Sunday, May 4, 2014

Mighty Joe Pans The Fans

Hello Ireland, Poland, Latvia, and Russia...welcome one and all to the blog...and a big shout-out to the United States of America as being, according to my pogoing statistics page, yet again the source of most post 'availings' for yet another week...(and is there a prize?-Ed), just the sense of satisfaction from a job well done...(well that sucks-Ed)...

A quick 'drop-in apology' for no post yesterday but I was sick as a dog and spent most of the day asleep on the couch...did do some post but it was incoherent drivel so scrapped nearly all of it and did this...(never stopped you before-Ed)...thankyou...and started again 0600hrs today...seems that despite advice to look after myself a bit better and knowing in myself that I need to do that, I have continued to just 'function despite the stress' rather than 'exist productively with it'...

I mean, let's face it, that anger, stress, etc, none a' that ain't goin' nowhere fast...(other than into this blog-Ed)...well quite, and unavoidable daily reminders like turning on the radio to immediately hear more bullshit mia culpas from the Catholic Church, guarantee that it will be an ongoing event...even yesterday, crook on the couch, the ABC/BBC brought me the world's news and a lot of reports from Nigeria about the abduction of over 200 girls from a school.

The most staggering thing is that over 2 weeks after it happened the government revised the number of young women abducted by 'about 30' indicating that they don't even know how many girls were taken, itself an indication (as reported) that they don't really seem to care...followed by reports that the girls are being sold in neighbouring countries...and reports that a series of bombings and other attacks could see 'Sudan', only recently separated (2005) into Sudan and South Sudan, sliding back into the 'Civil War' (Africa's longest?) that the 2005 Secession supposedly resolved...

There are no personal experiences that I can call on to offer anything other than astonishment and sorrow that people consider it somehow appropriate to abduct or bomb, particularly in attacking civilian targets.

And the Malaysian Airlines flight MH 370 remains 'disappeared' and the Interweb is awash with various theories about what, why and can read those for yourself, but I still find it very difficult to believe that a commercial airliner flying in one of the most monitored airspaces on the planet, could turn around and fly into oblivion without authorities having any idea where it's gone...please insert here your preferred conspiracy theory about exactly what is known but not divulged, eg, so-and-so's Spy Satellite tracked the plane to such-and-such but won't say for operational secrecy reasons.      

And I'll say it again because it bears noting, has anybody, after nearly 18 months of the Child Abuse Royal Commission, heard one single mention of the Lutherans and their particular brand of pro-paedophile insanity?...anyone?...nope?...and despite parents writing to the Commission and outlining the gross and extensive institutional failures of the St Martins case, particularly the conduct of the Lutheran Church, the Commission is not coming to Mt Gambier, and not one word about the Lutherans.  

There is no shame in admitting that I'm still effectively on a binge and purge cycle of stress and anger and frustration and cathartic blogging, and on any given day have trouble living that day for it's own promise and potential, instead forfeit to the failings of days past, that turn quickly to weeks, to months, to years, to a life lived mired in the irrefutable and unresolved reality that is the gross, systematic, daily abuse of a class of 7 year old kids by their class teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier, and the systemic Cover-up of that abuse...

This cycle of wind-up and crash, physically manifesting as an occasional day on the couch is my personal cycle...I don't sleep properly for several months and then crash for 24 hours and then do it again...some people withdraw to many hours in bed is all different forms of but still classic chronic depression and I'm the first person to admit that knowing it and going with the flow of it is not dealing with it, not resolving my credit, I get outta' bed everyday because I can...may not achieve much from there on in but hey, whatcha' gonna' do?......
Today, 0550(?), switched on the radio, ABC/BBC(?) and was greeted by the news that the 'new' Vatican Advisory Board has decided that the Catholic Church's current regulations re Child Abuse are not appropriate or acceptable and have come up with some super-dooper new regulations that are like way tough...bollocks...the Catholic Church is run from the top down as though it were a paedophile support network masquerading as a religious organisation...

And, again, I'm not casting Nasturtiums at every Catholic everywhere, but if you are happy to be part of a corrupt pro-paedophile organisation, and not do something about it, don't be surprised when some furious bloggers cut crook about the reality of what you are involved in...the only people who could witness George Pell (bishop, cardinal, whatevs) give evidence in the Royal Commission and not be sickened and infuriated, would be mostly Catholics...because he's a Catholic...however, I acknowledge that does not exclude other Catholics being equally unimpressed with what they are part of.

I've mentioned it before, but when everything went pear-shaped in late 2002 at St Martins, the headmaster approached people I made the mistake of calling friends, and told them what an utter bastard I was, deliberately trying to hurt the school with lies about teacher Glyn Dorling (my paraphrase, but you get the idea), and those people submissively ejected everything they knew about me and how hard I'd worked to be part of the 'St Martins community', embraced their Lutheranism, and turned their collective back on me...but I digress...    

