Monday, May 5, 2014

Champing At The Bits Of Stuff

Hello Turkey, Malaysia, India and Ukraine and welcome one and all to the blog...just a quick post today following another longy yesterday, but first a quick clarification about taking a day off writing vs a day being written off...Easter Sunday I made a conscious decision to sleep in a bit, decided about noon to not do a post, pottered 'round the garden, had a nice nap, etc, in effect, had a day off, a holiday, following advice to give myself a bit of a break...where-as this Saturday 3rd May was an unintended if inevitable slump...not so much 'crash and burn' as 'crash and crash' ('I'm gonna' crash' or 'crashing-out' being an Ozzie euphemism for going to sleep, going to bed-Ed).

Not taking a proper break routinely catches up with me over a period of several months and I run flat-chat into a wall and several times a year I'm somewhat resigned to losing the occasional day...again, oversleeping is typical of depressive conditions, and often experienced far more extremely albeit in different contexts, eg, some depressed people do sleep the majority of the day to literally avoid their relevant issues, whereas I'm sort of stressing out, not sleeping enough, etc, until I 'crash' for a day or two...(then get up and do it again...and yeah, yeah, I know, 'ain't nuthin but a Thang'-Ed)...nuthin' but a Thang.

As Is My Want: I was recently discussing the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up with a former parent from the school, and one who didn't really like me very much for a long time due to the very thorough character assassination carried out by the Lutherans, former MP Rory McEwen, etc, against myself and some other parents...and again, it is to a degree understandable that faced with a handful of parents making quite extraordinary 'accusations' and a wall of official Lutheran denial, no police investigation, etc, that most chose to believe the 'nothing to see here, Nick Fletcher's the problem' routine.

This person has become increasingly less hostile and more engaging on the St Martins stuff, but even then sometimes it's still gently, gently, little baby steps....I'm no psychologist or anything, but it is clearly evident that this person wants to return to the comfort of ignorance where Nick Fletcher is the only true evil in all of this...and even Nick Fletcher would have it be so for rather that than the reality as it is...but it's not me is it, and this person has made that decision/realisation, but still longs to retreat back over the horizon and not know any of it...(take me with you, please, take meeeee-Ed) to them that they haven't...

One thing I've learned is to slowly walk people into the murky waters of the St Martins Cover-up or else they panic and run back to the shore...and so I do vaguely manipulative things like, for example, start a post predominantly about St Martins and slowly work through the intoxicatingly noxious stench of a state run by paedophiles, because if I'd gone straight off the deep end with the ugliest truths I doubt whether anyone would have read past post one...(it's almost like a drug...small amounts to build up a tolerance, because if you had a lot straight off it's likely to kill ya'-Ed)...interesting metaphor...anyhoos...

There has been a lot of discussion about the 'Commission of Audit' that I may have previously referred to as the Audit of Re-establishing Class Divides, and it must be addressed first off the repeated collective bleatings from the Liberal Party about how the Commission is 'independent', that is absolute rabid Socialismingness aside, here we have a raft of people so far removed from the shared realities of most Australians, clearly mired in Conservative ideologies.

Chair Tony Shepherd is the President of the Business Council and was Chair of Transfield (who have the Maintenance contract on Nauru) until he stood down to get into the Audit Commission, a former Liberal Minister Amanda Vanstone, Liberal Peter Costello's former Chief of Staff Peter Boxall, 2 other senior career Public Servants Tony Cole and Robert Fisher, and a Secretariat Peter Crone, who is also Chief Economist and Director of Policy with the Business Council...

Jump on the Interweb like I did and you'll find that there's a couple of glaring omissions in the Commissioner's biographies on the Liberal Party website, (check out their media release re the Commission)...for example, they neglect to mention Peter Boxall's stint as Peter Costello's COS...this is a rankly biased collective of pro-business idealogues with current definable interests and loyalties within the Liberal Party and 'Big Business'...independent my hat...

