Wednesday, May 21, 2014

CWYWF Part III - Wish I Was The Problem

Hello Venezuela, Spain, United Kingdom, and the good ol' United States of America, and welcome to the blog and today's Part III of the SAPol 'raid' of my home...(and apologies for not posting this yesterday but got home late from Council's meeting and no Interweb again)...and again this morning took 1/2 hr to even get a connection and it keeps dropping out...could mean 2 posts today again...sorry...but moving on...

Some Other Stuff:...for example, I note that the Child Abuse Cover-up case in West Australia that the Royal Commission is reviewing has ended up on the front page of the Perth papers...not that their (RCs) investigation of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up ever will...they (RC) aren't even coming to Mt Gambier or looking at the St Martins case, a text-book study in Institutional failure that careens into the area of outright official cover-up.

And ultimately that's what the Commission is about...pour horrendous story after horrendous story into the media about already resolved cases, eg, the YMCA worker who has already been gaoled, or the WA teacher, again already gaoled, or cases from 40-50 years ago, but don't engage with a current, unresolved case that is unresolved because of definable official incompetence, indolence, and outright gives everyone a sense that something is being done...

And the similarities between St Martins and the WA case are chilling...a private primary school teacher who chose 'favourites' who were then abused...clear grooming behaviours...multiple complaints (often by other teachers) across 6-7 years...those and parent complaints ignored and those 'complainers' vilified and ostracised by the school/community (Pariahtisation)...the school never spoke to the kids or reported to police but warned the teacher that he was about to be charged which compromised the investigation...the only difference is that this guy was tried...(twice-Ed)...indeed, on Appeal, and convicted twice and is in gaol...

Sorry, 2 differences...whilst the school involved...(that can't be identified for 'legal reasons'-Ed)...was clearly covering-up the teacher's behaviours, when this did go to authorities the teacher was charged, tried, and convicted...with St Martins the authorities like SAPol are intimately involved in the cover-up...why isn't the Royal Commission coming to Mt Gambier to look at an equally current case that has the exact same elements, but with the massive extra issue of institutionalised official failure?

St Martins is the standard, the definitive, the undeniable...this is what South Australia is...where successive state Labor Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill act to deliberately Cover-up the abuse of a class of 7 year olds whilst there Liberal counterparts Rob Kerin et al profess outrage but by their behaviours openly support this action...where the Lutherans move teachers like Glyn Dorling from school to school to protect and hide them...where alleged Child Protection authorities run scared from the job they are supposed to be doing...(or worse, actively participate in the cover-up-Ed)...well indeed.

And if you live here and allow this then you are complicit...not open to discussion...if you are Mt Gambier Mayor and 2010 state election Liberal candidate Steve Perryman...if you are City Councillor and 2014 Labor candidate Jim Maher or 2010 Labor candidate Viv Maher...if you are Liberal 2006 candidate, now Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi...if you are the former Members for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen or Don Pegler...and so on and on and on...all all know about St Martins and you are all complicit.

The only differential perhaps is the level of complicitness...not everyone is complicit to the degree of, for example, Rory McEwen who repeatedly, publicly attacked us parents...some have just see looked away because they are weak...others have looked away with a view to profitting elsewhere...

A state where the police are key players in the Cover-up of the gross, systemic, daily, emotional, psychological and physical abuses of a class of 7 year old children, and then attack parents and blame us for their deliberate, pro-paedophile failures...and with all that's gone on, it's a parent who gets their home raided and their computer seized purely for speaking out about the corruption that has rooted South Australia...(fiscally and literally-Ed)...quite...and stuffed Mt Gambier as well...but I digress...

