Thursday, May 29, 2014

Some Old Documents

Hello Spain, the Faroe Islands, Taiwan, and France and welcome to the blog and I'm having a sort of day off by just posting these old documents, but even then they are directly relevant to what happened here at my home 3 weeks ago today, namely the Politest SAPol Raid In History...

I reckon I've used the Paul Holloway/Rory McEwen letter in a previous post but it's a direct example of what Anti-Corruption and the DPP won't look at but they'll come after me...and the DPP one I just re-discovered in some other relates to the carpark chat (several years later) between a parent and DPP Steven Pallaris where the DPP acknowledged that even if you discounted the sexual connotations, the physical contacts visited on 7 year old children by their teacher Glyn Dorling in 2002 were at least "assault".  

Furthermore, here is a direct quote from an email sent to me on October 1st 2013 by then Member for Mt Gambier Don Pegler that refers to the specific legislation that apparently demands I have my home raided and my laptop "seized", legislation that no-one seems to know anything about, and that I apparently can't identify, probably, yet...(it just doesn't get any more ridiculous than that-Ed)...indeed, I'm sure it can...
      "I have been in discussions with the Attorney General,Offic of Public Integrity, and ******, appears that Section **** of the act is ambiguous and quite wordy and not clear enough..."

This shows that all involved were aware of the gross vagaries of the legislation 6 months before SAPol marched into my home with repeated statements that I should "expect to be charged" relative to it accompanied by statements that they don't really know what's happening...

These letters clearly show that Comm Ted Mullighan, (deceased), then Labor Premier Mike Rann, Labor Minister Paul Holloway, local lawyer Bill DeGaris, then Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen, the SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch, the Sexual Crime Investigation Branch, etc, are all fully aware of the reality of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...aware and complicit.

Tomorrow: The Raid...Honest

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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