One thing that clearly keeps coming up, and from what I'd call more moderate commentators, is that there is no specific 'Budget Crisis', certainly not one demanding the sort of drastic cuts that Tony Abbott and his miserly minions are demanding as necessary...and where's my new bestie Treasurer Joe Hockey?...where is that shreckin' piece of work?...(angry much?-Ed)...seen today's papers?...(not yet, that's your job-Ed) job? my job?!!!

I do almost all the typing, the research, go to the bloody Council meetings, the shopping, the cooking, the laundry, everything really...what exactly is your job here?...(I'm a brilliant literary device utilised to engage readers by involving them in a conversation rather than a lecture, and offer fathomless comedic relief and counterpoint, all conjured from the realms of your boundless genius, oh most terrific One-Ed), and don't you forget it...

The Gall To Call For Alms: my mate Mighty Joe 'A Call To Arms' Hockey has been outed on the front pages of various papers, etc, as deliberately touting for 'donations', only they weren't 'donations', they were monetary payments in return for specific personal contact with Mr Hockey...(perhaps that was just fund raising for the September 2013 Federal election-Ed)...nope, it's like dare he from his position as Treasurer tell everyone else to carry the load when he's loading up the cash from selling access to himself as Treasurer...and now he's going to sue the media that reported it...whatta' joke...(whatta' prick-Ed)...I concur...

(I get the 'Call To Arms' bit because that's what Joe said re his precious bloody Audit, but what's 'Mighty Joe'?-Ed)...not sure, just heard it somewhere...(just looked it up for you, it's a movie, Mighty Joe Young, about a gorilla-Ed)...don't have a problem with that, he's got a bit of that silverback thing goin' on, and I still look more like an ape than he does, movin' on...

You Light Up My Lake: I note that Mt Gambier City Council's Chief Executive Officer...(or at least one of them-Ed)...quite...Mr Mark McShane appeared in The Border Watch April 11th 2014 article re Council's 2014/15 Budget pictured standing at one of the Blue Lake didn't occur to me straight away, but had one of those whirrr-clunk moments the other day doing the '3 CEOs' post when looking at that photo, and remembered that Mr McShenanigans has been interviewed stating that he is some-one who daily walks the Blue Lake at approx 5am.

(O500hrs?...that's ridiculous, particularly this time of year, it'd still be'd need a torch or lights or something-Ed) it's April 15th 2014 meeting, Council had in the Agenda "Request For Public Lighting - Blue Lake Walking Path" to install lighting around the Blue Lake so as to facilitate said en-lightened pedestrianism...but I re-iterate my point that after short grey days and long dark nights, those lights are not likely to be working come early morning...but that's not the point I'm making here...(what's that then?-Ed)... 

Well let me spell it out for ya' of Council's several CEOs Mr McShane likes to walk around the Blue Lake at 5 o'clock in the bleedin' morning, so Council is going to burn $500,000 to light it up for him...(mmm, very illuminating-Ed)...I have spoken to people who are supportive of this idea because of shift workers, etc, but my bottomline has 2 parts, namely 1) it is a frivolous expense that Council, that ratepayers cannot afford, and 2) if you must walk after dark for whatever reason, what's wrong with The Main (Commercial St) that's lit up end to end all night long, bright as all get out.

Why walk around the Blue Lake in relative and potentially very dangerous isolation and exposed to the weather when you can't see bugger all of the Lake itself or the surrounding countryside, the whole reason for doing that walk, when you could just use The Main?...(the ugly grey pavers?-Ed)...hilarious but an issue for another post...stop this ludicrous, wanton expenditure on ridiculous $700,000 fake ponds and $500,000 night lights and $650,000 Volcano movies, etc,'s selfish, elitist indulgence from a Council taken with a wholly undeserved sense of their own wonder.

In closing, I see the Federal Liberal government is looking at cutting the Diesel Fuel Rebate that is so critical to the viability of agricultural production and apparently mining also, and it's unfortunately not surprising that it's the mining companies that are getting all the press...I appreciate the argument that the majority of their equipment never sees a road so why should they pay the 'Roads Maintenance Levy' attached to diesel prices, but I'll never be convinced that mining is suffering financial difficulties beyond other Australians, particularly in the rural sector.

Enough for one day and,

Tomorrow: More Merry Renderings Of Current Trendings

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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