Thursday 8th May 2014: and I believe that we were up to the bit where my support person arrived (now approx 0945hrs) and joined me and the 2 detectives on my front lawn...whilst waiting, I asked to see the Search Warrant (twice) and the female detective produced a half A4 size folded up piece of paper from her pocket that had Search Warrant on the top and then said (and I paraphrase) 'the officer has, on reasonable suspicion, the right to enter, search, seize, etc, wherevs, whenevs, whatevs as they see fit' was open ended from January-June 2014 and did not have my name, address, what they wanted to seize, etc...wherevs, whenevs, whatevs...welcome to democracy SA style..

I twice asked for a copy of the very suspect looking alleged Warrant and she refused...I asked a third time for a copy with 'this is a copy' written across it, but again she refused...I asked why I couldn't have a copy and there was no that point my 'witness' rocked up and a discussion ensued as to what was happening and why, and there were various references to issues from across the blog...I asked repeatedly why they had to search my home and seize my laptop.

The detectives insisted that they had 'tried to do you(sic) a favour' and if I had co-operated and agreed to be interviewed at MGPS they wouldn't have had to do the search/seizure...(that sounds wrong...they stated that they were here to gather evidence that you've transgressed certain unmentionable legislation, yeah?-Ed)...yeah...(and if you'd agreed to be interviewed they would have questioned you about the alleged offense?-Ed)...yeah, I suppose...(and if you acknowledged fault that would justify doing that raid/seizure for said evidence-Ed)...possibly...(and if you stopped answering they would have done it anyway, yeah?-Ed)...yeah...

(And the third option is of course what actually happened, you decline to answer as per specific legal advice, and get your home very politely raided...any which way they were coming to your home to do this-Ed)...but as she said at MGPS after reading my letter, etc, was that they could have 'raided' me the day before if they felt like it...(could have done what they did anyway?-Ed)...well, yes, but...(no buts, whatever you did the raid was going to happen-Ed)...fair enough

I re-iterate: SAPol knew it was my blog...(well you do put your name on it every time-Ed)...they knew where to find me...and at the Mount Gambier Police Station the female detective pointed to a section of legislation and said "you've done this"...and stated that they were here to gather evidence on behalf of the Director Public Prosecutions (and Crown Solicitors Office?) with a view to me "being charged"...but back to my front lawn...

At this point it got a bit willing and the female detective stated 'open the door ' 3 times quickly and I said "it's open"...we all went inside...I have paperwork carefully moved from a spread across the lounge room floor to several relatively neat piles on the kitchen table...the detectives just looked at it...they did a quick circuit of the house 'to make sure there was nobody else here' in the other rooms...we then all stood in the kitchen whilst I went through several piles of documents, etc, and managed to find a couple of letters re the particular institution that I'm not sure I can mention.

They photographed these 2 letters and handed them back...and when asked I handed over my laptop...and my password...(why? what did you give them your password for?-Ed)...well because she asked and said that it doesn't really matter anyway because "they can just hack it" (by which she meant SAPol Electronic Branch)...and that was pretty much about yelling of breaking or flinging of things onto the floor, etc.    

I'll finish here as the Interweb just dropped out again and the last bit of the raid thingy will make up a post itself, so possibly later today (I've lost track a bit, sorry), but definitely by,

Tomorrow: CWYWF Part IV - Not Much Ado About Everything

And a hilarious blast from dumped Left faction Labor Legislative Council (Upper House) President John Gazzola at his Right faction replacement that vain, incompetent, slug Russell Wortley...Johnno reckons Russ is "a parasite"...(is a slug a parasite though?-Ed), but who cares...this clear indication of Labor's vicious internal politicing didn't get overheard at a private function or some such, it happened in Parliament as part of Johnboys official once hilarious and deeply concerning.

And the Liberal opposition are going to put a Motion to the Upper House to establish a Children's Commissioner and Labor respond that they promised to do this at the March 2014 state election...(what? the same SA Labor and Liberal that are both intimately mired in the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up)-Ed)...yeah, that's them...

And that gutless Tony Abbott has bailed on a meeting with students at Deakin University because he might get jostled by students angry about his Liberal governments moves to force up course costs and Student Debt repayments, etc...pathetic...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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