Saturday, May 24, 2014

More City Council Shenanigans

Hello Ukraine, Poland, Spain and Canada and welcome to a short weekend post...and whilst the 'view statistics' page are obviously skewed by the missing and/or short posts this month...(and vary widely from day to day anyway-Ed)...indeed, as some check daily, some every few days, and I assume some new availees join the party...(and apparently accessing the title page doesn't register as a view-Ed)...really? fascinating...anyways, it appears numbers are again slightly up...       

Feedback: thank you for the support albeit bloggily anonymous...(whaaa?-Ed)...from off-blog...there's been no 'Comments' from anyone, eg, my pal 'Dick Stretcher', on the blog itself...but off-blog, off-blog its a tale of absolute bewilderment bordering on appears that The Mount Gambier Independent has hit a rich vein of rabid rate-payers fully fit to burst about the extraordinary conduct of Council re planning decisions and related expenditure...and not so happy either about a certain issue re this blog, an issue of suppression and censorship mired in Fascism...

Apparently people are just starting to realise exactly how many 'Conflicts of Interest' Councillors have, particularly Mayor Steve Perryman, and how this compromises Planning and other issues around Mt Gambier...and how decisions are not made for the benefit of the greater populace, but for Councillors, their families, and mates, including various vested interests, not least of all for the specific benefit of the upper-middle classes...and I'm not just being a Leninist ball-kicker, for example, how much financial support for the Riddoch Gallery and not one cent for public transport? 

Apparently people are just getting a little fed up with City Council's rank corruption of appropriate processes, definable acts of gross nepotism, the unrelenting conduct of Insider Trading, voting each other the Sports model Council car at at extra $10,000, etc, etc...try coming to Council meetings and having to sit through it all time and again without being allowed to say a word... 

In my humble opinion, Council has just handed the main Rail Lands contractor Gambier Earth Movers an entirely unnecessary $2m approx 'sweetener' contract for needlessly moving dirt around in circles and stupidly, needlessly moving rail tracks ratepayers will now have to pay to replace...(what really blows my mind is that Council openly acknowledged, albeit I reckon dishonestly, that they don't know whether ratepayers will be liable for replacement, but went ahead and ripped them out anyway-Ed)...

What do you mean 'sweetener contract'?...(well GEM missed out on the Old Hospital Demolition contract that went to McMahons, and there were some very serious 'issues' re the awarding of that contract, 'issues' that might/should be very 'inconvenient' for Council, and that it was therefore expedient to find another equally large contract to keep GEM sweet-Ed)...or they could all just be mates who organised a $2m contract for each other, nothing would surprise me anymore when it comes to Mt Gambier City Council...(true-Ed)...

I think that some of the Decontamination work was necessary...(what?!!!-Ed) the context that even otherwise irrelevant minor contamination cannot just be built on, it has to be that context some moving may have been needed...(fair enough-Ed)...but that's not Council's official story is it? Council's official story is the November 2011 $10m Parklands Concept Plan and that required zero reclamation...

And what do you mean 'albeit dishonestly'?...(well, amongst their many quite deceitful excuses for doing nothing with the Rail Lands for 8 years, was the repeatedly re-cycled 'Deed problems' and issues of allege liability for replacing anything removed-Ed)...ah of course...when it suited Council because they didn't want to act, alleged issues with the Deed were enough to stop any action, but when Council decides it's time to get the site ready for massive Retail Expansion of the Lakes Plaza and doubles it's Borrowing Capacity to pursue that Agenda, then the exact issue is irrelevant...

(Yeah, but it's worse than that...Council hasn't just ignored their own excuse, the Deed, they've repeated the claim but then ploughed ahead anyway...'we don't know if this is going to drop Mt Gambier rate-payers right in it' has become 'we don't know nor do we care if we will drop Mt Gambier rate-payers right in it'-Ed)...and those tracks were moved solely to make room for the Rail Lands Retail Agenda (Expansion of the Lakes Plaza)...(exactly-Ed)...

I know that I bang on about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the Rail Lands Retail Agenda and the Wind Turbine Fascism and the extraordinary Nepotism and Other Malfeasance of the Main Corner Project and if I was allowed to discuss it the thing about that authority that sometime in the next 2 years I might be charged with posting about but couldn't possibly discuss because that might also be against the ludicrous legislation that nobody seems to be able to explain to me...(shreckin' hilarious-Ed)...easy for you to say, it ain't all happenin' to you...

Yes I do bang on about these things, but they are having a devastating effect on my community, and particularly with the St Martins Cover-up stuff, on the broader state...and the Rail Lands Retail Agenda has completely contaminated Planning Decisions with placement of the Library, Main Corner and the Bus Shelter all part of keeping the Rail Lands clear...

Now Council is at it again with $30,000 to keep the Skatepark off the Rail Lands...(and I was past there recently and sods of turf were being rolled out across the Bay Rd end of the Rail Lands-Ed)...sods of turf? how much is that going to bloody cost?...(heaps I'm sure...and the whole site is flat as a tack, no landscaping, not nothing-Ed)...well most carparks are flat, and that's exactly what that area is earmarked for, carparking.

Passing A Motion: has allowed Wattle Range Council to install a new $10million (approx) piped sewerage system at Beachport, providing immediate environmental benefits and development opportunities according to Mayor Peter took over 2 years and is 6 months behind schedule, but at least it's there now.

This new system replaces what I assume were Septic Tanks and a very limited sewerage set-up, but I'm sorry I don't know the new means of disposal, but again I'll assume that there is some sort of treatment...(yeah, there are some 'treatment lagoons' but I don't know where they are-Ed)...thanks...and I have no problem linking the extensive delays that plagued this project, with the construction of the fake lake on the Rail Lands...(sorry, you've lost me-Ed)...

Well, one of the problems at Beachport has been the underground infrastructure already present making it difficult for contractors, and that is something Mt Gambier City Council is trying to avoid with their fake lake...(still not with you-Ed)...well Council is still rabidly pursuing the Rail lands Retail Agenda as identified on this here blog...(yeah, yeah I get that-Ed)...and that will mean a massive Retail Expansion across the Rail Lands 

(Ah, ah, I get it...if Council wants to construct a large building with associated large roof area, the catchment, they need to provide a workable engineering option for disposing of that stormwater...and given Mt Gambier's already struggling stormwater infrastructure that would mean extensive, expensive capital works at the Developers and/or Council's cost, but a large drainage pond right there would be perfect-Ed)...yes, we went through this the other day, I wish you'd pay attention...

Tomorrow: More Raid Stuff And Council Capers

And the humble Septic Tank is also the derivation of the famous but somewhat derogatory Aussie slang term for Americans (USofA), the term 'Seppos'...when many USofA troops were on Aussie shores during World War II, there was a good deal of animosity between Allies/allies, not least of all around the issue of sheilas...(more slang, sheilas are women-Ed)...and so the existing Yanks, from the Yankee of the American Civil War, became 'Septic Tanks', which then became 'Seppos'.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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