Sunday, May 18, 2014

I'm Back To Affront Apparently

Hello USofA, United Kingdom, Aotearoa (New Zealand), and Sweden, and yáll continues to amaze me that with everything that's happening there, a handful of people in Ukraine apparently follow the blog daily...cheers and best wishes...and welcome back to the re-established blog on a re-programmed second-hand hard-drive utilising my old keyboard and monitor...(yay, enforced re-cycling-Ed)...indeed...

But First: something about an election some place called India...550million voters @ 66% turn-out of the eligible electorate, and a new party swept to power...Mr Modi and his BJP have ousted the incumbent Congress Party...but back to more important 

I can only apologise for the truncated 'bitsy' posts this past week as I dictated down the phone to a very helpful third party...cheers...and a letter to that person explaining why there'll be no cheque also isn't in the mail...and further apologies for no post Friday but my un-computernessness brought me a cropper and I had to have someone show me how to set it up properly and then yesterday (Saturday) I did half this post then spent all of a beautiful day in the garden, had dinner, and promptly fell asleep on the couch...(old man-Ed)...well quite... 

I readily admit to being deeply traumatised by the events of Wednesday/Thursday last week with SAPol 'raiding' my home and seizing my laptop, and I'm struggling a bit to get back up again...(but you have-Ed)...indeed, sort of...and it is an ongoing process as I continue to tri-pendulum through the tri-polar cycle from trauma and distress, through rage, frustration and retribution, on into elation and vindication, and then back again...(whilst sleeping 12-16 hours/day-Ed)...indeed, but it's different to the 'crash and crash' burn-out exhaustion stuff I've talked about.

It's partly depressive behaviour, but it's also hugely needed and very's proper sleep...I haven't slept so well for a decade...and I did lose 6 kilos but a Subway and pizza depressive diet binge has recovered half of that mass...(and it's not really a binge when you're just managing a major stress/depression episode courtesy of SAPol and the clowns who sent them-Ed)...well basic maintenance like eating, washing, etc, are good things to focus on in dealing with/working through/riding out a depressive episode...both as necessity, eg, one's health, and as distraction, eg, rather than being mired in the problem. 

And I re-iterate that I'm not sure if I can even mention 1) the 'Independent Authority' who's related legislation I have apparently transgressed, or 2) that specific legislation because that would immediately identify that 'Authority'...suffice to say that on Thursday I was twice told I should "expect to be charged" specific to 'Super Secret Subsection Eleventy Seven' , and then 5 days later Attorney General John Rau is on the ABC flusteredly explaining that he/they are going to change that exact legislation.    

And given the cataclysmic events that have so fundamentally re-defined the paradigm and the context of this here blog, it is perfectly appropriate to review that what it is that 'as brought us 'ere today...the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

Mucho Ironocisms: in that just before I was 'raided' by SAPol I had been on the verge of dropping the blog full-stop because it was drastically affecting my health and I didn't feel there was really much point...for example, I've clearly established that the Lutheran Church, the Rann/Weatherill Labor state government, SAPol, SA's alleged Child Protection Authorities, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitor, the Dept of Public Prosecutions, the fundamentally irrelevant Liberal Party, etc, etc, etc, are all complicit in the Cover-up of the abuse of a class of 7-year-old children at St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier.

If you are new to the blog please review the previous posts about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and gain a thorough understanding of just how corrupt our alleged 'Authorities' are in South Australia, where the police et al protect a paedophile teacher and attack the parents of the abused children...(yeah, it doesn't sound great when you put it like that-Ed)...

I have clearly established the reality of the abuses committed against our children by teacher Glyn Dorling in 2002 at St Martins Lutheran School, and the actions of the Lutherans and their lawyers, SAPol, the TRB, the DPP, the CSO, Labor, Liberal, etc, etc, in denying the abuses, refusing to investigate, and attacking us parents...I have proven this beyond a shadow of a doubt doubt and yet what has happened? Everybody knows but who has done anything about it?

Former Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen knows and has been a key player in the St Martins is current Mt Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman, Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi, our last Member Don Pegler, etc, etc, etc...and I'd be more than happy to address my outrageous claims of these fine upstanding citizens apparently 'pro-paedophile' behaviours in Court with their lawyers...but that's never going to happen.

There's no way on god's green Earth that these clowns are going to risk the official public exposure of their corruption in a public Court hearing...and hence the SAPol 'raid'...obviously I don't know exactly why, but I feel that this whole exercise was a massive slap down from state authorities, eg, the Weatherill Labor, SAPol, was a clear demonstration that SAPol can walk into my home whenever they want, do whatever they want, and take whatever they want of my shizzle, and there's nothing I can do about it...welcome to Democracy SA style...

It is an act of attempted intimidation and crass harassment deliberately designed to bully, threaten, and  traumatise me in my own home and the real issue remains as always the St Martins Cover-up.....but I get this up today I'll stop here and return later today which on the blog (it clocks over at 0930hrs ACST) is,

Tomorrow: Careful What You Wish For

The SAPol stuff in dot point...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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