Today's title refers to a brief 'news ticker-tape' running last night on ABC News 24 (I think) about how our illustrious Treasurer Joe Hockey has his eyeballs assailed by the unsightly spectacle of Wind Turbines near Canberra on his way to work...I agree that they are unsightly monstrosities but I'm prepared to accept that my opinion may be somewhat compromised by the many other issues, eg, re the Fascism of the Interim Development Plan Amendment, the massive subsidies, the definable corruption and nepotism of former Premier Mike Rann, etc, etc...(please see previous posts).

Actually, no, I withdraw that...there's nothing about my opinion that changes the true nature, the true presentation of the cluttered, industrialised landscapes that are the 2 Turbine Estates that I've been up close and personal with, the Cape Bridgewater Estate near Portland, and the Lake Bonney one near Millicent...Cape Bridgewater in particular, is a spectacular natural landscape completely smothered by the presence (and noise) of dozens of giant industrial Turbines...what a mess...

Yet again I find myself stumbling to try and offer concise commentary on the Wind Turbine issue beyond what I've covered in previous posts and directing availees to Interweb sites like Stop These Things and National Wind Watch, but one story in all of the stuff I've received (thankyou that person) did stand out, where a light plane clipped a Wind Turbine tower in the USofA and crashed killing the 4 people on board...this did happen in bad weather but is an inevitable reality in a landscape where there are multiple 400ft high towers (and bigger) being built, often along ridgelines.

This story has obvious relation to the issues of fire prevention and/or fighting in and around Turbine Estates where poor visibility due to smoke is a major concern, and other issues of aerial operation, eg, spraying...and this even affects adjoining non-host properties because Turbines can be installed just across their fence line which will stop aerial activities on their side. 

Language Most Unfortunate: (keeps this blog running some days) as yet another senior New South Wales Liberal, this time Police Minister Mike Gallacher is forced to 'stand down' from his Ministry, following on barely a fortnight from the demise of Premier Barry O'Farrell...Mr Gallacher is alleged to have been involved in a scheme to hide donations from developers...Energy Minister Hartcher has also stood down as the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption continues scything it's way through NSW state politics.

(Yes, it is a sadly ironic and indicative state of affairs that the NSW ICAC has started down the road after the Australian Water Holdings corruption involving various Labor politicians, eg, Eddie Obeid, and their families, associates, and mates, and has built up a real head of steam before careening onto the other side of the Dodgy Free-for-all-Way that was/is NSW politics, plowing into the oncoming Liberal party that set it up in the first instance-Ed)...

Remember this AWH stuff also involves senior Federal Liberal Arthur Sinodinos who has already stood down from his position as Assistant Treasurer...and what happened with Assistant Health Minister Fiona Nash and her Chief of Staff and the cancellation of a 'Healthy Eating Initiative'...there's no party politics where this professional self-interest is involved...which brings us neatly back to Mighty Uncle Joe and the Windy Mills that have sullied his transitional observationings...(whaaa?-Ed)...what he thinks about what he sees on the way to work is no doubt affected by his personal politic re Turbines, Climate change and pollution, renewable energy, etc...

(Yeah, sorry, I don't get the 'unfortunate language ' thing though...I mean apart from the various culprits who I'm sure would rather not be before and/or mentioned in the ICAC and find exposure of their collective corruptionings most 'unfortunate'-Ed)...oh, sure, but that wasn't from the ICAC itself, I was referring to the media reportage on the ABC/BBC Radio when the announcer stated that the corruption stuff and/or the ICAC, "...have been dogging the Liberal Party."...(yes I heard that, but I don't see why that's unfortunate-Ed)... 

Well 'dogging' has several meanings apart from 'haranging', eg, working as a dogman on a crane crew...(yes?-Ed)...and there's another meaning that originates I think in the UK that's a wee bit rude...(yes?-Ed)'s a euphemism for having sex in public, or meeting for public sex, or something similar...(yes?-Ed)...well that means that the ABC/BBC woman said that 'the ICAC was having public sex with the Liberal Party'...(yes?-Ed)...well don't you think that's quite rude?...(I think it's quite accurate-Ed).

Quite accurate? how so?...(well, the ICAC  has really been f-Ed)...whoa whoa whoa...(the Liberal Party...they've got them up against the witness box and-Ed)...yes yes, ok, thankyou, you've made your point, albeit crudely...(and all in the public spotlight-Ed)...yes, thankyou, enough said...(just sayin'-Ed)...   
And news that house prices are starting to slip in our nations capital Canberra (Australian Capital Territory) as Public Service cuts threatened by the Liberal's 'Audit of Re-establishing Class Divides' loom large on the horizon...and there's plenty of suggestion that we're in the position that we are because of the $60billion of tax cuts and 'middle-class welfare', eg, the Family Tax Benefit, introduced by Liberal Prime Minister John Howard and supported by the then Labor Opposition, and in part continued under Kevin Rudd/Julia Gillard Labor. 

To Close: is there anything more bile-inducing yet hilarious than listening (ABC/BBC) to rabid Right-winger Gerard Henderson screeching his way through an attack on the NSW ICAC for their outrageous treatment of Liberal politicians, or waving away as 'an unimportant beat-up' the latest Liberal corruption scandal?...(um, no?-Ed)...correct. 

Tomorrow: Some Stuff To Be Sure

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and later...

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