifference, revising the number of girls abducted 3 weeks ago upward to 280, but allegedly doing very little to find them...some commentators are observing that this is the response of a government that doesn't have control of large sections of the Nigerian countryside but flat-out refuses to admit it...(sorry?-Ed)...the inaction and feigned disinterest are a deliberate denial of a reality that President Johnathon  doesn't want to acknowledge, that there's nothing he can do to resolve it.

The Riddoch Art Gallery is yet again in the news looking for funds after Mount Gambier City and Grant District Councils decided to not fund an apparently urgent review of the galleries operations, costs, etc.

We Ain't Robinson Crusoe: in Regional SA when it comes to the state government because Victoria's latest state Budget has allocated only 4% of projected Infrastructure Spending to Regional road projects, etc.

Back in SA, MP Geoff Brock has set up a 'Regional Committee' that includes Troy Bell...and some stuff about how it's a huge confidence boost to industry that the Weatherill Labor government is under-writing Nyrstar Smelter...more later...

Yesterday on ABC Local Radio there were several interviews with people from Business SA , the SA Mining Council, and a couple of others where I didn't catch who exactly it was, but one was clearly a Nuclear Energy advocate...the gist of it all was that mining (particularly Uranium mining) can save us from the chasm fast approaching re job losses after the closure of Holden, the uncertainty about the SA Submarine project, etc...(yay-Ed)...

Disgraced West Australian Liberal Troy Buswell apparently has Bipolar Disorder...(well that's a relief, I thought he just suffered from being an insufferable ass-Ed)...yeah, I thought he had 'Get Well Pissed And Drive Home Smashing Into A Dozen Cars Along The Wayitis'...(yes, it's apparently a symptom of Bipolar Disorder-Ed)...really?...(no, no I just made that up-Ed)...

As someone diagnosed with Anxiety/Depression/Agoraphobia stuff, perhaps I should be a little less cynical, but it does seem from time to time that 'Mental Health Issues' is not quite 'the new black', ie, fashionable, but the new 'Get Out of Jail Free' soon as someone cocks-up, it's all about their frailties and the sympathy card...I think specifically of former Labor state Treasurer Kevin Foley who was an absolutely woeful, boastful, arrogant, bullying gross failure of a politician who was punched after harassing a couple of young women at a nightclub at 0300hrs.

I don't agree with the punching bit, but there was a wall of crass denial of Mr Foley's personal responsibility for his own actions due to his alleged various stress/emotional/mental health issues...denial of responsibility but unwavering support for Mr Foley's success as Treasurer...essentially it was argued that he had just enough 'mental unwellness' to excuse all his bad behaviour yet not impact on his work.

This falls squarely into the Bob Such basket...I hope that whatever it is that has genuinely caused Troy Buswell's behaviours, I hope he gets whatever help he needs and gets it sorted...and I certainly don't want anything but the best of health for Bob Such...I also hope that availees allow me some latitude as being someone who has survived Cancer (twice) and struggles pretty much daily with his own demons and is therefore very, very sensitive to issues like these being potentially manipulated...(fair enough-Ed)...

**Tomorrow: Hopefully A Post

Back again now in the evening and again apologies for all that flim-flam about what I can and/or cannot say about that thingy...may tomorrow bring much clarity...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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